John Hankey Documentary Ignites October 7 Debate.

Are high-rolling stock market gamblers going to realize massive profits by placing big money on put options, betting that Benjamin Netanyahu’s stock is going to crash and burn down to zero?

(Image: Screenshot from “October 7 Was an Inside Job” by John Hankey)

By Jerry Alatalo | April 6, 2024

This writer became a big fan of videographer/filmmaker John Hankey years ago after discovering Mr. Hankey’s documentary films covering the major historic topics: The events of September 11, 2001 (9/11) and the 1963 murder of American President John F. Kennedy. Having come to understand Mr. Hankey’s dogged determination to disseminate the truth, no matter how controversial, behind such events, we quickly subscribed to John Hankey’s YouTube channel with heightened anticipation of his next project.

Let’s just say this: John Hankey’s newest project, the 55-minute, 55-second film, “October 7 Was an Inside Job”, was well worth waiting for. Here is my comment at Mr. Hankey’s YouTube channel where he originally published the film:

In retrospect, the very brief, one sentence comment may qualify for some kind of award for understatement. Hankey’s bombshell film is only at the beginning stage of going viral, gaining traction on the internet with reposts across a wide variety of platforms, and, given the facts Hankey boldly reports inside the film are incapable of becoming debunked, should soon come to the attention of millions.
Not only will Benjamin Netanyahu soon become “most displeased”, but the odds are high that Mr. Netanyahu will soon find himself being escorted to prison in handcuffs and leg irons, after becoming convicted of treason against the citizens of Israel and premeditated mass murder of those same Israeli citizens.
This does not include the more repulsive, destructive, ruthless crime of genocide against the Palestinian people.
Nor does it include the crimes committed by Benjamin Netanyahu of mass murdering and mass maiming of Israeli citizens through mandatory COVID mRNA gene-editing “vaccines” (bioweapons), where Israel under Netanyahu’s government led the world in percentage of citizens injected with Pfizer jabs, to the extent where Israel became widely known as “The Premier Pfizer mass laboratory experiment on Earth”.  
Was the October 7 false flag event in Israel a deception meant to grease the skids, so to speak, toward the eventual genocide of the Palestinian people – or was Netanyahu’s action designed to distract the world and stall Netanyahu’s fast-approaching prosecution for mRNA bioweapons mass murdering/maiming of the people of Israel? 
At the end of Benjamin Netanyahu’s day, – once his many heinous crimes become exposed for all the world to see, it appears safe to say that, one way or another: Mr. Netanyahu will soon be facing a very long, most displeasing prison sentence … or worse. 
The faster people around the world learn the brutal truth as presented by John Hankey, that October 7 in Israel was a military-intelligence false flag event deception, – the faster the catastrophic ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people will, mercifully, be brought to an end. 

4 thoughts on “John Hankey Documentary Ignites October 7 Debate.

  1. Definitely a thought provoking video, Jerry! Thanks for sharing the link. Difficult to share just the full screen hour long video.

    I was already thinking there was Israeli connivance to make sure it turned out the way it did October 7, so Israel can use it as the cover for the EVIL Israeli genocide in Gaza, just like there is evidence 9/11 was an inside job.

    Israel has definitely ESCALATED the Gaza War to the next level that potentially can set The Middle East on FIRE!

    Since October 7, we have seen all US MSM preface their reporting on the Israeli Gaza genocide blaming it all on “Iran backed proxies.”

    Israeli deliberately expanded the Gaza Massacre to a Middle East WAR with the direct attack on Iranian Sovereign Diplomatic territory in Damascus, assassinating top Iranian government Officials in a gross violation of International.

    It’s implications are that ILLEGAL Israeli action in Damascus was in fact, an Israeli Declaration of War against Iran, leading the World closer toward ARMAGEDDON, the Battle of that Great Day of God Almighty!

    Over here we’re irreligious, but over there, they take their Religion VERY SERIOUS whether we like it or not!


    1. Hello Ray,

      As noted previous, the October 7 false flag operation and subsequent extreme bombing of Gaza are the actions which the Fascist mRNA bioweapons mass murderers have decided is their last chance for escaping prosecutions and the death penalty. The entire motive is provoking a Middle East war if possible, or, if necessary, World War III, to buy time before the inevitable prosecutions. Again, this is why the mRNA bioweapons mass murder prosecutions must begin ASAP, to remove these monsters from society before the life-and-death-desperate Fascists get us all killed.

      Thanks for weighing in, Ray.

      By the way, just noticed this is my 1,500th published post at this blog. Any suggestions for #1,501? 🙂


      1. Anonymous

        Thank you Jerry for this post.

        Suggestions? Why not go back a very short time in USA history, citing USS Maine in Havana arbor, Archeduke Ferdinand, 1 Sept 1940 in Poland, Pearl Harbor 1941, Gulf of Tonkin, etc etc etc.

        I suggest ole bee bee got his 10% and avoids prosecution, hunter and family get their 10 to 20% and all the rest. Filth.


        1. Good suggestions, Ray. The “Al Jazeera Investigates October 7” (post #1,501) share confirms what John Hankey asserts in his documentary, – fundamentally proving October 7 was a false flag operation. It never ceases to amaze the glacial movement amount of time it takes before these major historic-magnitude scandals finally break through into the mainstream.

          So it goes…

          Liked by 1 person

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