Patrick Lawrence’s ‘The Hinge of History’ Deserves a Pulitzer Prize.

[Editor’s note: (Wikipedia) “The Pulitzer Prize is an award administered by Columbia University for achievements in newspaper, magazine, online journalism, literature, and musical composition within the United States. It was established in 1917 by provisions in the will of Joseph Pulitzer, who had made his fortune as a newspaper publisher. As of 2023, prizes are awarded annually in twenty-three categories. In twenty-two of the categories, each winner receives a certificate and a US$15,000 cash award (raised from $10,000 in 2017). The winner in the public service category is awarded a gold medal.” … Mr. Lawrence’s near-paranormal detailed recognition of current on-the-ground Earthly reality, as exhibited in his extraordinarily accurate article, ‘The Hinge of History’, provides aspiring journalists with a profoundly valuable example of how writers are capable of assisting in positively influencing, developing and/or shaping the course of world history. For that alone, Patrick Lawrence is well-deserving of any/all the writing awards, recognition and sincere gratitude he might receive.]    

Richard Cook: Part 3: Is World War III Imminent?

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[Editor’s note: Richard Cook’s amazingly thorough article is cross posted here from VT Foreign Policy. Mr. Cook’s in-depth analysis of factors contributing to/responsible for the current unprecedented, precarious, dangerous conditions on Earth is a university level lecture which could have been delivered by professors in a number of disciplines, including international relations, political science, law, media studies, history and others. Richard Cook’s far-too-rarely published “rubber meets the road” writing accommodates those sincerely wishing to gain fullest awareness of the precise root causes of today’s most shocking and disturbing global problems, – as illustrated now in media headlines/reportage worldwide. Understanding the root cause(s) of problems is the necessary prerequisite for resolving those same societal problems, whether on an individual, family, group or global scale. Mr. Cook shares his perspective and, in the process, successfully identifies the root cause(s). That is why we share his intellectually stimulating journalistic “lecture” here (we recommend reading Parts (lectures) I and II as well), and why those who read his 3-part article will likely feel a profound sense of gratitude for the writer’s powerful, benevolent, truth-focused, problem-solving effort. Thank you to Dr. Kevin Barrett for sharing Richard Cook’s hugely relevant writing; readers can listen to Dr. Barrett’s recent excellent discussion with/interview of Richard Cook here.]

Part Three: The Globalists and Neocons Strike: What is the Globalist agenda?

by Richard C. Cook, Oct. 5, 2023

Who really runs the U.S. military? Who could give the order to initiate a nuclear war or respond to the start of such a war by another nation? Constitutionally, the U.S. military reports to the president, a civilian, the commander-in-chief. Today that would be Joe Biden. A heartbeat away is Kamala Harris. But given Biden’s senility and Harris’s non-existent qualifications, is the idea of either of them making the decision to push the button that could end humanity remotely credible? Obviously not. 

But decisions of war and peace are constitutionally not an executive prerogative. Supposedly, Congress has the authority to declare war against another nation, which has not happened since World War II. In some instances, as in Vietnam or the 2003 attack on Iraq, Congress has passed some version of a “war powers” resolution. But there was no such resolution when the Obama administration destroyed Libya. And Congress never gives authority to the CIA or the NED to execute “regime change” against a foreign government or stage a “color revolution.” Who gives the order for these? It can’t be some random general or bureaucrat, can it?

Is there a supra-constitutional power lurking in the shadows that is more powerful than the president or Congress, one that has the power to command the U.S. military or Deep State agencies to perpetrate violence around the globe? 

Such is likely the case, but if so, who? 

Maybe they are also powerful enough to order the assassination of a president, as most of us now believe was done to JFK, or a presidential candidate, as with his brother RFK, or to send a former president and current presidential candidate to prison, as is being attempted against Donald Trump, or to cancel a presidential candidate from the mainstream media and rig his party’s nomination process against him, as is being done to RFK, Jr. 

Who has that kind of power?

Should we be thinking of something called the “New World Order,” or of a class of people known as “Globalists?” Whoa, we are now in the land of …“CONSPIRACY THEORIES!@#$%&*” We have donned our tinfoil hats…or have we? 

Was famed British author H.G. Wells just a kook when in 1940 he published a book on humanity’s future called The New World Order? No, Wells was deeply embedded within the British establishment and revealed something important. He wrote, “It is the practical realization of the brotherhood of man through a common control.” 

This “common control” Wells called a “World Brain.” 

Aren’t what today is the Censorship Industrial Complex, or the “Trusted News Initiative,” or the Google and Facebook monopolies, or the CIA-controlled Wikipedia, all part of the formation of a “World Brain” to establish an identical media narrative to secure absolute control of everything people say, think, and feel? We know that they are. Across the “Pond,” it’s official U.K. military policy that any act of war starts with securing media control and unanimity. The U.S. works similarly. It was done in both countries with planning for the C O V I D pandemic, where the controlled media were on high alert for voices against lockdown, “anti-vaxxers,” etc. 

