Monetary Reform: Worldwide Awareness Is Growing.

By Jerry Alatalo

egular readers at The Oneness of Humanity are likely more informed on the topic of monetary reform and public banking than the average citizen… It’s easy to say that as there are over 160 postings in the Money and Banking category on this site. This post will serve as a tune up of sorts for regular visitors and as an introduction for those who are 1st-time visitors or unfamiliar with our content.

We are always thankful to come across others’ serious studies related to this important, yet greatly neglected subject, and with gratitude share the following 1-hour work (one of a 4-part study) from American academics Carl Herman and Jim Fetzer.

Given the clearly tremendous importance of money on Earth, as an issue of scientific and/or academic study the subject of money is perhaps best described in practical terms as esoteric or somehow hidden from the majority. Unfortunately, the level of knowledge on monetary science is extremely low among the populations of all countries – commonly perceived as an arena reserved only for intellectually gifted, very small groups of men and women, whom also possess and utilize supernatural financial powers.

The general societal perception when it comes to banking, monetary reform, “high” finance and economics is an image of “hallowed, sacred ground” walked upon by only the so-called elites or .01% elect of the human race. One of the few things in life people are reasonably sure of is change or constant evolution, and it is occurring in a big, positive way as planetary awareness about money science grows.

Thankfully high quality teachers like Carl Herman, Jim Fetzer and others are making good efforts to fully inform men and women using easily understood teaching about this vital topic. There are more new-paradigm developments for which people can feel thankful, in particular the rapidly growing interest in these subjects of study around the world.

For those new to this site and the subject of monetary reform, gather paper and pen for taking notes. Class is ready to begin…


(From the introduction to Part 2…)

Carl Herman is a National Board Certified Teacher in Government, Economics, and History, also credentialed in Mathematics. Jim Fetzer is the McKnight Professor of Philosophy Emeritus of the University of Minnesota Duluth; Founder, Scholars for 9/11 Truth; Editor, Assassination Science; and Co-Editor, Assassination Research.

Jim and Carl contribute nearly 100 years of academic training and professional experience in this four-part series to reveal among the most obvious lies of omission and commission keeping Americans ignorant of ongoing .01% U.S. rogue state empire.

Jim and Carl factually assert an Emperor’s New Clothes condition that Americans can easily see for themselves, if they care to look.

Part 1: U.S. illegal: History as a rogue state empire
Part 2: Enslaving Americans with debt: Basic math to see the problems and obvious solutions (video posted below, find Parts 1, 3 and 4 at Carl Herman’s channel)
Part 3: U.S. public education: Bullshit to train stupefied work animals
Part 4: Practical philosophy for virtue and a future brighter than we can imagine

(Thank you to Carl Herman at YouTube)

New John Titus Film Exposes Corruption At The Bank For International Settlements.

By Jerry Alatalo


“And it occurs to no one that to admit a greatness not commensurate with the standard of right and wrong is merely to admit one’s own nothingness and immeasurable meanness.”

– LEO TOLSTOY (1828-1910) Russian writer


ohn Titus’ new documentary film “All the Plenary’s Men” exposes the criminal strategies and operations of the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland. The title was likely chosen by the filmmaker to rhyme with, and have the same impact on society as, the Watergate-focused book by investigative journalists Bob Woodward  and Carl Bernstein – “All the President’s Men”. Watergate – in the view of attorney Daniel Sheehan – occurred relative to Richard Nixon’s fears that the Democratic National Committee had information showing President John F. Kennedy was murdered in broad daylight by entities, specifically a hand-picked team of hired assassins, inside the U.S. “deep state”

Mr. Titus’ powerful new film focuses on crimes of a seemingly different quality than the coup d’état of the American government through murdering its democratically elected president. The film exposes how the most powerful and wealthy people on Earth exercise control of governments and populations while covering up massive crimes against humanity with impunity.

Mr. Titus has noted in interviews that “All the Plenary’s Men” is likely the second in a three-part trilogy of films, the first being “The Veneer of Justice in a Kingdom of Crime”. Given “All the Plenary’s Men” should become a worldwide phenomenon and ignite conversations and further in-depth research projects in all nations,  one can say with certainty those powerful private interests controlling the extremely secretive (until now) Bank for International Settlements – known as the “central bank of the world’s central banks” –  are fully aware they have just been hit with a monumental public relations “problem”.

It might be the case that it is almost impossible to overestimate how profoundly serious and important the facts revealed in Mr. Titus’ film “All the Plenary’s Men” are as they relate to the entire human race. The film is truly historic and evokes mental images from the Christian bible of the man called Jesus’ overturning the tables of the money changers, generated by righteous indignation.

While not wishing to categorize John Titus as somehow the “second coming of Christ”, from a spiritual perspective which perceives human evolution as an increasingly rapid revealing and resolving of crimes harming fellow members of the human family, Mr. Titus has provided an effective information tool for (if acted upon) positive societal uplift the world over.

There are times when men and women upon learning historical and persisting facts and realities about how “things” happen on Earth wish they hadn’t. Because of the disturbing nature of the gained awareness they regret coming to know in the first place, and that it would have been preferable and less stressful to remain “in the dark”.

The reality revealed by Mr. Titus is precisely the type of knowledge men and women often feel depressed and frustrated afterward for coming to understand, mainly because one feels impotent or powerless to act on that newly accumulated knowledge.

For those who wish to stay “in the dark” and avoid the stress related to knowing about how the world’s most powerful and wealthy operate, particularly their truly destructive criminality – do not watch “All the Plenary’s Men”.

However, for those who wish to know …

Who owns the so-called “systemically important financial institutions”? …


(Thank you to BestEvidence (John Titus’ channel) at YouTube)