World Suggestion Box

The World Suggestion Box was created on May 12, 2021. Consider it a gathering place where well-intending men and women from around the Earth are warmly welcomed, and have the opportunity to share their ideas on ways to make living conditions better for this generation, and the world’s generations to follow.

Please feel free to contribute your suggestions/ideas for good changes beneficial for all of humanity.

Thank you very much.


4 thoughts on “World Suggestion Box

  1. An international investigation of COVID-19, including its origin by driving at serious evidence to determine whether it is natural or a gain-of-function biological weapon, and all-inclusive – meaning with ZERO censorship or exclusion of legitimate voices, is an absolute necessity for humanity.

    Such an investigation must be inclusive of all pertinent aspects of the unprecedented global situation, including best treatments from early onset to critical life-or-death status, potential nefarious motives of people clearly opposed to narratives from highly-respected doctors and experts, and all other legitimate – yet still unaddressed questions and concerns.

    At the bottom line is the ultimate importance for humanity to know the absolute truth, the actual facts, of what many are becoming aware as arguably the most dangerous situation ever faced by humankind in the history of civilization on this Earth.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi Jerry,
    I commented on an article here back in 2014, reporting on Andreas Popp’s speech
    Greetings from Sweden.
    On books, recently I read The Control of Oil by John Blair, my good reads profile has a bunch of books I have read over the years Very relevant these days is the Levant Trilogy by Olivia Manning, anyone who gets some time on holiday this year could do much worse than getting a hold of a copy.
    Geraldine Perry’s Book Climate Change, Land Use and Monetary Policy: The New Trifecta
    really did hit the ball out of the park , it should be an international best seller, of course it is not.
    With best wishes,

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Anonymous

    Dear Jerry:

    I would like to share with you and everybody, of course, my two “credos” that life has taught me.

    After the word ‘to love’, ‘to help’ is the second-most important word in the English language . . . or any other.

    If you choose hate, you have chosen the instant gratification of the moment.

    If you choose love, you have chosen the spirit of infinity.

    ALWAYS choose love!



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