Those who deride the use of the term “Globalist” are naïve. For centuries the world witnessed the growing global hegemony of the British Empire. By 1900, Britain had partial or total territorial or trade dominion on six continents. Cecil Rhodes and Nathaniel Rothschild had, as a central aim, “recovery of America for the British Empire.” This is not news and was largely accomplished through Britain’s dragging the U.S. into World War I. But by the end of World War II, it was the U.S. that was steering the ship, with the British “lapdog” tagging along. We were now in Life magazine’s “American Century.” Or so we flatter ourselves into believing. 

Likewise, the term “New World Order” has been used for decades, with various meanings. One involved a desired union between Britain and the U.S. with common citizenship touted by such august figures as Andrew Carnegie. But after World War I, the U.S. Senate put a stop to such talk by refusing to approve the Treaty of Versailles and voting down membership in the League of Nations. The Republican presidencies of Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover, showed little interest in Britain and Europe except to get paid for wartime loans. Coolidge’s response to talk of loan relief was characteristically laconic: “They hired the money, didn’t they?”

Then after the Great Depression struck, with knowledgeable people aware of the Bank of England’s manipulation of the international gold standard and the U.S. Federal Reserve complicit, President Franklin D. Roosevelt dropped gold and showed himself a nationalist president with a recovery program that drew obvious comparisons with Stalin’s Soviet brand of nationalism. This was far different than Britain’s “free trade” policies behind which stood the perennial power of the City of London’s financial behemoths. But the commonalities allowed FDR and Stalin to collaborate effectively during the war, with Winston Churchill often on the outside looking in. 

Now, as debaters are wont to do, we shall use a legitimate tactic by turning to authority in further discussing the provocative notions of Globalism and the New World Order. You, the reader, can be the judge. Then tell me if it’s a “conspiracy theory.”

The authorities I wish to cite are two of the most important and powerful people of the 20th century: Nelson Rockefeller and his younger brother David. 

The Rockefeller Brothers

Nelson first. 

The Rockefellers were, and maybe still are, the wealthiest and most powerful family in the US, beating out the Morgans/Rothschilds for dominance in the 1930s by embracing FDR’s New Deal. Selling Treasury bonds to cover massive federal deficits was a huge money-maker for the Rockefeller banking empire. This merger of interests also gave the Rockefellers leadership of the Republican party’s “liberal” wing. 

Barely of age, when he was 23, Nelson Rockefeller (1908-1979) was on the board of Chase Manhattan Bank. He became the bank’s president when he was 30. In 1940, almost two years before Pearl Harbor, FDR made him Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (CIAA). This was one of the lesser-known forerunners of the CIA, operating often clandestinely throughout Latin America. Every fascist military establishment in the region had roots in this era, along with huge debts to U.S. banks. 

In 1944, Nelson became Assistant Secretary of State for American Republic Affairs. Part of his introduction to globalist governance came when he was a U.S. delegate to the 1945 organizational conference of the United Nations in San Francisco. Next, the Rockefellers loaned the land to U.N. headquarters in New York. 

In 1950 President Truman appointed Nelson chairman of the International Development Advisory Board. By now his power had grown so much that he was said to have been the one to persuade General Dwight D. Eisenhower to run for president as a Republican in 1952. 

Eisenhower then named him chairman of the Advisory Committee on Government Organization. One result was the creation of a new Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, which Nelson ran as undersecretary until Eisenhower appointed him Special Assistant to the President for Foreign Affairs. Among his duties was to represent the president on the Operations Coordinating Board which oversaw the CIA. Truman had signed the order to create the CIA under pressure from Rockefeller crony John J. McCloy, then assistant army secretary and later head of the Council on Foreign Relations. 

While at HEW, by the way, Nelson set up the federal health structure that today encompasses the triad of NIH, the CDC, and the FDA, which serve as facilitators for Big Pharma’s power over health and medicine, with the Rockefeller empire still having the largest ownership stake in the U.S. pharmaceutical industry. 

After losing in a power struggle to CIA Director Allen Dulles and the State Department, Nelson left the government and in 1956, founded the Special Studies Project with Henry Kissinger as director and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund providing financial support. The purpose was “to define the central problems and opportunities facing the US in the future and to clarify national purposes and objectives.” A major finding was that the US should engage in a massive military buildup against the Soviet Union that anticipated similar action by President Ronald Reagan a generation later. 

But Nelson had set his sights on the White House. His stepping stone was the governorship of New York, where he won the first of four terms in 1959, after which he lost out to Barry Goldwater in the race for the Republican nomination for president in 1964. The reasons were his identification with the party’s liberal wing and his divorce and remarriage to a divorcée 18 years his junior.

Eventually, Nelson was named vice president of the U.S. under Nixon’s successor Gerald Ford following Watergate but was dumped from the ticket prior to the election of 1976. There were people who just didn’t like Nelson Rockefeller. Two assassination attempts against Ford 12 days apart in 1975 failed; otherwise, he would have become president. Sadly, he died in New York, reportedly of a heart attack, during an apparent lover’s tryst in 1979. 

Quite a character, Nelson Rockefeller. But here is the quote I want to share with you, taken from his 1962 book, The Future of Federalism:

[There is]…a fever of nationalism [but] the nation-state is becoming less and less competent to perform its international political tasks…These are some of the reasons pressing us to lead vigorously to the beginning of a New World Order. Sooner perhaps than we may realize…there will evolve the bases for a federal structure of the free world. 

