Kim Dotcom Claims Evidence Seth Rich Was WikiLeaks’ Source.

By Jerry Alatalo

nternet personality Kim Dotcom has delivered a statement on his website asserting he has evidence showing the late Clinton campaign staffer Seth Rich was involved in the leak of Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails to WikiLeaks. Kim Dotcom said he is prepared to testify before the United States Congress and provide proof.

His highly anticipated announcement was made on Tuesday May 23, but lost nearly all media coverage after the Monday May 22 bombing event in Manchester, United Kingdom grabbed 24/7 worldwide attention. Some have theorized the Manchester bombing might have been engineered to divert world attention away from what would have been a major, front-page category global news event – at least on independent media platforms and the internet.


Either Kim Dotcom has genuine evidence or he does not.

The question becomes: “Why hasn’t there been a response to his proposal from the Trump administration or Democratic members of Congress, and why haven’t arrangements been made to facilitate Kim Dotcom’s testimony?” When somebody offers evidence on one of the most consequential, controversial and divisive political situations in recent U.S. history, how can responsible government leaders ignore that offer?

It would be a simple and very inexpensive matter to allow Kim Dotcom to testify before Congress via electronic communications and live-stream, so refusal to allow his testimony because of exorbitant costs associated with travel to and from New Zealand where he resides have no merit. Such a format for his testimony is an excellent option, spares the U.S. government from possible embarrassment, and prevents wasted expenditure if Mr. Dotcom has zero evidence.

But… What if Mr. Dotcom does have credible evidence as he asserts, and that his potential witnessing does indeed prove Seth Rich – not the Russian Federation – was the WikiLeaks source? Here is the problem. If Mr. Dotcom does not receive the go-ahead, arrangements and/or other legal, manifested successful steps to hear him out from U.S. officials, then perhaps the only option for him is going it alone and publishing his information (testifying) on the internet.

Thus far, after 10 months since allegations of Russian involvement in the WikiLeaks DNC situation began, no U.S. intelligence agency has provided any evidence proving the allegations of Russian involvement. In a recently published book, “Shattered”, authors Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes describe how 24 hours after Hillary Clinton’s concession speech Clinton campaign manager John Podesta and staffer Robbie Mook led engineering of the Russian-hacking narrative to deflect attention away from DNC’s stealing of the Democratic nomination from Bernie Sanders and Clinton’s poor campaign.

Kim Dotcom wrote on his website…

Corporate media has seemingly gone far out of its way to discredit the Kim Dotcom story and those who advocate for his testifying before Congress. The following screenshot comes from “CNNMoney” YouTube channel, and its video trying to downplay, and even ridicule as a “conspiracy theory”, that Seth Rich was part of the WikiLeaks revealing of DNC emails.

Please take note of the number of likes (156) and dislikes (3,523) on this video, in what seems a clear indicator of where people around the Earth stand on this matter.

Were Kim Dotcom to testify before the U.S. Congress and prove Seth Rich had involvement in transferring DNC emails to WikiLeaks – defeating an incessant “Russia-gate” narrative that has lasted 10 months – the ramifications would be of historic, worldwide magnitude.

(Thank you to RT at YouTube)


Donald Trump, State Sponsored Terrorists, And “Shell Game.”

By Jerry Alatalo

“The essence of lying is in deception, not in words; a lie may be told in silence, by the accent on a syllable, by a glance of the eye attaching a peculiar significance to a sentence; but all of these kinds of lies are worse and baser by many degrees than a lie plainly worded.”

– JOHN RUSKIN (1819-1900) British writer

olitical analyst and former U.S. Army psychological warfare officer Scott Bennett has since 2012-2013 been relentlessly trying to bring appropriate action in the U.S. government on explosive information about terrorist financing presented in his book “Shell Game”. Mr. Bennett wrote the book after meeting Swiss bank whistleblower Brad Birkenfeld in prison where both men served sentences for crimes neither committed, and where Brad Birkenfeld shared a massive amount of information directly related to Saudi bank accounts used for financing ISIS, Al Qaeda and similar terrorist groups, obtained while Birkenfeld was an executive at UBS Bank in Switzerland.

After leaving prison, Bennett wrote “Shell Game” detailing the scandalous facts Birkenfeld shared with him, then sent reports to virtually every member (Republican and Democrat) of the U.S. Congress, top military officials and numerous major media outlets in America. That was in the 2012-2013 time period during the presidency of Barack Obama, and his efforts came to naught – not one elected U.S. official, military commander or media outlet took action to investigate, speak out, or report on the enormous scandal.

Press TV of Iran and RT (Russia) have had Scott Bennett on their political talk programs many times in recent years, yet he has never been seen and heard describing the profound scandal he discovered then wrote about on any Western corporate media outlet. In contrast, Mr. Bennett’s massive story has become known by millions of men and women who have decided to leave mainstream media, choosing instead to get their news from alternative or independent sources, namely the internet.

During an appearance on PressTV’s talk program “The Debate” with fellow guest, columnist, political scientist and radio host Wilmer Leon recently, Bennett noted that he has shared his book and story with the Donald Trump administration, and that he has high expectations the scandal will finally become revealed after years of effective and total coverup. Those years up until today have shown unanimous American high-level leaders’ disregard and ignoring of the stupendous world-consequence facts involved.

Scott Bennett has in the past described the information contained in his book “Shell Game” as of greater consequence than the Watergate and Iran-Contra scandals combined.

We wrote the following comments after watching the remarkable discussion:

“It would be a very good idea to invite these two gentlemen back for another conversation, focused on the much deeper and more important topic of “state-sponsored terrorism” – because in this discussion Mr. Leon was focused on wiretapping of Trump and Mr. Bennett was focused on terrorist financing using major international banks like UBS in Switzerland”.

“If Mr. Bennett and Mr. Leon were to sit down for an hours-long conversation it is highly likely they would come to a profound agreement and understanding of what is reported in the book “Shell Game”, which, it is essential to note, was sent in 2012-2013 to virtually every member of the House of Representatives and Senate of the United States – and where NOT ONE elected official responded by initiating appropriate investigations”.

“In defense of Mr. Leon, he is unaware of the truly explosive information Mr. Bennett put in his book and has for years been trying to bring to the attention of government officials, American citizens, and/or anyone who could help bring the absolutely disturbing truth out in the open. Mr. Leon asked the correct and reasonable question when he suggested Republicans took no action on the terrorist financing scandal against the Obama administration between 2008 and 2016, and the answer is that BOTH Republican and Democrat elected officials ignored Mr. Bennett’s efforts to reveal the evidence of major terrorist financing crimes”.

“The essential question now becomes: Will President Donald Trump act on Mr. Bennett’s years-long efforts to bring the horrendous truth, or will President Donald Trump maintain the enormous and continuing BIPARTISAN coverup of the 21st century?”

(Thank you to PressTV News Videos at YouTube)