Organize Global Military Force And Stop ISIS, Terrorism Now.

Posted on October 8, 2014

by Jerry Alatalo

“United we stand, divided we fall.”

– AESOP (620-560 B.C.) Greek fabulist

aaa-44Which President, Prime Minister, or high official from any nation on Earth will become the first to propose an international military force to end ISIS, and terrorism, once and for all? Here’s the proposal, and it’s about as straightforward as it gets. The leaders of every nation on Earth agree to send 1,000 ground soldiers to the Middle East, namely Iraq and Syria, to direct ISIS out of existence.

According to reports there are some 30,000 soldiers in ISIS, of which presumably 20,000 are in Syria and 10,000 in Iraq. The growing view is that airstrikes alone have not made any significant dent in ISIS’ power, and will not if continued, so more voices are rising in calls for ground forces. One thousand soldiers from every country on Earth would represent sufficient military power to soundly defeat ISIS forces who refuse to surrender. ISIS would receive forewarning. Once the international military forces arrived in the region, ISIS will receive the ultimatum to either surrender within 24 hours or die.

All it takes to organize such a truly multinational police force begins when one or more national leaders seriously proposes the concept. At that point of initiation, the world will find out who is truly concerned about ISIS extremism as a threat to world peace and security and who is not. Those world leaders who decide against participation in such a world police force at this time will become forced to fully explain to their citizens their reasons for deciding on non-participation. They will then have to specifically articulate why they are against such an organization plus explain any ideas which they feel would more effectively solve the ISIS threat situation.

When this proposal reaches the entire world, what will become manifested is a profound moment of truth in the history of the human race. The people of every nation and future generations will have access to, and will forever benefit from, speeches made by their leaders as they weigh in on a global debate revealing all aspects of terrorism, war and peace, geopolitical strategy, economic motivations, governance options, natural resource wealth distribution, societal consequences of military action, and all the diverse factors presently contributing to the ISIS phenomenon, Middle East tensions, and universally similar situations and consequences anywhere on this planet.

An international police force organized to stop ISIS now is a superior option over a coalition consisting of a handful of nations, because all of humanity will experience unity against an entity which has proven its capacity to harm innocent men, women, and children. The entire world community has the chance now to truly come together in solving this problem, and will continue to experience great benefit from such a unifying action when tackling other significant problems as time moves on.

When kidnappers hold hostages law enforcement comes in and carries out its best effort to free the innocent and punish the people who have harmed others and operated outside the law. An international law enforcement agency consisting of 1,000 men and women from every nation on Earth is the logical extension of fundamental actions by organizations of people dedicated to prevention of all varieties of crimes and malicious harm to people. The organizing, transport, and coördination of a global police force to stop ISIS is the option which deserves the most serious consideration of all options now on the world’s table.

First, foremost, and most importantly, because the immediate, overarching concern of the ISIS problem will become resolved. After the extremist threat of ISIS becomes stopped then removed, post-arrest interrogations will show how the criminal organization came into existence, expose critical information on tactics and strategies used by terrorist groups, while leading to those who are accountable and punishable for terrorist financing. The deterrent effect from this will prevent recurrences of similar extreme terrorist situations in the future to the extent where they become near to extinct.

The extraordinary, unprecedented benefit humanity will realize – once this proposal becomes soberly considered, strongly suggested, widely agreed upon, then implemented and invariably succeeds – is the historic paradigm shift in human consciousness from an “us versus them” centuries-old mentality to a universal awareness of wholly possible building of a global society living together in unity, truth, justice, and peace for all time. This is a serious proposal directed to the leaders and citizens of every nation on Earth.


(Thank you to PressTV News Videos)

Worldwide Search For Middle East, ISIS Truth Continues.


Posted on October 8, 2014

by Jerry Alatalo

“Speak then the truth, and the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”

– BEN JONSON (1573-1637) English actor, poet, dramatist

P1000889-1For men and women who spend any amount of time reading articles and watching interviews to find out what is really occurring in the Middle East, many found their minds filled with question marks after learning about what American Vice President Joe Biden said about Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Turkey financing and arming ISIS last week.

Although Mr. Biden’s remarks were of the “bombshell” variety to any of those men and women, not surprisingly the western media conglomerates totally ignored a certainly gigantic revelation by the second most powerful person in the US government. The American corporate media’s failure to report on Mr. Biden’s colossal statements, although there is no doubt anyone employed as an editor or journalist at any of these news organizations were fully aware of the profound nature of his words, further reinforces whatever level of distrust people may have had regarding the so-called mainstream media.

The Middle East has always been about energy resources when it comes to reasons for wars and their accompanying human death and misery, destruction of property, and lasting harm to the unfortunate people who happened to have been born in a Middle Eastern country. What is frustrating is that the mainstream media, politicians across the Earth, men/women who transact business in the Middle East, and leaders in a variety of areas of human endeavor – including the world’s religious/spiritual traditions, university professors, experts in the energy field, etc. – aren’t focusing now on that essential factor of oil and natural gas.

For there to exist a situation where serious discussions concerned with solving the problem of extreme violence in the Middle East – and other regions on Earth – do not honestly tackle the real source/roots of the problems is equal to an imagined situation where the Middle East has a tremendous, epidemic problem of alcoholism and the word “alcohol” is never mentioned.

