Americans Observe History Day.

The peace pipe is sacred for Native Americans.

s Americans observe the national holiday of Columbus Day on October 14, it seems proper to take some moments for remembering the nation’s original people. A short documentary titled “A Healing Journey” shares one Native American tribe’s successful effort to regain an essential aspect of its unique history and long-ago traditional nature-based system of living.

Some spiritual prophecies hold that humanity will come to a certain point of historic decision when the powers of greed, self-importance, and lack of respect for life in all its forms – human, animal, plant and inanimate – inflicts such harm that reconsideration of ancient, simpler, natural and peaceful ways of living on Earth becomes manifest.

Is it possible that now, in October 2019, represents that prophesied decisive historical point where humanity finds it impossible to perpetuate the harms it has essentially done to itself, all life and the Earth itself – through ill-considered, reckless and violent actions taken for the purpose of increasing wealth and power and control at the expense of others in the human family?

For thousands of years, the Nimiipuu (Nez Perce) people piloted their canoes along the tumbling waters of the Snake River. But after dams were built and the river choked off, a tradition was lost for over 100 years. Until now…

(Thank you to

Hopi Message In 2019: Thomas Banyacya (1909-1999).

by Jerry Alatalo

hile some might consider late Hopi leader Thomas Banyacya a simple man unworthy of attention due to an impression of his being plain-spoken, uneducated or non-academic, without a university Ph.D. or similar designation of intellectual achievement, yet those with ears and heart to understand will resonate deeply with his powerful, relevant-in-2019 message.

People weren’t given the opportunity to hear from Thomas Banyacya since he passed into the spirit world in 1999, but one might imagine what he’d have said about the events of September 11, 2001 – the most important unsolved mass murder false flag crime in all of human history – and the wars which followed, ongoing today in May 2019 nearly 18 years later, and falsely associated with 9/11 under the equally deceptive term “war on terror”.

What would he be saying in May 2019 about Venezuela, Iran, Syria, Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, etc. – and the real risks of a dangerous new nuclear arms race on Earth?

Many will at first glance dismiss Hopi prophecy, as depicted in raw form as art on rock mountain walls located on the Hopi reservation, as unrealistic and perhaps even bordering on science fiction “woo-woo”. However, those same people might think twice after precisely sensing the complete honesty in Thomas Banyacya’s speaking voice.

Is Hopi prophecy the real thing showing potential future catastrophic events on Earth, pointing to increasingly dire planetary circumstances landing humanity at existential decision making inevitability regards spiritual paths, and therefore important for people to give their full and serious attention? What if the Hopi prophecies are entirely accurate … and what if the visionaries who drew the prophetic art were predicting events in the future culminating now, at May 2019?

Author Thomas E. Mails wrote a best seller and possibly the definitive book on the subject: “The Hopi Survival Kit”.

Recalling an event described to biographical author Doug Boyd by Native American medicine man Rolling Thunder in Boyd’s now classic book “Rolling Thunder” might add texture to the Hopi prophecy subject with respect to so-called – controversial for some – “supernatural” abilities.

Rolling Thunder went with the friend of a young Native American man unjustly held in a U.S. Army prison for refusing to comply with military draft laws, traveling to the location where prison officials thought nobody knew the young man was being held. Rolling Thunder and the imprisoned young man’s friend went to the prison gate and demanded the young man’s release, when they were (lied to) told “That person is not here.”

Rolling Thunder in his way knew the young man was inside the prison, and proceeded to tell the prison guard at the entrance: “We know he’s inside, and we demand you hand him over.”

The guards once again denied the young man was imprisoned there. To make a long story short, Rolling Thunder and the prisoner’s young friend went to a nearby river where Rolling Thunder started a fire and conducted a ceremony. They returned to the prison entrance where Rolling Thunder told the guards, “We know he’s inside. We are giving you one last chance to release him, or things are going to start flying around here.”

The guards again denied the presence of the prisoner, whereupon off in the distance a funnel cloud started forming, growing and moving toward the prison. As the tornado created by Rolling Thunder in ceremony got closer, things indeed started flying and crashing around the prison complex with tremendous force and wind speeds.

At that point, prison guards went and retrieved the young prisoner, and without speaking released him from the prison to the custody of Rolling Thunder. The tornado subsided, then disappeared. Believe it or not … but Doug Boyd’s book contains many other similarly astonishing examples of the years-to-develop abilities of Rolling Thunder.

Our stance is that Hopi prophecy is a true phenomenon which humanity ignores at its peril.

While the Hopi elder’s voice is unfortunately no longer available for human communication exchanges, it is without doubt that if Thomas Banyacya were present today that voice would still be honest, plain-spoken, direct and transmitting overwhelming spiritual power.


“The first peace, which is most important, is that which is found within the souls of men when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.”



(Thank you to Sacred Land Film Project at YouTube)

(Film description: Hopi elder Thomas Banyacya (1909-1999) was selected as spokesman for traditional leaders in 1948, after atom bombs triggered Hopi awareness that the prophecized “gourd full of ashes” had finally appeared. We worked with Thomas from 1977 through 1999 and were fortunate to film him at Chaco Canyon, in Washington DC, and at sacred migration sites around the Four Corners area. His humor, good spirit and wisdom will be long remembered. In June 2011, Santa Clara elder José Lucero and Onondaga Chief Oren Lyons organized a memorial gathering to celebrate Thomas at the foot of Navajo Mountains and they asked us to put together a short film remembrance of Thomas. This film is the result, published here for the first time in September 2017. )