Gulf Of Tonkin, Incubator Babies, 9/11, WMD, Viagra, Sea Of Oman…

By Jerry Alatalo

Is humanity witnessing the end of the false flag wars era of history?

hile we begin with the Gulf of Tonkin false flag which was deceptively and tragically used as “justification” for the Vietnam War, the use of false flags for starting illegal wars of aggression goes back much further in the history of mankind. With the most recent example, the incidents in the Sea of Oman, being perceived by such a wide-ranging and significant number of people on Earth as a false flag, one might suggest humanity is witnessing a definite crossroad, turning point and end of an era.

It was on an evening nationwide broadcast in 1964 where United States President Lyndon Johnson told the American people that war in Vietnam was coming, all the while knowing the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a false flag which never occurred, and undoubtedly lied through his teeth to the world. Millions of Vietnamese men, women and children perished; sixty thousand American soldiers perished; according to Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg, the level of destruction in Vietnam was four times the level of destruction in all nations on Earth during the entire World War II.

In the first war against Iraq in the early 1990s, then U.S. President George H. W. Bush led the way and went along with Washington politicians and corporate media organizations, strongly pushing the lie about Iraqi soldiers in Kuwait “tearing babies out of their incubators!”. Tens of thousands of Iraqis perished from American bombings, the war begun and “justified” on cunning lies.

In damning contrast to a typical building collapse, the explosive demolition of the Twin Towers on 9/11 saw steel beams laterally ejected with enough force to impale the nearby skyscraper.

Undoubtedly the 9/11 false flag of September 11, 2001 represents the greatest military deception in human history, and was used as the basis for a still-operative, immeasurably destructive, bogus, catastrophic “war on (of) terror”. After 17 years, the good men and women of the 9/11 justice legal group Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry were able to force U.S. Attorneys at the Southern District of New York to agree, in March 2018, to a Grand Jury for the purpose of examining evidence of, among other major alleged crimes, the controlled demolitions of the Buildings 1, 2 and 7 on September 11, 2001.

The Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry is still waiting – some 15 months later – to present their enormous compilation of powerful evidence in the yet-to-begin Grand Jury process. It is highly likely that, once the 9/11 Grand Jury process finally begins, it will inevitably become shown and proven that 9/11 was indeed a false flag event, and the course of human history will become radically transformed, in an extremely positive manner which reduces the criminal practice of war on Earth to near nonexistent status.

This is why it is important for the American people to support the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry in its efforts to reveal the brutal-yet-necessary truth.

After the 9/11 false flag events were successfully and deceptively described, and largely accepted by the American people, as an act of war by Middle East terrorists, the administration of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney et al joined with the United Kingdom’s Tony Blair and other western nation leaders in pushing the lies that Saddam Hussein of Iraq was close to possessing nuclear weapons of mass destruction, and Hussein’s being involved in the attacks of 9/11.

Even years after the second Iraq War ended, a significant number of Americans still believe Hussein was involved in the 9/11 attacks.

With little opposition, and helped by Bush administration Secretary of State Colin Powell’s outright lying at the now infamous United Nations Security Council meeting on Iraq, – like Lyndon Johnson before him, George W. Bush went on nationwide prime time television announcing the beginning of “shock and awe” bombing of Iraq.

An estimated one million Iraqi men, women and children perished in the illegal war of aggression, millions became displaced and refugees, – while thousands of American soldiers were killed, and many more thousands suffered physical, psychological and spiritual injuries of immense proportion.

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was eventually murdered in grisly fashion, after the Barack Obama administration used more war propaganda deception to convince uninformed Americans to go along with the intense 2011 bombing of Libya by U.S./NATO forces.

Among the set of lies coming from Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton were those falsely accusing Gaddafi of supplying his soldiers with Viagra for the purpose of using rape as a weapon of war. Obama, like Lyndon Johnson and George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush before him, lied to the American people and the world by asserting military action was urgent, because Gaddafi was, Obama deceivingly emphasized at the time, within days of starting to massacre thousands of his own people.

Many feel the true reason for the 2011 overthrow and murder of Gaddafi was his serious and real intention of establishing an African currency, and securing for the first time monetary independence for the people of the African continent. Many feel Hillary Clinton’s obscene display of self-satisfied delight, marked forever in history by her repugnant “We came, we saw, he died!” followed by a shocking eruption of laughter, was a major factor leading to her defeat in the 2016 election.

In Syria, a number of false flag chemical attacks have occurred during the warring time period starting from March 2011 to now, in June 2019. Hundreds of thousands of Syrians have perished in the fighting while millions have become displaced, and to date no foreign state-sponsors of terrorist killers operating in Syria have become held accountable. Fortunately, thus far the chemical weapons deceptions have been unsuccessful at sparking any dangerous escalation of violence leading to world war.

On Thursday June 13, 2019 in the Sea of Oman …

This endless war deception insanity needs to stop … And it must become stopped now.

(Thank you to RT at YouTube)

7 thoughts on “Gulf Of Tonkin, Incubator Babies, 9/11, WMD, Viagra, Sea Of Oman…

  1. That story is getting old, isn’t it. Unfortunately it’s like organized sports: nothing ever changes yet enough fools keep supporting it that it remains an idiotic part of everyday life in the world of The Stupids.


    1. Hello Sha’Tara,

      Fortunately it seems clear people holding the view that these false flag wars are getting old and demanding they end are outnumbering The Stupids. This latest deception incident in the Sea of Oman has resulted in internet news reporting comments sections where people are in the 90% range calling out the lies. Apparently people are tired of “teams” which cheat (war propaganda, covert financing of violence, bribery, state-sponsorship of mercenary terrorists, mass murder events, criminal wars of aggression, etc.) to “win”.


  2. Remember the Maine. Remember the Lusitania (not a false flag, but bait and switch), remember Pearl Harbor (another bait and switch after the condemned all those people to die in Honolulu even though they knew the Japanese were coming and had committed an act of war by embargoing Japans Oil)



    1. Hello Jimmy,

      A professionally produced documentary with the simple title “False Flag” would probably become blacklisted and wouldn’t get the deserved credit to win an Academy Award, but despite being overlooked would have the same extraordinary societal impact as if it had – perhaps achieving an even higher status and recognition precisely because Hollywood totally and intentionally ignored such a history/paradigm-changing film. Thank you for sharing your spot-on perspective.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Great summary of the false flag phenomenon. I personally believe it isn’t over. It’s been going on a long time. Here in NZ we celebrate Guy Fawkes Day every Nov 5 – the supposed foiling of the Fawkes attempt to blow up Parliament in 1605. This was later proved to be a false flag event hatched by the government. I’m sure we could find earlier ones if we looked for them.


    1. Hello Stuart,

      Yes …The problem is that it’s true old (bad) habits die hard, such as here when the habit is false flag deception to initiate criminal wars of aggression. While hard to predict, the best outcome involves humanity reaching a certain irreversible tipping point, and fully and finally rejects such disgusting, dishonorable operations. Thank you.


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