Whether the Middle East’s historical, and now current, disastrous events have been caused by an energy market control competition between groups of the world’s most powerful political, business, and ideological leaders, the clash between monarchies and pan-Arab/Nasserite or nationalist movements, or any combination of these plus other, less potent but still significant factors – oil and natural gas must become a major part of the discussions to stop the current violence and prevent future repeats. In other words, for there to exist any chance of peace breaking out in the Middle East region, for peace breaking out anywhere on Earth, there is no getting around the fact that truth is indispensable.

Because there is no escaping the reality speaking absolute truth is the only way to develop trust between people of the world and create the good relations which end wars and violence; because speaking the truth is the only way for men and women to become truly involved in relationships of brotherhood and sisterhood which is the basis of peaceful co-existence, people around the Earth would become thankful after putting in the necessary time and effort which results in conditions on Earth where truthfulness is the only acceptable character trait of any man or woman in positions of great responsibility and high-level leadership.

How is it that media commentators describe Joe Biden’s remarks last week as “major political gaffe” or otherwise in the pointing out that his truthful statements are deserving of criticism, like “how dare he speak the truth?” How is it that when a politician “leaks” the truth it is such an odd, rare occurrence that thousands of articles, millions of words, and millions of viewers become exposed to reports about it? How has speaking the truth become unusual, when it should clearly be a normal, everyday way for leaders to communicate? Such a state of affairs is profoundly absurd and highly disturbing.

One easily finds examples where failure of citizens to demand the complete truth from leaders has allowed incalculable harm to become carried out against humanity, the most recent being when George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Dick Cheney, and others lied to the entire world, using massive deceptions to wage war against Iraq. Fortunately people the world over have access to the internet where, if one has determination, there is a decent chance of finding truthful information about major situations where many lives are endangered.

Fortunately there is a global movement which has emerged from people becoming determined to search and ideally find accurate, honest reporting of events occurring around the Earth. The following articles, and a video from The Real News Network, will perhaps result in more men and women around the world coming to an exact awareness of the phenomenon in the Middle East called ISIS or Islamic State. Thousands of articles have become published by men and women since  ISIS emerged, and many have described events, facts, and persons involved in brilliant ways adding to the measure of truth available.

The following links go to articles written by Nafeez Ahmed, Thierry Meyssan, and William Engdahl; all veteran journalists and geopolitical analysts. Mr. Ahmed’s article is the longest at about 4,000 words, and describes how ISIS has sold oil stolen from Syria and Iraq on the black market without any clear opposition from those who publicly call for their destruction. Mr. Meyssan delves into the energy/natural gas aspect of ISIS as well, and proposes a unique possible solution to end the violence. Mr. Engdahl raises some questions about the beheading videos which have resulted in Americans’ being much less opposed to military force used by the United States than last September, when only some 10% were in favor of airstrikes against Syria.

With regard to the beheading video of Steven Sotloff, it was first published on the internet by a company by the name of SITE, and a woman, Rita Katz, associated with the firm appeared on CNN for a short interview after which she hasn’t appeared on television. William Engdahl doesn’t mention this in his article, but during that CNN interview Ms. Katz said that her company SITE was somehow able to get the Sotloff beheading video from a website commonly used by ISIS – before ISIS published it on the internet – thereby beating ISIS in the race to publish. This seems to have been an impossible feat for the people at SITE, the same as if SITE had gotten into a YouTube channel’s library of videos, without a password, taken one of the YouTube channel’s yet-to-be-published videos, and published it themselves. Once again, before ISIS.

One can surmise how Rita Katz’s company SITE pulled off the seemingly impossible, but until either the media or governments/law enforcement directly question Ms. Katz and staff at her company about how they were able to do specifically what they did in the case of the Steven Sotloff video the truth will never surface. It is extremely important to authenticate this video because – although the American journalists may in fact have been killed by ISIS – there are many who have suspicions about whether the beheadings took place. They either occurred or they didn’t, but the result has been that – instead of the 10% of Americans in favor of airstrikes against Syria last September – the percentage of Americans favoring military action in Iraq and Syria has increased to over 50%. That large increase is attributable to the beheading videos and their widespread dissemination/reporting on global media.

Patrick Cockburn said in the interview that he found US Vice President Joe Biden’s “gaffe” statements “refreshing” because it was a rare display of truth coming from a high official of the United States government. Biden’s statements have analysts struggling to figure out the motives behind them. Mr. Cockburn’s assessment of the air campaign of bombing against ISIS is that of complete failure, and that ISIS is growing in size while continuing to seize large areas in Iraq and Syria. In contrast to Ahmed, Meyssan, and Engdahl, one senses that Patrick Cockburn – although he’s recognized these days as an expert journalist on the Middle East – is holding back information. He may or may not be holding back what he knows. It’s just a feeling perhaps born from the absence in Mr. Cockburn’s interviews of the oil/natural gas/energy aspect, the elephant in the room.

Hopefully the information here will answer some questions, generate some questions, and possibly help in small to large extent the sincere efforts focused on finding and demanding the truth about ISIS and the devastating, harmful events now occurring in the Middle East. Again, for peace in that region to have any chance, worldwide dissemination of truth is indispensable.


Nafeez Ahmed:


Thierry Meyssan:


William Engdahl:


(Thank you to TheRealNews at YouTube)