Levers For Global Change.

Posted on May 25, 2014

by Jerry Alatalo

“If the world goes against truth, then Athanasius goes against the world.”

– SAINT ATHANASIUS (293-373) Bishop of Alexandria

superior111-1Establishment of a true world democracy, new economic thinking that takes on wealth inequality head-on, abolition of interest, and an unconditional “citizen’s income”…

These are the major demands of an organization called “Critical Thinking” which came out of the Occupy movement, in what the men and women involved in the collaborative effort have named the “New Model Charter.” The activists involved with Critical Thinking intend – with the aid of like-minded legal professionals, judges, and attorneys –  to start a legal proceeding to challenge first governments, then corporations and the so-called powers-that-be, defenders of the status-quo.

The challenge relates to a concept called “fiduciary responsibility” outlined in the book “Binary Economics” by Robert Ashford and Rodney Shakespeare. I confess not reading “Binary Economics”, but have listened to a number of interviews of Rodney Shakespeare, an elderly gentleman academic who holds an intense loyalty to unvarnished truth. Here is one of five Amazon reviews of the book, published in 1999:

Binary Economics: The New Paradigm, by Robert Ashford and Rodney Shakespeare deserves a careful reading by anyone concerned with growth and economic justice. In so-called free market economies, as they are presently constituted, the great benefits of economic growth (which are in turn the consequence of the pace of technological advance) do not accrue to most poor and working people, though it is poor and working people who bear the cost of such technological advance in the instabilities and displacement it engenders. Rather, the great benefits of that economic growth go primarily to the wealthy few who, through their ownership of stock, exercise a claim on corporate earnings. The result is a growing disparity in wealth and opportunity that is doing great harm to society. Many have tried to address this problem; but as yet, conventional thinking has failed to produce a working consensus on what can and should be done to create a more just and efficient economic playing field. In Binary Economics: The New Paradigm, in very readable prose, Robert Ashford and Rodney Shakespeare carefully advance a wholly voluntary means of enabling increasing numbers of poor and working men and women also to exercise a viable claim on the growing benefits of technological advance (and hence of economic growth) as a normal function within the framework of a market economy. Their proposed system builds on existing principles of corporate finance, insurance and monetary policy, making only modest and wholly democratic changes intended to facilitate capital acquisition for all people. Whether the voluntary operation of a binary economy will produce the growth, distributive justice, and other benefits predicted by binary economists remains to be seen; but the binary proposals and predictions cannot be responsibly dismissed on the strength of conventional economic theory, which itself has yet to solve, let alone explain, the problem that Ashford and Shakespeare address. Theirs is a noble goal, and the new discourse they seek to initiate, focused on achieving a more equitable distribution of wealth by way of voluntary transactions and without distribution, is of the utmost importance. People concerned about economic justice and efficiency cannot credibly claim to be open to new solutions and yet ignore this book.

So, the men and women at Critical Mass have decided to take action which starts an, ideally, worldwide debate and discussion, not through talking about divisive single-issues that are but symptoms of a failed economic system – but instead about the root causes of an economic model which is abusive, exploitive, and antithetical to democracy. Similar to 9/11-War Crimes Tribunals held in recent years in Toronto and Kuala Lumpur, the effort to force the “powers-that-be” to engage in the challenge they have been issued, through reason and debate, is an idea which this group hopes will move through more and more channels into the awareness of the world’s people.

Mr. Clive Menzies is one of the founders of Critical Thinking and the website “Free Critical Thinking”; he appears in the following video interview while explaining the “New Model Charter” initiative. Essentially, what he describes is a possible-alternative economic system – putting to rest the perceptions molded by media, politicians, the wealthy elite, and others defending the economic status-quo as “the only option” – which the so-called powers-that-be will find, in Mr. Menzies’ view, impossible to intellectually or scientifically prove inferior.

The time has arrived for the great global economic debate

As Mr. Menzies says in the interview, “We are looking into the jaws of World War III with rising tensions in Ukraine. The system has been broken and the time for change has come. It’s so simple, all we have to do is get together.”