This powerful impulse against nation-state sovereignty became today’s Globalism. Speaking of the “fever of nationalism,” JFK was an economic nationalist in the New Deal mode. The Globalists saw JFK as a danger. He aroused the ire of US bankers by demanding low-interest rates, seeking to reduce U.S. bank lending abroad, fighting steel industry price hikes, and proposing to build strong national economies in Latin America through the Alliance for Progress. He also spoke out against the oil depletion allowance, a keystone of Big Oil’s profits. One of JFK’s most vociferous critics was David Rockefeller, by now Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank which was heavily invested in foreign lending and oil.

David Rockefeller (1915-2017) had his own background in the US. intelligence, starting with his World War II training as a “Ritchie Boy” at the Army’s Military Intelligence Training Center at Fort Ritchie, Maryland, a short drive from FDR’s Shangri-La retreat, later called Camp David. Prior to that, he was an assistant regional director of the United States Office of Defense, Health, and Welfare Services after earning a PhD from the Rockefeller-funded University of Chicago.

During World War II, he served in military intelligence in North Africa and France, then was an assistant military attaché at the American Embassy in Paris. Now a “spook” himself, David was intimately familiar with every aspect of CIA intelligence and operations, even as he transitioned to his lifetime work at the Chase Manhattan Bank, later becoming today’s giant JP Morgan Chase. CIA project leads would visit to brief him on clandestine operations at his office in Rockefeller Center. 

As a powerful opponent of JFK’s economic initiatives, David was a key backer of global financial expansionism as Nixon removed the U.S. dollar from the gold peg in international commerce, followed by a further takeover of Middle Eastern oil. Actions by Henry Kissinger to achieve détente with the Soviets and to carry out the “Opening to China” were shown to be key financial moves as the Chase Bank became the first to set up retail banking in those countries. Globalism was on the march. 

Having no use for the U.N., David set up his own competing international policy-making body, the Trilateral Commission, aided by Columbia University professor Zbigniew Brzezinski. “Zbig” was an arch-Globalist himself. Later, in his book The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geopolitical Imperativeshe described the US Strategy for taking over the world. Key would be the acquisition by the U.S. of power in Central Asia and the Caspian Basin, but most particularly, Ukraine.

The manifesto for the Trilateral Commission stated:

The nation-state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force: International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation-state. 

Of course among the “political concepts of the nation-state” were constitutional government and a bill of rights, including freedom of speech, the press, and religion. These had no place in the “far in advance” governance of the international banks and multi-national corporations. 

With his brother Nelson shunted from the 1976 Republican presidential ticket, David hand-picked Jimmy Carter to succeed Gerald Ford as president, with Zbig cast as Carter’s national security advisor. Turned out, though, that Carter was too nice a guy to be kept around for long. I saw this personally when I served on Carter’s White House staff in 1979-1980. 

So when another of David Rockefeller’s hand-picked protégés, Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, smashed the US physical economy with soaring interest rates and the 1979 recession, Carter was out and Ronald Reagan in. The U.S. began its long and still continuing transition from the world’s leading manufacturing powerhouse to the so-called “service” economy of today. It’s called the “FIRE” economy: finance, insurance, and real estate. 

This is an economy that lacks the ability to support its own population, a situation compounded by the millions of illegal immigrants who pour across the border to fill menial jobs at substandard wages. Now wealth was no longer generated by domestic production and export of tangible goods, but by financial raids on entire nations and regions, starting with Latin America in the early 1980s, and later on East and Southeast Asia in the late 1990s. It may be useful to shed light on the financial takeover of Latin America to understand the modus operandi of the Globalists.

Here are the steps:

  1. Economic hit men: Trap countries into debt. (See John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (Berret-Koehler, 2004), 90)
  2. Federal Reserve: Pulls the trigger, increasing interest rates from around 5% percent in January 1977 to 20 percent in January 1980. Latin American debt servicing increased from $12 billion in 1975 to $66 billion in 1982. (See “Federal Funds Rate – 62-Year Historical Chart, Historical Data,” Macrotrends, October 29, 2022.)
  3. Global banks: Going for the kill by reclaiming the debts
  4. Bretton Woods institutions: Finish off sovereignty. When the countries cannot pay back their debts, the IMF and World Bank provide loans to the creditor banks on behalf of the indebted countries covering principal and interest. Then they impose neoliberal economic “reforms” on the country while acting effectively as debt collectors for the creditor banks.
  5. Global banks: Raid the countries, picking up assets at pennies for the dollar. 

This above is illustrated in the following figure from José Antonio Ocampo:

Whereas the export of goods contributes to the prosperity of wide swaths of American society, the benefits of financial raids are exclusively for the financial sector. This is the main contributor to U.S. wealth concentration, where the oligarchs pile up fantastic wealth while the middle-class declines and workers struggle to survive.

This is all Globalism at work. But it’s something the Rockefellers had planned. In his 2003 Memoirs, David famously wrote:

For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as “internationalists” and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure–one world if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.

What the Rockefellers were up to was no secret. Georgia Congressman Lawrence Patton McDonald wrote in his 1975 book, The Rockefeller Files: 

The Rockefellers and their allies have, for at least fifty years, been carefully following a plan to use their economic power to gain political control of first America, and then the rest of the world. Do I mean conspiracy? Yes, I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.

