Standing Rock Smoke Signals.

By Jerry Alatalo

Header8Alphabet Veterans for Peace has sent out the call to its membership across the United States to support the water protection efforts at Standing Rock, North Dakota. Thousands of men and women veterans from the United States Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines and Navy have already arrived or are on their way to the camp, where some 11-12,000 people of all races have gathered to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Arrival of the veterans has created in the minds of many images recalling the atrocities of Wounded Knee where hundreds of innocent Native Americans became victims of mass murder by U.S. government/military forces – leading to calls for restraint and caution to avoid any repeat of that or other historic tragedies. The most remarkable and disturbing aspect of the months-long events in Standing Rock has been the excessive use of violence against those opposing the pipeline’s construction, with opposition efforts carried out using Gandhian-style peaceful protest – prayers, unified purpose, wisdom, and non-violent civil disobedience.

The land on which the thousands protesting the pipeline have gathered was promised by treaties made with the U.S. government in the 1800’s to the Lakota Sioux/Standing Rock tribe. The specific language in those treaties said, “for as long as the sun shines…”. The U.S. Congress in 1954, depending on one’s interpretation, either took possession of the land beneath the camp by “eminent domain” or stole it, with the intended purpose of flooding it as part of a hydroelectric dam project. The dam project never materialized.

The standoff will have to become resolved in the courts, and the water protectors are working to avoid unnecessary violence if law enforcement personnel receive the orders on December 6 to clear the camp and its thousands of residents – now, including a large contingent of U.S. military veterans standing in solidarity for support of the environment, morality and legal justice.

While those who call for the pipeline’s construction have told the American people the project will benefit “all” as part of the nation’s drive toward “energy independence”, apparently the project, if completed, would result in 100% of the fossil fuels transported through those pipes being exported to foreign countries for profit. Millions of taxpayer dollars are being spent with law enforcement operations to clear the way for private investors to profit, jeopardizing the environment in the process – in particular the drinking water for millions of citizens whose sole source is the Missouri River and/or massive Oglala Aquifer.

U.S. Marine Corps-Korean War veteran and member of the Lakota Sioux tribe, 80-year old Buzz Nelson, has been closely associated with events at Standing Rock; his grandson is the chairman of the Standing Rock tribe, David Archambault. He recently sat down for an interview with fellow Marine Dan Shea, veteran of the Vietnam War, to share thoughts, concerns, and reasons for optimism surrounding the historic events in North Dakota.

For more thorough, in-depth information on the legal situation in North Dakota and effective ways to support the men and women of Standing Rock, please visit:

(Thank you to Jim Lockhart at YouTube)

California, June 7 Vote: Decisive For U.S. Political Revolution.

By Jerry Alatalo

Alphabet Tuesday June 7 is the day those Americans voting in their states’ Democratic primaries for either Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton decide on the nation’s future. The most important of those states is California, where some 470 delegates are going to become divided between Sanders and Clinton. Depending on the outcome of the voting in California and the remaining states on Tuesday, what has become understood across the country as “The Political Revolution” will either lose or gain momentum.

For voters in California, New Jersey, North Dakota, South Dakota, New Mexico and Montana who still haven’t heard of “The Political Revolution”, the following videos from Bernie Sanders rallies during the 2016 campaign provide very good visual illustrations – and at the same time might make some wonder how it’s possible for Sanders at this point to trail Clinton…


Thanks to Tom Masuga at YouTube for his video from February 2016 at Eastern Michigan University and the Sanders rally there, in 25-degree weather…

Thanks to Charlie DeLacey at YouTube for filming the lines of supporters at the Bernie Sanders rally in Evansville, Indiana, held in May 2016…

Thank you to doctornerve at YouTube for filming the crowd at the Sanders South Bronx rally in March 2016…

Thank you to Cha Li at YouTube for sharing this remarkable video from the Oakland, California Sanders rally just a few days ago…

Thank you to hecmmontes at YouTube for filming the May 21, 2016 Sanders rally in New Mexico…

Thank you to Big CT at YouTube for posting capture of the long lines at a Sanders rally in Utah from March 2016…

Thank you to accalade at YouTube for recording what it looked like at the Bernie Sanders rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and the fine choice of musical cover, on February 24, 2016…

Thank you to jehofit’s channel at YouTube for the video, and moving musical selection, from March 30, 2016 and the Bernie Sanders town hall meeting in Madison, Wisconsin…

There are many more videos from other states around America showing the same levels of support for Mr. Sanders. Those aged 45 and younger have supported Sanders because they’ve chosen to get their news from the independent media over the internet where these videos became published.

Corporate media organizations have suppressed or outright censored the “Political Revolution” represented by these images, so the large percentage of older Americans who get their “news” solely from corporate media aren’t being given anything near the full and truly extraordinary story of election 2016.

Voters in California, New Jersey, North Dakota, South Dakota, New Mexico and Montana might want to keep the images of those long lines of Bernie Sanders supporters in mind next Tuesday June 7 – before making their final decision.