Penny Mordaunt Experiences the Magical Streisand Effect.

The Streisand Effect is an unintended consequence of attempts to hide, remove, or censor information, where the effort instead backfires by increasing public awareness of the information.

by Jerry Alatalo | March 1, 2024

Millions of people around the world have developed a deep sense of appreciation and gratitude for United Kingdom member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen, particularly for Mr. Bridgen’s fearless, unstoppable efforts inside the U.K. Parliament to hold COVID/mRNA bioweapons mass murderers criminally accountable.

Here is my comment at the pertinent The Expose article, reposted/linked below:

And then she dropped a clue as to whose side she’s on by using a well-known mantra:

“I’m going to call out on every occasion when he is doing things that are, I think, a danger to our democracy and also the safety and security of members of this House.”


Ms. Mordaunt learned the most important tool for any magician during her time as a magician’s assistant: Misdirection. Her clearly pre-prepared response to Mr. Bridgen’s reasonable request for mRNA bioweapons mass murder criminal punishment clarification – warning of “threats to democracy”, as if the people of United Kingdom and the world haven’t seen through the political magic/misdirection “tricks” long ago regarding COVID-era crimes against humanity (ongoing) – is akin to elderly parents visiting their now-middle-aged children and attempting to convince them Santa Claus is real.

Perhaps Penny Mordaunt should visit the houses of surviving family members whose loved ones were the victims of ruthless premeditated murder and/or grave bodily assault-and-battery conducted with the hideous mRNA bioweapons – and have a little discussion about “dangers to our democracy” and also the “safety and security of members of the victim’s house“…

Better yet, Ms. Mordaunt can kindly replicate U.S. Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin’s hosting of a four-hour panel featuring medical experts, inside the United Kingdom Parliament.

Here’s the full four-hour U.S. Senate roundtable discussion titled, “What are Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel Hiding?”:

What Are Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel Hiding? | Feb. 26 (



My guess/ great hope is that Penny Mordaunt will come to directly experience and appreciate the profoundly magical “Streisand Effect”, where attempts by irredeemable serial criminals to practice misdirection strategies, and therefore avoid legal prosecution, backfire magnificently. The criminals have metaphorically been pushed deep into a corner and – in their desperation – become deeply engaged in coverup efforts.

The highly sophisticated global crimes against humanity coverup effort is crashing and burning, thankfully. Instead of successfully continuing to fool the public, the criminals’ coverup efforts are becoming the stock of legitimate, necessary righteous indignation, cynical rebuke, contempt and ridicule. The transparent, observable presence of criminal coverup only serves to accelerate a growing awareness/amplification on Earth of the unprecedented, unforgivable Nuremberg-quality crimes committed. 

Keep the faith. Peace. 


COVID-19 Grand Jury Petition Will Prevent World War III.

COVID-19 Petition

by Jerry Alatalo | February 3, 2024

Due to the current disturbing rise of military tensions centered in the Middle East and Ukraine time is of the essence, therefore this message is brief and directly to the point. 

Please read, download, then present the following 82-page legal document, “COVID-19 Grand Jury Petition”, to every city, county and state prosecutor across America and the world. Taking necessary and correct legal action now will arguably prevent World War III – by placing in handcuffs and leg irons, and lifetime imprisonment, those capable of and desperate enough to initiate global war to escape Nuremberg-style prosecution for historic-magnitude premeditated mass murder and criminal fraud/racketeering.

Thank you very much.

For helping to facilitate the continuance of life on Earth (preventing World War III), future generations will thank you very much. Peace.