MLK, JFK, RFK, 9/11 And More: Dr. William Pepper And Dr. Kevin Barrett.

Attorney Dr. William Pepper talked to radio show host Dr. Kevin Barrett in January 2017 on the murders of Martin Luther King Jr., President John Kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy, 9/11, Libya, the media … and much, much more.


Dr Kevin Barrett:  Welcome to Truth Jihad Radio, the radio show that’s actually an all-out struggle for truth.  (Editor’s note: Dr. Kevin Barrett also co-hosts “False Flag Weekly News”NoLiesRadio Channel, on YouTube) I’m Kevin Barrett, bringing on great guests talking about the most important stories that you’re not likely to hear about in the mainstream media.  One of the most important stories in the history of the last century is the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King. And we have one man, more than anyone else, to thank for getting the truth about that incredibly important event out to the world. And that man is my guest William Pepper.  William Pepper has been on this case for decades.  He was a friend of Dr. King. It’s a long story, admirably summarized in his new book The Plot to Kill King, which is an update of his previous two books, Act of State, and…what was the first one?

Dr. William Pepper:  Orders to Kill.

Dr Kevin Barrett:  Orders to Kill.  Yeah, I have a copy.  Milwaukee Public Library, discard copy of that.  Anyway, this new book, The Plot to Kill King, is pretty much a definitive statement. It’s a brilliant piece of work, one of the all-time great historical pieces of detective work.  So it’s an honor to have William Pepper on the show.  Welcome, Bill. How are you?

Dr. William Pepper:  Thank you. Thank you, Kevin.  I’m fine. I’m pleased to be with you.

Dr Kevin Barrett: It’s quite amazing, isn’t it, when we start looking beneath the surface of some of these history-changing events, what we find crawling around underneath.

Dr. William Pepper:  It certainly is.  In fact, this work and the Robert Kennedy one, which I agreed to represent Sirhan on, has made me cognizant of the fact that political assassination has been one of the major change agents throughout all of history—to such an extent that I think I’ll work on an analysis of political assassinations in history.  I’m staggered by the social, economic, and political, changes that have resulted from the removal of leaders and dissidents at various times in human history going back, of course, well before the Crucifixion of Christ.  So it’s worth considering in a broader scope. And of course in our lifetimes we’ve experienced a number of assassinations.  The killing of Martin Luther King was a seminal event in terms of a negative impact of our way of life.

Dr Kevin Barrett:  When I was being attacked by the mainstream media as a 9/11 truth researcher and soon to be ex-professor, I was attacked partly for having mentioned that I thought these political assassinations of the ‘60’s, notably the Kennedys and Dr. King, were obviously not done by lone nuts as we were told.  I responded to their attacks by saying something like:

“Well, call me a ‘conspiracy theorist,’ but I don’t think Julius Caesar was stabbed by a lone nut.”

It’s obvious that there are so many motives for power players to kill people in political assassinations. And yet we have this orthodoxy that it’s always a lone nut.  And even people as smart as Noam Chomsky tell us: “Oh, it doesn’t really matter whether the Kennedys or King or anybody like that lives or dies.  It’s all a big distraction and we should just accept the official story.” And he says similarly idiotic things about 9/11 and other false flags.  How could someone like Chomsky not get it?

Dr. William Pepper:  Well, I think Chomsky gets it.  I think he just refuses to acknowledge it. And whatever his particular reasons are, he just will not deal with the truth when it comes to certain issues.  Political assassination is one.  I’ve had more than one conversation with him and it’s been somewhat embarrassing, because he clearly knows more than he’s willing to admit, for whatever reason.  He and a lot of left thinkers go only so far.  And activists even.  And broadcasters and political figures also go just so far, and they won’t go any further, and that’s a matter of great frustration. Because you then are coming up against (censorship) not only in the mainstream media but also in the progressive media, which itself is serving the cause of injustice.

Dr Kevin Barrett:  Well, and I think there might be a number of reasons for that.  One of them is that people in supposed opposition groups can actually have their career skids greased by cooperating with the authorities and the bad guys.  You have some pretty awful information in your book about heroes of the left like Jesse Jackson and Ralph Abernathy.  These people are seen as dissidents, but they got their public position by cooperating nefariously with the other side. And I imagine that there’s quite a lot of that in the so-called alternative media.

Dr. William Pepper:  Yeah.  I think that’s certainly the case. And the cooperation I think is in many ways worse, and more deceitful, because a lot of these people pretend to be something they’re not. They serve the existing ruling class and the ruling forces in a much more insidious way than the mainstream media does.  So that’s difficult to overcome. And that’s why people like you, Kevin, and the work that you do and the broadcasting that you do, is in many ways a voice in the wilderness—and sometimes in the darkness.  But it’s very important to keep your work going with respect to these events.

Continue reading “MLK, JFK, RFK, 9/11 And More: Dr. William Pepper And Dr. Kevin Barrett.”

“The US Government Killed MLK Jr.”

As Coretta Scott King remarked, “The jury was clearly convinced by the extensive evidence that was presented during the trial that … the conspiracy of the Mafia, local, state and federal government agencies, were deeply involved in the assassination of my husband.”