Only Truth Will Deliver Peace For Syrians.

Posted January 29, 2014

by Jerry Alatalo

“All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers… Each one owes infinitely more to the human race than to the particular country in which he was born.”

– Francois de Salignac de La Mothe-Fenelon (1651-1715)

393-1Talks continue in Switzerland at the Geneva II Peace Conference, with the goal to end over three years of war in Syria. In America there seems like very little coverage of the words spoken by the men and women attending the meeting on behalf of their home countries, although the conflict in Syria is the most devastating humanitarian crisis on Earth.

Some believe that every word spoken at Geneva II needs to be heard by the people of this Earth. Certain media organizations are covering the meeting as much as possible, broadcasting the views/speeches of each participant no matter what “side” they are on. Other media outfits have determined that broadcasting speakers from Geneva II is not where they want to go, perhaps because people wouldn’t tune in, or ratings would be low – hurting the business side of their news group(s).

In 2014, that is the way it is for news events and the chances for people to learn what is occurring.

It is puzzling to understand how Geneva II is not receiving all-encompassing coverage by news organizations around the world. There is no debate that Geneva II is the most important event occurring on this planet now. One is reminded of the week after week, wall to wall coverage of the O.J. Simpson case years ago. When one compares the Simpson media frenzy to the lack of coverage of Geneva II, some analysis of the reasons for this wide contrast of time devoted to these separate news events is in order.

Most significant is the difference in consequence between truths which may emerge from the reporting of these events. In the Simpson case there would be relatively little consequence for humanity whether Simpson became convicted or not. With regard to Geneva II and the war in Syria, the consequences are important for the entire human race. In other words, news organizations could be classified into different categories depending on their coverage of low or high consequence events.

Men and women in America and other nations have in recent years been turning away from news organizations which focus on low consequence events. The reason for this is that people are no longer satisfied with information from organizations which have decided to cover stories which have little or no relevance to the most important events on Earth. This is a trend that one can safely say will only continue, until those news outfits that cover low consequence events go extinct.

It is interesting to note that the following video of Syria Minister of Foreign Affairs Walid Muallem’s words at Geneva II were broadcast by Press TV, an Iranian media company. Press TV broadcasted the speeches of every participant at Geneva II without exception, no matter which “side” of the Syrian conflict the man or woman was on, or if neutral. The nation of Iran was originally invited, then disinvited, to Geneva II. Now, I am not one to take sides because I believe there is only one side – the human race.

For Geneva II to become successful in reaching its goal of peace in Syria full and frank discussions must take place, and the people of the world need to hear as much of those discussions as possible. Because the situation in Syria is the world’s largest humanitarian crisis, great effort needs to become exerted to create conditions for determining steps which will lead to peace and healing. This means that men and women must speak the truth as they know it to the best of their ability – it is the only way to fully communicate and understand the reasons for the war, and what it will take to end it.

Being an American it is not easy to post a speech by Mr. Muallem from Syria, who is at odds with the United States government. However, being a member of the human family compels one to see and hear every view held at Geneva II. Mr. Muallem is an older man who, given his determination to speak fully and forcefully at Geneva II, is worthy of listening to simply because he is representing the views of  Syria’s government.

His pointing out that the Syrian opposition has committed heinous acts of unimaginable barbarity, while destroying schools, hospitals, churches, mosques, and food and medicine factories, will be debated, as to whether his very serious assertions are true or not. In the spirit of searching for the truth about Syria, and an unbiased wish for the truth to become known while letting the chips fall where they may, his speech is posted here.

The Syrian Minister of Foreign Affairs talks about some very serious issues here, and makes some highly controversial allegations – which need to become addressed, either through disproving or explanation. He is speaking to the world from the largest courtroom on Earth. Mr. Muallem’s testimony from the witness stand is one which cannot be ignored, as mentioned, and has to be dealt with using the most mature, reasoned logic possible. His assertions are too large for any real journalistic organization to overlook.

It is up to the reader – as well as all news organizations of integrity – to decide whether Mr. Walid Muallem’s description of events in Syria are based on fact or fiction, and then how to proceed.


(Thanks to Souria Ya Habibati @ YouTube)

If You Were King Or Queen For A Day…

Posted October 11, 2013

by Jerry Alatalo

What would you include on your list of commands? Imagine that you had the power of King or Queen of the entire world and that what you wanted to see happen would happen. Upon looking at the situations around the Earth and thinking how changes could make life better for humanity, what would you do?

