Stephen Cohen: On Ukraine, It’s Time For Leaders To Step Up.

Posted March 18, 2014

by Jerry Alatalo

Thom Hartmann interviews Professor Emeritus Stephen Cohen from March 10.

Since this interview, the United States introduced a United Nations Resolution in the Security Council that would have declared Crimea’s referendum to join Russia invalid. That resolution received 13 votes for and one against – Russia effectively vetoed by voting against. On Sunday March 17 the referendum in Crimea passed with 97% voting to join Russia. The ruble was declared Crimea’s currency and the peninsula is now on Russia time.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared there will be no attacks on Ukraine’s mainland. He also said he does not have any intent to further divide Ukraine. Russia has suggested resuming the Ukrainian government at the point where ousted President Viktor Yanukovych, members of the Ukraine political opposition, and European Union representatives signed an agreement for an early December 2014 national election, amnesty for jailed protesters, and power sharing in the government – February 21.

In this interview Stephen Cohen points out that, if the mass murders of Ukrainian citizens and police officers by unidentified snipers had not taken place on February 22, the crisis in Ukraine would not have come into existence – Russia would not have taken the actions it has in Crimea. Mr. Cohen’s interaction with Thom Hartmann delves into the important need of investigating to determine who the shooters were, and who was behind them.

Stephen Cohen notes that he isn’t one to subscribe to conspiracies, but, after publication of a now-viral phone call between the EU’s Catherine Ashton and Estonia’s Urmas Paet, he shares an opinion of many (including nations) that it is urgent an investigation into the mass murders in Kiev begin as soon as possible. A multi-nation law enforcement effort, combining the expertise of law veterans from around the world, would offer the best chance of identifying the murderers, wherever those murderers reside on the political spectrum.  The uncertainty surrounding who is responsible and accountable for killing in Kiev has to get resolved – honestly, it is extremely puzzling that there are people and nations in the world asking for an investigation, the effort should have begun on the same day as the shooting, because it simply is the right thing to do.

Thom Hartmann mentions the Kiev sniper killings could be looked upon in the future as 2014’s version of the Archduke Ferdinand event that led to World War I – suggesting the possibility that Viktor Yanukovych was framed for the killings in a “false flag” type scenario. History records that “false flag” operations have occurred and led to escalation of violence and war, as well as coups/overthrows of governments. Mr. Hartmann gives the example of Chile, where democratically elected President Allende, overthrown in a coup leading to Dictator Pinochet, was the victim of such a “false flag”. A plot to murder Chileans resulting in deceptively created public perceptions of Allende’s guilt was financed by a corporation having interest in Chile’s copper and other natural resources.

The possibility that Kiev sniper mass murders were a “false flag” operation makes an already powerful case for a highly professional investigation even more urgent.

Professor Cohen describes the relations between leaders of Ukraine, Russia, The European Union, and the Untied States as “the deaf talking to the deaf”. Each stakeholder in the region, as well as every concerned citizen on Earth, should come up with their series of steps/actions – and specific, in-depth reasons for any and all of those steps/actions –  which represent in their strong belief the most peaceful, justice-meeting path forward for Ukraine. These various concepts can then be seriously considered, discussed, modified, then agreed upon by all parties.

The unfortunate situation in Ukraine, including events in Crimea and the entire region, will get resolved when leadership from around the world “steps up”, as Professor Stephen Cohen says here. Leaders are those who come forward with the best solutions in times like these – solutions which are then implemented because they are moral, ethical, and offer the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

The solution in Ukraine is doing the right thing.


(Thank you thomhartmann at YouTube)

World Cannot Ignore Ukraine Sniper Allegations, Yanukovych Stolen Billions.

Posted March 7, 2014

by Jerry Alatalo

“I shall give a propagandist cause for starting the war. Never mind if it is plausible or not. The victor will not be asked, later on, whether he told the truth or not. In starting and waging a war, it is not right that matters but victory. Have no pity. Adopt a brutal attitude… Right is on the side of the strongest.”

– Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)

mountain55Millions of men and women around the world are experiencing astonishment after listening to the intercepted phone call between the European Union’s Catherine Ashton and Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet. These same millions of people from every nation and region around the world are now experiencing double astonishment.

