Near Death Experience. Part 5.

English: Artist's conception of the spiral str...
English: Artist’s conception of the spiral structure of the Milky Way with two major stellar arms and a central bar. “Using infrared images from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope, scientists have discovered that the Milky Way’s elegant spiral structure is dominated by just two arms wrapping off the ends of a central bar of stars. Previously, our galaxy was thought to possess four major arms.” (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
July 14, 2013
by Jerry Alatalo

A woman saw all-encompassing light everywhere.

“…in the presence of God. Awesome. No book, article, movie or anything can describe God’s power as it dissolves everything. The power is so immense that it is beyond power; total love and total oneness. This was a ‘rooftop experience’ which has need to be shared. There is no such thing as death. God is real.”

Another woman had a motorcycle accident which resulted in a fractured skull, numerous broken bones in her head, and a two-week coma. She suffered excruciating pain to the point where she asked God to “take me.” She lifted out of her body and all her pain was gone. She saw an ethereal body of a male angel and noticed that he shined from within. “He took my hand and I was at peace. We flew out the window over the Pacific Ocean and I saw a funnel-shaped object above me with a pinpoint of light at the far end. It was a portal to another dimension where there was no space or time. It’s hard to find words-we arrived at the other end and I saw the living presence of a being of light…”

“…The being was all-knowing, knew everything that was going to happen, all things that were or ever were going to come to be. This has to have been God, perfect in every sense. I was angry at the Vietnam War and all the suffering. The love kept coming and I was able to ask every question that I ever wanted answers for. Perfect answers and all ramifications came instantly to my head. How could I have forgotten what I knew all along? I understood everything. I was like a child being cradled as we (the Sacred being and myself) took off by the speed of thought around the universe. We went from star to star, everything was lit up in galaxies, supernovas and celestial beings. It felt like I was home. We went on a tour where I found everything inexistence was radiant and alive; everything in the universe is alive…”

“…I went through a portal into a newly formed, central star and melted into perfect oneness. It was the quintessence  (essential substance) of everything that will exist, one with God and with all things. A drop of water in Creation, I did not want to leave the indescribable ecstasy. It was a million times more intense than Earthly life; cosmic interconnectedness. Everything happens for a purpose, there is no chance to die and there is a greater, more magnificent universe. It’s more real than physical life. That was real, this is a dream.”

A woman had a tire blowout and ended up in an accident.

The next she remembered, “Is being out of my body in the emergency room. I knew everything about everyone in the emergency room. I rose to the 2nd floor and I knew everything about everyone there. I rose out of the hospital and into space and thought, ‘This is great!’ The Milky Way was a few feet in front of me and I didn’t know where I needed to go. I saw one faint star and was instantly there. I was received with welcoming by those who had passed and saw a blinding light, but I could look at it. I wondered why my life was so difficult and I was told, ‘Don’t you remember you chose this?’ Then I recalled choices I had made before birth…”

“…Now it was time for me to judge myself for actions during life. I regretted the actions I took which hurt others. Then I was given the choice to stay or leave. The doctor who worked on me said he would give up the profession if I died, so I wanted him to remain a doctor. I went back. I had amnesia for months where I couldn’t remember anything but the experience. I am dramatically changed because of this and realize that we are extensions of the Creator. I am now non-denominational, psychic, intuitive and a healer.”

After reading the descriptions given by men, women and children of their experiences we must, if nothing else, be amazed at the glorious visions they saw. The world/realm that these souls were in is what the physical realm of Earthly life is in potentiality. When the spiritual truths of unconditional love and body/spirit awareness become widely disseminated, then the people of Earth will create on this planet the type of world that mirrors the world/realm these people as souls experienced.

While working in Chicago a customer came into the business and it was obvious that he had been in a serious car accident. He was able to walk at this point but from head to toe he had been banged up. I asked him what happened and he indeed had been in a major-league accident. I asked him, without expecting him to answer yes, if he “went through the tunnel.” He replied that yes, he had a near death experience.

His description of the experience was that it was, “A hundred times better than sex.” After a few seconds he edited his reply and said, “A billion times better than sex.” True story. Believe it or not.

My only regret was not taking the opportunity to ask him more questions about his experience and getting a better idea of what he saw.