So yes, there is a Globalist plan, and there is a New World Order that Nelson and David Rockefeller, along with characters like Kissinger and Brzezinski, promoted and personified. Even with Nelson dying in 1979 and David retiring to the shadows by the late 1990s, the plan has carried forward because it’s the program of an entire socioeconomic class. As part of the program, the Democratic Party got rid of its New Deal leaders, one of the last being Senator Paul Wellstone, who died mysteriously in a plane crash in 2003. The purging of New Deal remnants was the mission of Bill Clinton’s Democratic Leadership Council that got him elected.

Plus the US has never recovered its manufacturing base. For decades, the US population has languished in a declining standard of living, a dumbed-down educational system, the most expensive healthcare on the planet, and a constantly increasing gap between rich and poor. The once-proud and prosperous American middle class scarcely exists any longer. 

As we saw in Part II of this series, the backbone of the U.S. economy today is the military-industrial complex, though it has not “won” a war in decades. The billionaires who now drive the agenda seem to be increasingly in cahoots with bizarre foreign cabals like the World Economic Forum and domestic extremists like the Neocons. 

And no public figure seems willing to challenge the plutocrats at the top who buy politicians with campaign donations while “We the People” are increasingly marginalized. The current exceptions are two mavericks, both touting principles of economic nationalism that the system as a whole has forgotten and suppressed. These are former President Donald Trump, under indictments that threaten him with 700-plus years of prison time; and Democrat Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., whose candidacy is anathema to the DNC controllers and the corporate—dare we say “Globalist” press. 

We are also seeing nationalist leaders arise in other nations: Imran Khan in Pakistan, Marine Le Pen in France, the AfD in Germany, and Viktor Orban in Hungary. These are invariably labeled as “right-wing” as they watch their own nations destroyed by inflation, loss of affordable energy, de-industrialization, and open borders with unlimited immigration from countries devastated by U.S. wars and Globalist predatory lending. 

Such unrestrained illegal immigration brings with it the proliferation of criminal gangs engaged in drugs, larceny, and human trafficking. Italy alone has seen nearly 126,000 people arriving from across the Mediterranean by boat so far this year, compared to 66,000 for the same period in 2022 and 42,000 in 2021. With respect to the crisis, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni warns that “the future of Europe is at stake.”

One of the biggest boosters of unrestricted immigration is George Soros and his Open Society Foundations. Soros, a Hungarian with U.S. citizenship, made his fortune from currency manipulations and is now using it to undermine the traditions of the entire Western world. 

Secretary of State Blinken Speaks, Disclosing the Neocon Fifth Column

In a September 13, 2023, speech at one of the most prominent Globalist venues, the Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said of today’s crisis in world affairs:

What we are experiencing now is more than a test of the post-Cold War order. It’s the end of it. Decades of relative geopolitical stability have given way to an intensifying competition with authoritarian powers, and revisionist powers.

When thinking of Blinken’s “geopolitical stability,” we might pause and consider what he means is the thirty-two years of supposed U.S. dominance since the fall of the Soviet Union. This gave us 9/11 and the aftermath, the Western assaults on Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, and Syria, “color revolutions” in multiple countries, the endless stare-down with Iran, and the U.S. proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. This is “geopolitical stability” at gunpoint. 

Blinken said of Ukraine in his Johns Hopkins speech that it is “the most immediate, the. most acute threat to the international order.” But remember, the U.S. started the Ukraine crisis by overthrowing its democratically-elected government in the 2014 Maidan coup. 

Note that during this time, the US outsourced much of its industrial production to China in partnership with U.S. global corporations, especially pharmaceuticals on which the health and lives of millions of Americans depend. This was a U.S. decision made by business magnates like David Rockefeller, with the acquiescence and prompting of the U.S. government under the Clinton, Bush II, Obama, Trump, and Biden presidencies. 

Plus the U.S. Treasury has sold trillions of dollars of government bonds to China, Japan, Korea, and other countries in order to scrape together the cash to pay for its negative trade balances and for the salaries of its four-star generals and other military personnel stationed around the globe. Plus the U.S. set up that nifty biological research lab at Wuhan from which FBI Director Christopher Wray and others have said the C O V I D virus escaped. According to a congressional committee, a CIA whistleblower has said that the CIA paid several scientists to deny this happened. Plus the ongoing collapse of civil society in the U.S., U.K., and E.U. that we’ll address shortly.

As though the U.S. bears absolutely no responsibility for any of this, Blinken now said of China:

Meanwhile, the People’s Republic of China poses the most significant long-term challenge, because it not only aspires to reshape the international order, it increasingly has the economic, diplomatic, military, the technological power to do just that.

Blinken concluded, “Beijing and Moscow are working together to make the world safer for autocracies.”

Obviously, what Blinken says completely ignores the real causes of the world’s distress. What we are seeing from Blinken is the “fight vs. flight” reaction at the highest level of world affairs. Psychologically, it’s the “flight forward” response, spoken by a true Neocon with no reverse gear. Blinken also ignores the fact that the crisis over Ukraine was instigated by the U.S. in carrying out the Maidan coup of 2014. Perhaps World War III has now begun, also with U.S. instigation, with Blinken being polite enough to let us know. Perhaps Blinken’s speech is the Biden administration’s substitute for a congressional war resolution. 