Mr. Paet’s bombshell allegation shared with the EU’s Ms. Ashton, that one group of snipers was behind the shootings and murders in Kiev, and that this group was not sponsored by Viktor Yanukovych but the so-called new coalition, has caused a worldwide stir that cannot be ignored by the most powerful political leaders on Earth.

Destabilization of nations, false flag operations, and outright coups have in the past been conducted without the broad awareness of most people on Earth. But, because the situation in Ukraine has led to a political clash between Russia, the European Union, and the United States, and because there are many more millions of men and women following, researching, and writing about events in the Ukraine, the phone call between Ms. Ashton and Mr. Paet cannot be swept under the rug – the allegation(s) contained in that call will have to become addressed in front of the entire human race.

It is generally accepted as fact that Viktor Yanukovych stole billions of dollars from the Ukrainian people, yet the crime of multiple murder of protesters is now in question. This leads logically to some extremely important questions.

Is there any possibility that Mr. Paet’s allegations are true?

What is, or isn’t, being done to determine if his allegations are true?

Why are major media companies not giving Mr. Paet’s allegations the attention matching their seriousness?

Why have no Congressman or Senators in the USA raised the issue of Mr. Paet’s phone call with Ms. Ashton – at least to disprove them?

If there is possibility that Mr. Paet’s assertions are true, then mass murderers are on the loose. Does this not concern US, EU, Ukrainian, or Russian politicians?

Will the world stand idly by while the mass murderers of Ukrainian policemen and peaceful protesters elude justice?

Who are these mass murderers, who supplied and directed them, and was the intent of the unknown snipers to create the illusion that Viktor Yanukovych gave the deadly force orders, to facilitate a new government in Ukraine, because Yanukovych was “killing his own citizens”?

As mentioned, there is general agreement that Mr. Yanukovych stole billions from Ukraine, but that does not erase the possible major crimes of snipers killing in a professional, military manner. Dr. Olga Bogolomets, the woman Mr. Paet spoke to about the serious allegations he later shared with Ms. Ashton in the phone call, treated those protesters who were hit by bullets in Kiev, and observed that people were getting shot in the head, neck, and heart – in other words, the shooters were shooting to kill.

Dr. Bogolomets may become Ukraine’s Minister of Health. While she was treating the victims of shootings in Kiev she observed that there were very few victims who had been shot in the arms or legs, or with rubber bullets. Her observations, along with the recollections of former members of Ukraine’s Kiev-based élite law enforcement unit, the Berkut (the unit was dissolved when the new government took power, the over 1,000 Berkut members were out of a job), strongly indicates that shooters were highly trained, professional, military-style men who knew exactly what they were doing.

Not investigating the serious allegations can only be described as an option that is untenable – to ignore this largest of the large accusation without a probe to determine its reality or falsehood is unthinkable and unimaginable.

The action which turned out to be the genesis of protests in Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych’s postponement of consideration of a European Union offer in favor of a Russian offer of economic aid, saw Russia putting $15 billion on the table. Mr. Yanukovych is alleged to have stolen from $12-70 billion from the Ukrainian Treasury. Mr. Yanukovych, who in all likelihood used tax havens in Switzerland, the Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, or any number of tax havens around the world, has knowledge of where those missing $billions are.

France’s President Hollande has called for “the eradication of tax havens”. As a result of tragic events in Ukraine (which may or may not have included mass murder initiating a coup d’état), along with actions by government officials involving massive corruption (including hiding of $billions in offshore tax havens), offers humanity the very real possibility of ending two of mankind’s greatest historic scourges.

The illegal overthrow of democratically elected governments. The theft of democracy.

The virtually unanimous participation by wealthy individuals and corporations from every nation in the massive, secretive, worldwide tax haven industry – corruption. Another form of theft of democracy.

Recent events in the Ukraine have been dramatic, saddening, enraging, and tragic. From a certain perspective, the two main issues which have become identified are those listed – these issues represent at the same time two of the major issues that humanity must honestly deal with.

Investigation of the killings in Ukraine to determine who was responsible is the right thing to do. Investigation to determine where the $billions stolen by Viktor Yanukovych went, and if they are in tax havens, is the right thing to do. Given the universal attention these investigations will receive from men and women around the world from the media, politicians, citizen journalists, religious organizations – the whole of humanity – truth will come to the fore, starting the process of worldwide eradication of actions like coups and tax evasion.

This then begins humanity’s journey toward true democracy on this Earth.