This is a creative effort which hopefully will result in a complete and thorough listing of current problems and solutions for the entire human race. One of the public relations problems that the Occupy Wall Street movement faced was the public’s impression that there were was a lack of specific goals conveyed by those who were involved with the effort. So, this small effort on my part, to elicit your responses on what you want to see done, what you would like to see created on Earth, may be construed as an exercise in utopian, wishful thinking.

So be it. Have a go at brainstorming. I will first say that there are many intelligent men and women on this planet who think about ways and means, conditions and realities, events and laws, personal and collective visions, while hoping for good changes to become actualized. Many reading these words have read the thoughts and ideas of thousands of men and women around the world and have come to some type of view that has integrated all those ideas.

Imagine that you can initiate a version of computer software on your mind which allows you to identify those ideas which have the most relevance for the whole of humanity. Being fellow bloggers you certainly can envision such a software program because consciously or unconsciously all writers do this-all the time. What I am trying to accomplish with this post is identifying the desires of humanity. Do I know if what is produced here will make any difference whatsoever on the Earth? No. Do I know if what is produced here, a list of dreams, if you will, that men and women have for all people, will make an enormous difference on Earth? No.

I would be less than honest if I omitted that there is a selfish angle in this. Frankly I am extremely interested in the truthful thoughts of my brothers and sisters from all regions of the world. I want to be a “know-it-all”. Not in the sense of being able to condescend or exhibit “superior” intellectual prowess, but so that I will become well-informed about what is really going on in this world. My guess is that you want the same highest level of awareness because your writings will then be the best they can possibly be.

To be honest I want to be the best writer I can possibly be. After four and a half months of blogging and reading thousands of fellow bloggers’ articles my guess, and I am certain it is correct, is that you want to be the best writer you can possibly be as well. Let there be no misunderstanding here-I want you to be the best writer you can possibly be. For here we enter into the entire range of reasons for taking the time and effort to communicate with others in the first place.

At this point we will borrow the words of George Orwell.


From his work “Why I Write”:

“I think there are four great motives for writing…

1. Sheer egoism. Desire to seem clever, to be talked about, to be remembered after death, to get your own back on grown-ups who snubbed you in childhood, etc….

2. Aesthetic enthusiasm… (aesthetic: of beauty)

3. Historical impulse. Desire to see things as they are, to find out true facts and store them up for the use of posterity.

4. Political purpose-using the word “political” in the widest possible sense. Desire to push the world in a certain direction, to alter other people’s idea of the kind of society that they should strive after.”


Do you think George Orwell correctly identified the motives for writing, or are there other motives that have emerged since he passed away in 1950?

Personally I think Orwell nailed writers’ motivations. Perhaps you are like me and find your motives as a certain percentage of all four he listed. In passing I would give credit for 10% of my motivation, #2 / 20%, #3 / 20%, and #4 / 50%.

George Orwell’s 1984 is one of millions of books I have yet to read. My very limited understanding of the book is that it’s mentioned often to show how prophetic he was in describing current conditions which mirror his visionary world.

Hopefully none of the responses here will include something like “If I were Queen for a day I would command every person read Orwell’s 1984”. What I am searching for are relevant, doable ideas which are within the realm of possibility and have the real potential to become implemented and realized by this generation-now.

I think you will agree that this is a benevolent effort designed to increase people’s awareness-surely a good thing. Many of you will be reluctant or reticent to “go out on a limb” by contributing your ideas. There will be thoughts around “measuring up” or “coming across as naïve or not informed” or, because my views are lacking in power, I will be the last one chosen for the basketball team. Please eliminate totally any such negative thinking and look upon this as a great adventure which will reveal truths-important truths-for all who participate, as well as those who are in the line of association with what occurs here.

By this I mean that what is written here will be read and communicated to some extent, small or large we will never know, to friends and relatives, then their friends and relatives, until the trail ends-or continues forever. You may meet men and women here, from all over the world, who become valued, true friends for life. Think of the connections. Think of the possibilities.

Topics of discussion can include, but not be limited to:

Economics, trade, election reform, campaign finance reform, the environment, climate change, Fukushima/nuclear energy, fracking, solar/wind/renewable energy, free energy, GMOs, agriculture, land reform, money/banking, private central banks, tax havens, public banking, Wall Street, World Bank, austerity, personal/public debt, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the media (mainstream and alternative), the United Nations, 9/11, government lies/false flags, minimum wage/maximum wage, taxes, Social Security, single-payer health care, investigative journalism/journalists, spirituality, Syria, war/war criminals, higher consciousness, plutocracy, oneness, corruption, geopolitics, whistleblowers (truth-tellers), Iceland/Equador, corporate monopoly, military expenditure, important documentaries, censored voices, peace.

So Kings and Queens, your wishes are humanity’s commands.