He points out that everyone suffers under the current abusive economic system of rising wealth inequality, growing threat of war, the surveillance state, austerity and more, including the “lieutenants” who carry out the abuses as well as the elites.

Now seems like an opportune time to start humanity’s real-change ball rolling, don’t you think?


(For more information please visit Freecriticalthinking.org)

7 thoughts on “Levers For Global Change.

  1. Clive Menzies is one of my favorite people. Last year one of his presentations turned me on to Henry George and the Land Value Tax movement. I find it pretty mind blowing that George was the 3rd most popular American in 1879 when he published Progress and Poverty. He was enormously influential in the populist movement, the first to remind Americans of the significance of the European Enclosure Acts and the lost of communal access to land for subsistence food needs.

    I also find it really interesting that Marx, who had no concept of The Commons, condemned Progress and Poverty. George had never heard of Marx, as is work had yet to be translated into English.

    I’m inclined to take George’s side – Marx makes the same error as a lot of neoclassical economists in mislabeling land and natural resources as just another form of capital. George maintains that according to definitions advanced by Adam Smith and Ricardo, capital has to result from human labor. Land and natural resources are created by no one and should belong to all of us.


    1. Fortunately, more people are overcoming the narrow view that economics is complex, best left to the academics, and there are no other alternative because “this is all we’ve got”; once again out of necessity alternative economic models are coming forward into consciousness. Here’s to Critical Thinking and Clive Menzies’ success in forcing the debate, and that attorneys will step up to make it happen. Simply put, if there are other economic models which result in more good for more people, start the discussion and get the “show on the road.” Fire the starting gun already. Patience is a virtue, but this is getting somewhat ridiculous. 🙂 Thanks.


  2. Hi Jerry, Stuart

    Thanks for your kind words but I must give credit to all those involved in the Critical Thinking project without whom the analysis wouldn’t have emerged. The key to our future is collaboration and co-operation, moving away from the competitive model of today.

    I recently tried to encapsulate our work to date (updating the RADTV piece) in a 38 minute interview, posted here:



    1. Hello Clive,
      Thanks for producing the excellent video. After listening to your very insightful presentation, noticed in comments a reference to Cynthia McKinney. Call it “coincidence” or synchronicity but at the moment of coming upon your comment I was ready to post a video of Jesse Ventura from Breaking the Set where he mentioned to Abby Martin that Ms. McKinney told him she’d run for VP in 2016 with him on an independent ticket. The thought of a very near future episode of RADTV (perhaps one hour long) with Jesse Ventura, Cynthia McKinney announcing to the world they are running for President and Vice President came up. You could be one of the interviewers, your website would receive viewership like never before, and such an episode would simply be sensational and a world smash. In honesty such an episode is necessary given the state of international relations, so here’s a suggestion to contact both Mr. Ventura and Ms. McKinney, ask them to watch your video presentation and read the most focused articles on freecriticathinking.org, then ask them to appear on RADTV to announce their intention to run for President – Vice President of the United States. Will include the link to your presentation with the Ventura/Breaking the Set interview piece; a collaboration between Ventura, McKinney and you/your project is one which has very profound, positive potential. Thanks for the contact, greatly appreciate your efforts, best of luck to you, and warmest regards.


    1. Clive,
      With Republicans soon in control of the US Congress and Senate, the threat of wars becomes greater, so the world’s activists’ efforts must become both much more focused and powerful as well as multiplied as much as possible. The idea of “100 Questions for World Leaders Project” came up a while back where readers and activists are asked to come up with important questions about global conditions which, if answers became demanded after the 100 Questions went viral around the Earth, would lead to a situation where the responses could not be ignored any longer. For example, “who owns the Federal Reserve, IMF, World Bank, ECB and other private central banks around the world?” or “why have tax havens existed for decades – and still exist today – and no politicians have taken actions to end them?” 100 questions of large import compiled, such as these, would stimulate debate that is now unfortunately near absent in the halls of the world’s government buildings.
      Thanks and Godspeed,


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