Massive Blood Clots Inside Deceased mRNA Injection Recipients Remain a Mystery.

[Editor’s note: My comment at The Expose: “Whether the horrific, gargantuan blood clots formed before or after death is irrelevant. What is of utmost importance, and effectively 100% ignored by law enforcement officials, elected politicians and corporate media, is that embalmers and funeral directors etc. have never seen this evidence of mass murder before, – until the mRNA transfections (bioweapons) were launched simultaneously, all across the Earth.”


Perhaps consulting/questioning coronavirus “mad genetic scientist” Ralph Baric regarding the alarming, bizarre blood clotting mystery, in his long overdue appearance before the appropriate investigative committee(s) inside the United States Congress, will identify the root cause of the shocking blood clotting phenomenon.

That is, if members of the U.S. Congress finally grow a moral backbone.

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