Meanwhile, the Neocons represent a novel force, with no roots in the U.S. Constitution or American history, that seems to have become attached to the Globalists by the end of the 20th century with their Project for the New American Century that led to 9/11 and the “War on Terror.” Driving the PNAC agenda were William Kristol and Robert Kagan, emerging from the New York “Trotskyite” intelligentsia and with fanatical dedication to Israel. With the “War on Terror” has collapsed in ignominy with the Iraq and Afghanistan debacles, leaving Israel a beleaguered island in a hostile Middle Eastern sea, the Neocons have latched with equal fanaticism on the U.S. proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. 

Does it seem unusual that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, after abolishing all rival political parties and shutting down or blowing up many Christian churches, while presiding over the deaths of hundreds of thousands of young Ukrainian men he has sent on suicide assaults against impregnable Russian defenses, has spoken of making Ukraine a “big Israel”? 

May we ask what is going on here? Former Marine Corps intelligence officer Scott Ritter in his outstanding Rumble documentary Agent Zelensky has shown that Zelensky takes his orders directly from Richard Moore, Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service of the United Kingdom; i.e., MI6. Is this the power center that is driving us to war? Remember that it was the U.K. that sponsored the creation of Israel with the Balfour Declaration and which engaged in World War I and World War II against Germany with the U.S. supplying the muscle. Is history now repeating itself? Is World War III also a British project?

Are the Neocons an MI6 “fifth column” embedded within the U.S. government, or are the intelligence apparatuses of the U.S. and U.K. essentially one entity? Is this why Ben Wallace, U.K. defense minister, has been predicting the start of a major war, as cited in Part I of this series? Though these questions just scratch the surface, we deserve answers. 

Terminal Assault on the U.S. Population

Let’s keep peeling the onion. 

In his Global Research article from July 30, 2023, “Billionaires Try to Shrink World’s Population: Secret Gathering Sponsored by Bill Gates, 2009 Meeting of ‘The Good Club,’” Michel Chossudovsky asks, “Is Worldwide Depopulation Part of the Billionaires’ Great Reset?” 

He writes:

For more than ten years, meetings have been held by billionaires described as philanthropists to reduce the size of the world’s population culminating with the 2020-2022 C O V I D crisis. Recent developments suggest that “Depopulation” is an integral part of the so-called C O V I D mandates, including the lockdown policies and the mRNA vaccine. According to the Wall Street Journal: “In May 2009, the billionaire philanthropists met behind closed doors at the home of the president of the Rockefeller University in Manhattan. This secret gathering was sponsored by Bill Gates. They called themselves ‘The Good Club.’ Among the participants were the late David Rockefeller, Warren Buffett, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey, and many more.” In May 2009, the WSJ, as well as the Sunday Times, reported (John Harlow, Los Angeles) that “Some of America’s leading billionaires have met secretly to consider how their wealth could be used to slow the growth of the world’s population and speed up improvements in health and education.” The emphasis was not on population growth (i.e. Planned Parenthood) but on “Depopulation” i.e., the reduction in the absolute size of the world’s population.

It’s no secret that eugenics and population control have long been a goal of the Globalists in general and the Rockefeller family and Bill Gates in particular. Here we have Gates and David Rockefeller in the same series of meetings, along with several other famous billionaires. RFK, Jr.’s recent book, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, cites several examples where the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have promoted large-scale vaccine utilization in Africa with the underlying motive of population reduction. In Europe, the Club of Rome and its offshoots, including the World Economics Forum, have lobbied for the same objectives. 

It’s appropriate here to mention Aurelio Peccei, co-founder of Club of Rome, originator of the idea for the World Economic Forum, and his justification for the need of supra-national institutions to address global crises. This involves the implicit necessity to weaken powerful nation-states for Globalism to succeed. It’s from this angle that the destruction of the U.S. real economy was necessary and has been achieved in the two decades following the publication of Peccei’s seminal book The Chasm Ahead.   

The relationship between the Rockefellers and Peccei dates to April 11, 1964, when Peccei attended a meeting of the Bilderberger Group in Williamsburg, Virginia, where he met with David Rockefeller, by then president and chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank.

It can also be argued that the U.S. has been trying for decades to engineer limitations on nation-state sovereignty and population growth in Less Developed Countries through the International Monetary Fund, with its host of “conditionalities” accompanying its predatory lending policies. These have included privatizing public utilities, cutting pay for public employees, reduction of welfare benefits, conversion of agricultural production away from self-sufficiency to export commodities, voting the “correct” way at the U.N., opening their economies to Western capital investment at high-interest rates, etc. U.S. sanctions have also played a part, one example being sanctions against Iraq during the 1990s that Secretary of State Madeleine Albright admitted were the cause of death of 500,000 Iraqi children. 

It can be argued that the tactics of Globalist population reduction have been intentionally turned against our own population and are not simply the consequences of multiple policy decisions made without an underlying agenda. Possible examples are the increase in wealth disparity between rich and poor and the weakening of the social safety net by such recent actions as cutting food stamps and Medicaid benefits. Only a fool could not have known these measures would cause poverty and mortality to increase.

