Jews Speak Out Against Ongoing Israeli Genocide.

[Editor’s note: Jews with an intimate, deeply felt understanding of history with regard to World War II-era genocide carried out against their Jewish ancestors are speaking out, by asserting: “Never again means ‘Never again for all people’ – including the Palestinian people residing in Gaza and the West Bank.”]

Claims That Jesus Taught “Blessed are the Genociders” Debunked.

[Editor’s note: The twisted, deceptive, historically erroneous logic used by some in the world’s Christian community, where some self-described followers of Christ (those readers of the blasphemous, Israel-centric Scofield Bible) have created a global religious controversy by claiming Jesus Christ’s teachings include “Blessed are the genociders” (see: Ongoing Israeli genocide of Palestinians) – has been thoroughly fact-checked … and decisively debunked. The fact-checking group, consisting of men and women adherents of various religious traditions simultaneously holding overlapping, fundamental devotion to/reverence for peace, points out what Jesus Christ actually taught: “Blessed are the peacemakers.”]