Julian Assange Lawyer: “It’s Time This Is Ended.”

By Jerry Alatalo


“But the whole thing, after all, may be put very simply. I believe it is better to tell the truth than to lie. I believe it is better to be free than to be a slave. And I believe that it is better to know than to be ignorant.”

– H.L. MENCKEN (1880-1956) American editor, critic, lexicographer

Lawyer for Julian Assange – Jennifer Robinson – talks to “Going Underground” host Afshin Rattansi.

une 19, 2018 marked the 6th year of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange’s detention, his kidnapped-by-government status, at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. Any legal arguments by British authorities for not releasing him unconditionally are totally bogus and without merit, yet Mr. Assange remains imprisoned in London, essentially for a flimsiest of bail infractions – associated with a non-existent crime.

It is clear beyond doubt that Julian Assange is an innocent man. That is … unless publishing the truth is now against the law. It is clear beyond doubt that United Kingdom Prime Minister Theresa May, United States President Donald Trump and other world leaders are willing to allow the continued unjust detainment and silencing of Julian Assange, showing the world and humanity that their exercise of power over journalists who expose the dark, illegal practices of their governments is more important than strict adherence to the most basic rules of law and fairness.

Julian Assange is an innocent man. He is an innocent man whose lifetime (or current incarnation if ones holds to the idea of reincarnation) coincides with the rapid rise of the internet as an unprecedented powerful tool for communication among people the world over. Many have utilized the internet to disseminate inconvenient, disturbing and previously secreted facts resulting in millions becoming much more aware of reality on Earth, and Julian Assange – because the facts his media organization WikiLeaks has exposed are to a great extent aggravating and constraining the world’s wealthiest and most powerful criminals – has become the target, the “poster boy” example, for those criminals’ vicious retribution.

Julian Assange’s freedom means the continued exposure of the criminals and the potential end to their criminality, and in particular the crimes related to wars of aggression, identified at the Nuremberg Trials after World War II as the “greatest crime of them all”. One might reasonably suggest that those world leaders who go along with the continued detention of Julian Assange, or fail to speak out for his being released immediately with guaranteed shielding from extra-judicial re-“arrest”, are by their actions identifying themselves as either 1st level, genuine war criminals or, equally as reprehensible, silent accomplices.

The circumstances surrounding Mr. Assange’s 6-years-long, highly publicized, unjust, legally untenable situation are as plain as day for all to see, yet – despite years of time passing since the “case” has actually been thrown out of court – the injustice still stands, the man’s physical, mental and spiritual health are at greater and greater risk with each passing day, and nobody on Earth seems able to make the necessary “executive decision” … of doing the right thing – to simply free Julian Assange.

Ms. May of the United Kingdom, Mr. Trump of the United States, Mr. Turnbull of Australia, Mr. Moreno of Ecuador and those leaders silent in the face of this monumental injustice carried out against Mr. Assange – a man perceived as a genuine, rare hero by millions around the Earth, – might think seriously about the extent to which their recalcitrant stubbornness and persistence in defying the wish of those millions for freeing Assange is inevitably self-defeating.

Those world leaders might seriously consider the profoundly negative consequences of stubbornly rejecting the will of “the people”, and accepting the plain fact that Mr. Assange should rightly and immediately be granted his freedom. Those world leaders might “get the clue”, finally admit the man’s innocence, and acknowledge, then act upon, the wisdom contained in the words of Julian Assange’s lawyer Jennifer Robinson:

“It’s time this is ended.”


(Thank you to GoingUnderground RT – YouTube)

Call For Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin Recounts.

By Jerry Alatalo

“In a democracy dissent is an act of faith.”

– J. WILLIAM FULBRIGHT (1905-1995) American senator

World Map1Alphabet The Green Party’s candidates for President and Vice-President, Dr. Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka, have taken steps calling for recounts of the 2016 vote in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Given their request includes a “paper trail” to verify the vote counts were accurate and that electronic voting machines in their current technology configurations make that likely impossible, recounts should make what has been highly disturbing for the few who’ve looked into problems associated with electronic voting universally known.

While Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are among those who have apparently settled on the legitimacy of the 2016 election, not acted by questioning the accuracy of vote totals and/or requesting recounts, and look forward, despite disappointment, to a “smooth transition of power” – big questions will become answered, concerns will become addressed, for good or bad in the three states specified.

Supporters of Stein|Baraka had their hopes dashed by results showing them receiving just 1% of the national vote – far short of the desired 5% goal Green Party organizers worked toward – and left many wondering whether there was some form of vote corruption or illegality occurring to lower final Green totals. Given that election 2016 took place during a time when “anti-establishment” sentiments were at the highest ever in America and around the Earth, and that the Green Party’s platform proposals clearly represented the most “anti-establishment” variety of all those in the race, the final results seem in the eyes of many difficult to reconcile.

During the campaign Dr. Stein and Mr. Baraka stated on numerous occasions that they wouldn’t “sleep well at night” if either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton were to become President; recounts in the three (3) states will not result in Green Party candidates winning the White House, so the primary impetus behind the action is more fundamentally in defense of democracy – to (finally) expose defects existing in the U.S. election system, viewed by experts as the worst in the developed world, and the need for long-overdue reform(s).

Some will view the act of calling for recounts as “sour grapes” after the Green Party candidates’ poor showing in the election, or perhaps as an attempt to reverse the election in favor of Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine over Donald Trump and Mike Pence. Various responses and perceptions of motivations related to the recount action aside, it becomes difficult for any person moderately informed about the poor state of U.S. national elections to criticize efforts to improve the nation’s democratic process by identifying, acknowledging and then correcting as many problems and deficiencies as possible.

Protecting the will of “we, the people” through vigilance using checks and verification procedures commonly practiced in the accounting profession can only result in an ever-increasing potency and strength of democracy in America. Certainly, actions leading to such a result will receive nothing but the strongest support of current President Barack Obama, President-elect Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Gary Johnson, Bernie Sanders, their supporters, and all those who believe in democracy.

Knowing their fellow Americans have genuine concerns about protecting the democratic process, willing to act in its defense against manipulation or corruption, and intent upon making their election system the best possible, should rationally become perceived by citizens as completely positive. During Thanksgiving Day celebrations across the United States, people now have another good reason to give thanks.

(Thank you to RT America at YouTube)