Last False Flag, First True Peace.

By Jerry Alatalo

398-2-1“As it has been promised previously to the American partners, this information will not be hidden anymore”.

Alphabet That is what Russian Ministry of Defense Major General Igor Konashenkov said during the following briefing on recent events in Syria. He was referring to and refuting statements made by U.S. Pentagon official Colonel Steve Warren which accused Russian pilots of carrying out airstrikes against hospitals and civilians in the Syrian city of Aleppo.

Whether developments in the days ahead include a response from the Pentagon to Mr. Konashenkov’s allegation that it was two American A-10 fighter jets which carried out the actual bombings or not – a response which presents evidence to the world to back up the Pentagon’s assertion of Russian military responsibility for the attacks, it is perhaps inconceivable that the matter of two superpower conflicting perceptions and narratives about such very serious war crimes will stay unresolved.

If the Pentagon’s spokesperson was telling the truth, to straighten out the controversy by showing the evidence to substantiate the severe allegation should not prove difficult or any problem. In essence, if the Pentagon fails to offer the world evidence proving Russian jets carried out the bombardments one can come to no other logical conclusion but that American pilots were carrying out what has become increasingly recognized by people around the Earth as a “false flag” military operation.

Some might underestimate how much importance lies in this controversy and quickly forget about it, but the implications of a possibly planned American false flag deception in Aleppo – without a doubt in any international law/legal expert’s mind a war crime, are potentially enormous and paradigm-shifting. For observers of events in Syria learning about this highest-level controversy between American and Russian military officials on bombings in Aleppo produces intense anticipation over the forthcoming, if any, American response.

As it stands, the proverbial “ball is in the Pentagon’s court”. While it has yet to become determined whether Russian or American pilots actually carried out the atrocities, in particular destruction of Aleppo hospitals, if it turns out that the airstrikes were in fact part of an American false flag operation humanity might have witnessed “the last false flag”. Given that throughout history civilization’s major wars have often been initiated upon successful false flag events, humanity’s awareness of one being carried out in Syria – if such proves the case – will result in a historic perceptual shift highly amenable for creating conditions of global truth, justice and peace.

In other words, the immoral tactical military option of deception meant to manipulate citizens’ perceptions into acceptance of war, by any nation or group of nations, will become virtually impossible to implement. What that means is no war ever again will start because of successful deceiving of entire populations of people. Given the high percentage of wars through history sparked by deceptive events, is it conceivable that wars will never again start… period?

The answer to that profoundly thought-provoking question may well come as the world’s people maintain intense focus on the outcome to the controversy, an event which could go down in history as “The February 2016 Bombing of Aleppo”.

(Thank you to Marine1063 at YouTube)

‘Standard Technique’ Runs In Bush Family.

by Jerry Alatalo

ocean44In the following film about CIA disinformation on Angola and Nicaragua during the 1970’s and 80’s, agency whistleblower David MacMichael refers to CIA insiders calling the planting of false news/media reporting as the ‘standard technique’. In light of the positions held by current presidential candidate Jeb Bush’s father George H. W. Bush as Director of the CIA, Vice-President for eight years under Ronald Reagan (1980-88), then President from 1988-92 , and despite the effort of Jeb to distance himself from his father and brother through asserting “I’m my own man”, Americans must feel very appropriately concerned about Jeb Bush possibly becoming the next President.

Why Jeb Bush must become completely stopped in his efforts to win the presidency is identified by looking at the Bush Dynasty family history. Jeb’s grandfather Prescott Bush, father George H. W and brother George W. went to Yale, and all three belonged to Yale’s controversial “Skull and Bones”.  Jeb Bush went to the University of Texas and received a degree in Latin American Studies. Prescott was U.S. Senator in Connecticut, became associated with Brown Brothers / Harriman Wall Street investment bank, and  some researchers of World War II claim Prescott Bush, the Dulles brothers and others collaborated with Germany’s Nazi Party and Hitler.

Think President George H. W. Bush standing at the podium lying to the world before Iraq War I with feigned outrage about Iraqi soldiers in Kuwait hospitals “tearing babies out of incubators!!” and the former CIA Director, then Vice President  “Pappy” Bush’s role in the Iran-Contra Scandal supplying the Contra mercenary forces with weapons used to massacre Nicaraguan peasants. Think Jeb’s brother and former President from 2000-2008 George W. lying to the world about “Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction!!” and his willingness to mention during a State of the Union address televised across the nation, in the view of all Americans, “mushroom clouds” over New York City.  Think about the profound all-around damage done to America economically, to its soldiers who perished or returned deeply scarred physically, emotionally and spiritually, and to its international reputation.

Think about the estimated 1 million Iraqis who perished because Jeb Bush’s brother George, Dick Cheney, Tony Blair and all the others lied.

Admitting to no great passion for developing the ability to peel off names, dates, etc. of American Nazi collaborators during the years surrounding World War II, but satisfied to have an awareness that powerful men in America had indeed helping to finance Nazis and Adolf Hitler, I would defer to or recommend watching University of California – Santa Cruz Professor Daniel Sheehan’s World Politics lectures this past year during the course “Trajectory of Justice”.

The course is available for free viewing in 18 quality 90-minute videos. Daniel Sheehan is a graduate of both Harvard Law and Divinity schools, first became well-known as the lead attorney for the surviving family of Karen Silkwood (see the movie starring Meryl Streep “Slkwood”), and was closely involved in the details of some of the most important legal cases in America’s history, including Watergate, the Pentagon Papers, Iran-Contra and others. If one takes the time to view Mr. Sheehan’s multi-video 2015 course “Trajectory of Justice”, I will guarantee here the man or woman who does so will experience a profound historical perceptions change after taking in one after another after another seemingly inexhaustible series of astonishing, little-known, important facts coming from Professor Sheehan. The information is the type that every American (men and women of all nations, for that matter) would be wise to learn.

Put another way, for those not already aware how dangerous a “President Jeb Bush” administration would truly be, after watching the following film on CIA media disinformation and hearing what Dan Sheehan says during “Trajectory of Justice” (2015 Course) – one will understand how urgent is the task to stop Jeb Bush.


(Thank you to Americans for Change at YouTube)