Due to inflation caused at least in part by corporate profiteering, housing, food, education, and transportation are increasingly out of reach, with the high cost of living promoting smaller families. Abortions on demand as a birth control measure have long been part of the liberal agenda, with medically assisted suicide becoming common with the distribution of morphine by hospices. Promotion of the LBGT agenda also results in the begetting of fewer children. 

A milestone may have been reached with the C O V I D-19 pandemic. Again, it was RFK, Jr. who amassed the details about the manner in which the societal lockdowns, business closures, shuttering of schools, and censorship of dissent had been anticipated by two decades of below-the-radar training and planning exercises with heavy military participation. One of these, “Event 201,” took place immediately before the start of the C O V I D pandemic at Johns Hopkins University, sponsored by Bill Gates and the World Economics Forum. 

We are today witnessing a massive breakdown in societal cohesion and health. The CDC has documented the record rates of suicides and homicides among young people. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. school shootings reached a record high with 327 in 2021-2022, compared to 93 the previous year and 14 in 2009-2010. 

Inflation is being exacerbated, not cured, by high Federal Reserve interest rates. The high cost of food makes it more difficult for people to benefit from a nutritious diet. By August 2023 the price of gasoline at the pump was edging toward $4 per gallon, with the White House claiming this was a sign of an improving economy due to “demand growth.” On the corporate level, Guggenheim Investments says that corporate bankruptcies could reach the highest level since the Great Recession due to a sharp rise in interest rates and economic uncertainty. ( Jobs will take a corresponding hit. 

One of the most telling indicators of an economy in crisis for ordinary people is the enormous growth in credit card debt. Reports indicate that individuals and families are now using credit cards to purchase food and other staples. Debt from unpaid credit card charges has grown steeply since 2013. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York reports credit card debt of $660 billion that year, an average of a $2,000 unpaid balance per person, or $8,000 for a family of four. The debt rose steeply over the next six years, reaching $927 billion in 2019. It then dropped to $770 billion over the next two years, as people used their C O V I D relief checks from the IRS to help pay down debt. But the total began to soar once that money had been spent, reaching $1,030 billion today in 2023, over a trillion dollars! This is a 34 percent increase in only two years.

There is no federal law regulating credit card usury. The average credit card interest rate is 22.74 percent for new offers and 20.68 for existing accounts, according to WalletHub’s Credit Card Landscape Report. The average interest rate for new cards has increased by nearly two percentage points since 2010. 

While a U.S. senator from Delaware, President Joe Biden was a key figure in deregulating credit card companies which flocked to incorporate in his home state due to its bank-friendly laws of setting up business and litigating bankruptcies. Tim Murphy wrote in a November/December 2019 issue of Mother Jones entitled “House of Cards: How Joe Biden helped build a financial system that’s great for Delaware banks and terrible for the rest of us,”:

Biden did not create this system, but he used his influence to strengthen and protect it. He cast key votes that deregulated the banking industry, made it harder for individuals to escape their credit card debts and student loans, and protected his state’s status as a corporate bankruptcy hub.

Today the Biden administration is proposing measures limiting late payment fees for credit cards, but it’s a ruse. The system is ruinous, further destroying the middle class. Moreover, as Max Jones writes for ScheerPost:

In the aftermath of pandemic relief programs such as increased unemployment and nutrition benefits, greater rental assistance and the child tax credit—policies that the Biden administration allowed to expire in 2021—Americans faced the largest one-year surge in poverty ever recorded. 

No wonder the average lifespans of Americans have dropped since 2014, with the worst declines among blacks and Native Americans. People are also suffering spiritually, with a large decline in church attendance, most churches having been shuttered during the pandemic. Homelessness continues to increase, going up 13 percent from 2020 to 2022. Mental degradation from online porn and violent video games is endemic. Deaths from overdoses are now over 100,000 annually, with growing drug and alcohol addiction. We now have reports of the weakening of immune systems in school-age children due to social isolation. We also have loss of community and family ties, much of it lockdown-related, similar to solitary confinement in jails and prisons. Reports place social isolation as more destructive to health than alcoholism.

We are also seeing the destruction of law and order in the U.S. through the actions of George Soros and the Open Society Foundations. Soros is funding the election of district attorneys in U.S. cities who refuse to enforce the law against violent offenders but devote the resources of their offices to attacks against political opponents. Examples of cities where this is happening are Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Portland, Orlando, Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, Manhattan, Los Angeles, Boston, Dallas, and Denver. 20 percent of the U.S. population is said to reside in these Soros-controlled districts.

The result is to turn cities into open-air drug markets, or, like New York City, cause them to be overrun with illegal immigrants. The plan seems to be to turn every U.S. city into a cesspool of violent crime and depravity. Note that Soros himself is a Neocon. He helped finance the 2014 Maidan coup in Ukraine and is on board with every move Zelensky makes to depopulate his country and sell its assets to U.S. hedge funds like BlackRock. Again, is this more preparation for Ukraine to become the “big Israel”? 

Finally, “climate change,” whether or not the issue has objective merits, has also been weaponized as a Globalist tool to demoralize the population and engender fear. Of course, there is no chance in the near future that renewable sources of energy can replace fossil fuels. 

