Denis Rancourt, Peter McCullough, Jonathan Couey Discussion – October 2, 2023.

“Give me a place to stand and I will move the world.” – ARCHIMEDES (287-212 B.C.) Greek mathematician

[Editor’s note: So as not to waste the reader’s valuable time, we will not engage in an overly long analysis of the urgent messages conveyed during the following important discussion between Canadian scientist Dr. Denis Rancourt, world-renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, and biologist/anti-mRNA transfection internet activist Jonathan J. Couey (Mr. Couey recently joined Children’s Health Defense, founded by current U.S. presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., as a member of the organization’s scientific advisory team.) Their primary focus is on the recently published government-data-driven study produced by Dr. Rancourt and colleagues, which clearly proves/concludes that disturbing, steep rises in all-cause mortality statistics globally are directly attributable/tied unambiguously in time to the rollouts of mRNA injections in those nations focused upon in the study. Dr. Rancourt is particularly skillful in making scientific information available in a manner which becomes easily understood by non-scientists. Listeners will find it nearly impossible to under-appreciate or under-assess the enormous consequences for humanity embodied in the facts revealed in this three-man discussion and will very likely share the discussion far and wide – most especially, given the profoundly disturbing questions generated/raised for both politicians and public health authorities across the Earth.]  


Be Ready To Act: WikiLeaks Source Says They’re Coming For Assange — Caitlin Johnstone

The WikiLeaks Twitter account has announced that it has high level information that the organization’s founder Julian Assange could have his political asylum the Ecuadorian embassy revoked for him to be arrested by the British government within hours. We need to be ready to shake the earth should this happen. We need all hands on…

via Be Ready To Act: WikiLeaks Source Says They’re Coming For Assange — Caitlin Johnstone