COVID-19 Grand Jury Petition Will Prevent World War III.

COVID-19 Petition

by Jerry Alatalo | February 3, 2024

Due to the current disturbing rise of military tensions centered in the Middle East and Ukraine time is of the essence, therefore this message is brief and directly to the point. 

Please read, download, then present the following 82-page legal document, “COVID-19 Grand Jury Petition”, to every city, county and state prosecutor across America and the world. Taking necessary and correct legal action now will arguably prevent World War III – by placing in handcuffs and leg irons, and lifetime imprisonment, those capable of and desperate enough to initiate global war to escape Nuremberg-style prosecution for historic-magnitude premeditated mass murder and criminal fraud/racketeering.

Thank you very much.

For helping to facilitate the continuance of life on Earth (preventing World War III), future generations will thank you very much. Peace.

One thought on “COVID-19 Grand Jury Petition Will Prevent World War III.

  1. Pingback: Confessions of an Amateur Peace Activist Sincerely Trying to Prevent World War III. – THE ONENESS of HUMANITY

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