Take the case of electric vehicles (EVs), which require the growth of coal-produced power plants to generate the power to operate them. With the intention to replace gasoline-powered automobiles with EVs, no real effort has been made to construct the ubiquitous infrastructure for charging them while traveling. Plus there is the high initial purchase price of EVs that will assure that auto transportation is available to a smaller proportion of the population. 

What will happen to the millions of people who rely on gasoline-powered cars to get to work, buy food, visit friends or relatives, or for a multitude of business pursuits? Plus half a million U.S. auto worker jobs will be eliminated, one reason for the UAW strike that began September 15. Combined with the total failure of the U.S. to create a functioning system of public transportation, we are looking at a societal catastrophe. 

One way to look at all this is that the “Good Club” is succeeding magnificently in its attack on the U.S. population. No doubt the Neocons are gloating because one major result of the demoralization in the U.S. and other Western nations is the death of the anti-war movement. Thus the people of the West have largely lost their ability to stop the Globalists/Neocons from launching World War III whenever they so desire. 

Even so, millions of people in the West, aided by a handful of internet commentators, see with growing desperation what is going on. Keeping people isolated and in receipt only of approved narratives is a leading Globalist industry led by monopolistic outlets like Google that are Deep State fronts exercising what amounts to thought control. 

Shearing of the Sheep

In the U.S., the U.K., and the E.U., as the consolidated Globalist/Neocon agenda surges ahead, Secretary of State Blinken, in his remarks cited above, is trying to stampede us to war with the lie that we now face an existential threat from Russia and China. Of course, as we have seen, we can add to Russia and China the rest of their growing BRICS+ community. The entire BRICS+ bloc has opted out of the Globalist/Neocon plan. We can see that economically the West is becoming weaker and BRICS+ stronger by the day. This is happening as many countries sell off their increasingly worthless U.S. Treasury bonds. But it’s our own fault for the longstanding Anglo-American plan to rule the world as our economic colonies. The world has outgrown that plan. The only sane solution is to learn, adapt, and compete, not destroy the world. 

Meanwhile, the massive printing of money by the West to salvage its agenda is leading to unimaginable levels of debt from mortgages, student loans, credit cards, car payments, rents, etc., that are causing inflation that is eroding the wealth not only of hundreds of millions of ordinary people but also of the Globalist elites themselves. To household and business debt can be added the massive amount of debt investors incur when gambling with derivatives, which Warren Buffett calls, “weapons of mass financial destruction.” Even the wealthy are frantically borrowing money to keep the ailing stock market afloat. With the elites at the very top earning billions of dollars during the lockdown while the economy crashed, their intentions are clear. Another crash is coming. 

All this makes it more likely that World War III will become the hoped-for solution used by the Globalists/Neocons to escape their impossible bind. If they do so, they will probably start with a major false flag event similar to the method used for all previous wars of the modern era.

The Spanish-American War: “Remember the Maine”; World War I: sinking of the Lusitania; World War II: Roosevelt’s baiting the Japanese into Pearl Harbor; the Korean War: repeated incursions to entice the North Koreans to attack across the boundary with South Korea; Vietnam: the Gulf of Tonkin incident; the “War on Terror”: 9/11 and the lies about Iraq’s WMDs; Ukraine: U.S.-paid snipers in Maidan Square; plus the host of smaller incidents launched after U.S.-leveled accusations at someone or other for “human rights abuses,” etc. The U.S. has never accepted responsibility for starting a war exclusively for its own interests or to salvage its faltering economy. 

We might summarize our predicament by stating that our self-anointed masters have found that an effective method of population control, allowing them to perpetrate endless wars and other atrocities, has seven parts: a) Create a false media narrative to keep us hypnotized with desire, confusion, and fear; b) Keep us in perpetual debt to paralyze us with respect to self-directed action; c) Undermine us physically, psychologically, and spiritually by taking away opportunities for meaningful work; d) Entice us into hating and fearing each other through playing on our perceived differences and enforcing social isolation; e) Condition us to hate media-designated political figures and even entire nations that we come to loath with reflexive unrestrained vehemence; f) Demoralize us with a dysfunctional environment of confusion and breakdowns, where criminality flourishes and nothing ever works; and  g) Render us ill, obedient, and submissive with legal and illegal drugs, medication side effects, physician and hospital caused illnesses, and with pandemics, vaccines, and lockdowns. In light of the above, the notorious 1984 “Two-Minute Hate” takes on special meaning. Such can be observed even at religious services! 

Thus the shearing of the sheep is accomplished. 

Who Was Solon?

A close friend has advised me to examine the case of Solon from the history of ancient Athens. Solon was the great Athenian lawgiver, who lived from about 630 to 560 BCE. Prior to Solon, the Greek city-states languished under the rule of rich plutocrats and ruling tyrants. Ordinary people, both farmers and workers, along with their wives and children, were virtual slaves to the rich. They were also shut out of participation in the political process and had no ability to defend themselves in the rich men’s courts.

Solon was an aristocrat himself who, at a time of war with external enemies, was elevated to chief magistrate. After peace was assured, he took the huge step whereby “all debts were canceled.” (Britannica) He abolished debt slavery and freed all persons already enslaved. He opened the legal system to fair and affordable participation by all social classes. 

