Effort to Ban Deadly Glyphosate Continues.

“Glyphosate Generation”, ChildrensHealthDefense, on Rumble

Children’s Health Defense description: Is there a correlation between exposure to chemicals in our environment and neurological toxicology? This topic is precisely what Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. is passionate about. And her countless years of research have brought many valuable truths about the relationship between the food supply, gut health and autism to light. Dr. Seneff makes an appearance on this week’s ‘Doctors & Scientists’ to break down the science on this critical issue.


As spring turns to summer, the sounds of lawn mowers, trimmers and leaf blowers return to neighborhoods in America and around the world. Once again, millions of uninformed citizens will be purchasing the weed killer Roundup, blissfully unware of the dangers associated with using it.  

Glyphosate is a personal issue for this writer; a close friend and close relative very possibly developed cancer as the result of heavy usage of Roundup, the primary active ingredient in Roundup being the toxic substance glyphosate. Both could be seen applying Roundup in large, repeated doses on their lawns in the summer months, after unfortunately buying into the manufacturer’s marketing pitch that the presence of “weeds” like dandelions was somehow the source of one’s societal disfavor, and where the neighbors look upon the presence of dandelions on neighborhood lawns with ignorant, equally uninformed, arrogant disgust. 

In sufficient quantity, glyphosate will kill every living organic life form, including human beings. From this writer’s perspective, the scientifically-proven-poisonous glyphosate should have been banned entirely from planet Earth a long, long time ago. 



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