And The World Will Live As One.

Posted August 31, 2013

by Jerry Alatalo


“Not one statesman in a position of responsibility has dared to pursue the only course that holds out any promise of peace, the courage of supra-national security, since for a statesman to follow such a course would be tantamount to political suicide.”

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Last written words, April 1955

Why did John Lennon and Yoko Ono create the song “Imagine”? Where did they find the ideas, what books did they read, who from the annals of history did they admire, when did they come to awareness of the potential for humanity experiencing higher consciousness?

Why do we as people create what we create? Where do we find our ideas, what books do we read, who from the annals of history do we admire, when will we come to awareness of the potential for humanity experiencing higher consciousness?

After discovering ideas, books, admirable men and women, and awareness of humanity’s ability to live on this Earth with a higher consciousness, what drove these souls, John Lennon and Yoko Ono?

Upon experiencing in the same way as every person does, discovery of ideas through writings from admirable men and women, ideas we approve and which give us some sense of pleasure, give us the sense of possibility of a way forward for the human race that is higher and nobler, what drives us?

What is this thing called higher consciousness that men and women have written about, that people discover, approve and derive some pleasure from? Is it possible that the entire world can live from this thing called higher consciousness?

When would be the ideal time to strive for this thing called higher consciousness? Today? Tomorrow? Next year when we have more time? Maybe when we retire and really have time for it. We see that maybe now would be a good time to advocate for a higher consciousness, with all the lower consciousness events occurring on Earth.

But we are not sure, this has been written about, and talked about, for thousands of years and nothing seems to change. Warring and killing have always been occurring. Maybe it is human nature and I have to face the facts on this. Maybe there is nothing I can do to change things.

Let me think about this now. If I delay my effort to achieve higher consciousness what will happen? What if I decided to make whatever effort is necessary to achieve higher consciousness now?

Higher consciousness could be seen as every thought we have which involves appreciation of the qualities of love, peace, brotherhood and oneness. These are the qualities we as human beings can first imagine, apply in our lives, and are the best options to choose for any chance of happiness on this Earth.

Humanity must strive with all its might for higher consciousness now.

The first step is shedding tears for all the men, women and children on this Earth who are suffering.

The next action is imagining a new way, and then choosing love, peace, brotherhood and oneness.


“Dialogue Only Way Out Of Syria’s Dark Tunnel” Says Former Foreign Minister

BBC Broadcasting House, Portland Place at the ...
BBC Broadcasting House, Portland Place at the head of Regent Street, London (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Posted August 30, 2013

by Jerry Alatalo

In this recent BBC radio interview, former Syrian Foreign Ministry official Jihad Makdissi  speaks about what is quickly becoming more apparent to the human race: negotiations and sitting down at the table of dialogue is now the only option for the country and people of Syria.

Mr. Makdissi made the very difficult decision to resign his post in the Syrian government, and effectively makes the case that any thinking which suggests more military action will improve conditions in his war-torn country is futile. His view that there is no military solution; more war and violence will not make life any better, but make things worse for the Syrian people, reflects the wisdom that world leaders must grasp now.

His urgent message to the world:

“Dialogue is the only way out of Syria’s dark tunnel.”


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