Solon also included all citizens in a new public assembly, provided for training of youth in the trades, instituted a reliable system of weights and measures, and, perhaps most importantly, introduced state-produced coinage. This freed the economy from using credit from the rich based on usury and led to an immediate expansion of trade with other city-states and beyond. According to Demosthenes, he also introduced measures to enhance “personal modesty and frugality” and to restrain sexual license. It was Solon who made possible the Greek Golden Age which started about 80 years after his death. This was the foundation of all future Western culture. 

Today we need our Solon.


The U.S. is a young nation, but its existence is in peril. As in ancient Athens, it is being throttled to death by a selfish elite, the ones we have chosen to call Globalists, with their sidekicks the Neocons. Like Iago in Shakespeare’s Othello, the Neocons egg on their gullible masters to perform reprehensible deeds. An example is the way Victoria Nuland is said by Alex Christoforou of TheDuran to have been the mastermind of Zelensky’s catastrophic “spring offensive.” 

There is no way reform can come about through demonstrations or an armed revolution. The forces of the MIC and Deep State are too powerful and too heavily armed for that. The Globalists and Neocons who have captured the Democratic Party and are supported by congressional RINOs are on a hair trigger to kill dissent. But “We the People” still have the power of the ballot box if fair elections can be assured. That may be up to the Supreme Court, if and when all the current legal battles respecting the Trump and Kennedy candidacies are resolved. Of course, the Supreme Court itself is under attack by Democratic Party “liberals.”

But 2024 may be our last chance if we can even get to that point. Clearly, Joe Biden is history. If, through a rigged election or even a military coup, the Globalists, with the Neocons deeply burrowed in, put in place their designated sock-puppet—and I would put Kamala Harris, Nicki Haley, and some others in that category—this country is doomed. 

Again, it’s if we get to the 2024 election, particularly if, over the next few months, the Russians embark on their own major counteroffensive aimed at bringing the U.S.’s “Project Ukraine” to a decisive end. Such a denouement would be terminal for Globalist/Neocon ambitions in Ukraine and could ignite a revolt among the European nations that would also terminate NATO. 

I have no doubt that the writing is on the wall for the centuries-long Anglo-American Empire. Such events could trigger the false flag that history teaches us to expect. In my opinion, that false flag is already in preparation. 

I think we can hazard a guess that it will be the next pandemic, the one that the World Health Organization, the Biden administration, and people like Bill Gates, organizer of the “Good Club,” are telegraphing. Obviously, C O V I D gave them all a lot of practice in this sort of thing. 

For instance, a company called Metabiota, which is funded in part by USAID, a notorious CIA-front agency, and by Google, heavily embedded with national security veterans, “estimates that the next pandemic might not be as far away as we think….They estimate that…there is a 22-28% chance that another outbreak on the magnitude of C O V I D-19 will occur within the next 10 years and a 47-57% chance that it will occur within the next 25 years.” 

While these forecasts extend well into the future, they plant the idea that the next pandemic is extremely likely to happen and very soon. Believe me, such forecasts are full of made-up assumptions and are put forth for political reasons. 

Another of Metabiota’s funders is Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners, which has invested $500,000. Another is Goldman Sachs, at least according to emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop. Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners was founded in 2009 by Hunter Biden, Christopher Heinz and Devon Archer.

The ground is being prepared. In October 2022 Bill Gates and his team conducted an exercise at Johns Hopkins University called “Catastrophic Contagion.” Said USA Today, “The pathogen in the scenario had a higher fatality rate than C O V I D-19 and ‘disproportionately affected children and young people.’” Exercises similar to Catastrophic Contagion preceded C O V I D and were heavily loaded with military personnel.

But are there any precedents that use of a pandemic as a false flag may be in the works? The answer is that it has already happened. Was it an accident that the Ukrainian military, for which NATO had been providing intensive training in violation of the Minsk Agreements, began to bombard the Donbass with heavy artillery in the first weeks of 2022, an action that enticed Russia to cross the border into Ukraine with its Special Military Operation, all at the height of the C O V I D pandemic? 

Today, all the pieces are in place: a) forecasts that make the event seem inevitable; b) a U.S.-sponsored network of Biolabs practiced in weaponizing viruses through gain-of-function research; c) a population taught to cower in fear of the invisible peril; d) a media practiced in “cancel-culture” ready to censor and destroy “anti-vaxxers” and other dissidents; and e) government agencies primed for the next big societal lockdown.

It’s clear that World War III has already started as asymmetrical warfare on multiple fronts. “Hot” war is underway in Ukraine but may “mushroom” behind the next false flag screen. Can we doubt that the planning is in the works? It’s up to humanity to resist. 

Quotes from H.G. Wells and the Trilateral Commission manifesto were kindly provided by Matthew Ehret of the Rising Tide Foundation.

Our public discourse is in dire need of concepts that will allow us to resist the seductive lure of the warmongers driving the world to destruction. I earnestly recommend the writing of the German spiritual master Bô Yin Râ (Joseph Anton Schneiderfranken, 1876-1943), whose works are coming into English translation through Kober Press of Berkeley, CA. See particularly the book Das Gespenst der Freiheit (The Specter of Freedom)(Posthumus Projects Amsterdam, 2014)