Blog For Truth And Peace Now.

Dwight D. Eisenhower, official portrait as Pre...
Dwight D. Eisenhower, official portrait as President. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Posted September 3, 2013

by Jerry Alatalo

“Because fascism is a lie, it is condemned to literary sterility. And when it is past, it will have no history, except the bloody history of murder. It is very dangerous to write the truth in war, and the truth is very dangerous to come by.”

– Ernest Hemingway (1898-1961)

To all bloggers who read these words please do all that is humanly possible now to work for peace in the country of Syria and the Middle East. Please use all of your God-given creativity, talent, energy and post as much as possible on the issue of peace. Please suggest to all of your fellow bloggers and readers to work for peace now with the same intensity.

There is no more important work on this Earth at this time but working for truth and peace. Please put aside any other issue for the time being and concentrate solely on bringing the truth about what is occurring in Syria to as many of your brothers and sisters, in all countries, in every region of the world, as you can.

The following videos are illustrative of the reality humanity faces today. The first is Dwight Eisenhower’s farewell address where he prophetically warned his fellow Americans about the rise of the power of the military industrial complex.

The second video gives you a much clearer picture than you will ever get from the mainstream media of what is occurring from a geopolitical standpoint in Syria.

Please spread the truth to as many people in the world as is humanly possible.


9 thoughts on “Blog For Truth And Peace Now.

  1. David Holmes

    Germany lost WWII, but the Nazis came to America and took it over (Operation Paperclip, JFK murder, Prescott Bush’s legacy)). Fascism is alive and well and living right here in the USA. I had a non-dualist explain to me that the war in Syria is a result of “wars” in my own head. I can certainly see Syria as an allegory for the wars in my head, but I’ll be damned if he’s going to turn this war into an event that is my fault via my thinking process. Ego is our enemy, collectively and individually. It just is, maybe the answer is to legalize and encourage use of natural drugs of hallucination, I.E. magic mushrooms. These experiences diminish the ego and connect people to the living Consciousness of the earth and each other in a profound and positive way. We know the ancients used them, we know American Indians used them. Instead of nukes we should set of bombs laced with LSD. lol, yeah, stoners get it. 😀


    1. David,
      Interesting you mention natural drugs. Fell asleep in the middle of a documentary at last night made by a fellow who had an extensive experience with shamans in South America. You may have read accounts of spiritual healing from those associated with the Native American peyote church. The use of such substances is not to party, but a spiritual action to be undertaken with all seriousness. Will have to go back and view. It was on the “wall of films”.
      I have nothing against corporations. When corporations initiate actions which result in war and killing the people have to let it be known it is unacceptable and must stop. The upcoming debates in Washington have to state the truth about the realities on this Earth which have led to wars and violence. People must tell the truth far and wide so that the historical and present conditions can be dealt with in an honest way.
      Thank you,


      1. David Holmes

        …that’s just not very realistic. Corporations don’t listen to the people. They continue to GMO our food supply despite massive protests against it, as just one small example. Corporations now own the government (which was supposed to regulate and tax them), and that is essentially Fascism. They own the media that is supposed to inform people, but does the opposite. People speaking the truth are being thrown in prison. Innocent citizens are being spied on. Protesters are terrorists. The Corporate and Government merging of powers has resulted in self will run wild. Optimism has to be based on realistic factors, don’t you think? You can’t really say you have nothing against corporations based on ‘when they kill and war’ it’s up to the people to change them. It would be better if they weren’t permitted to kill and war by an uncorrupted government of, by and for the people. If this system is going to change it’s becoming apparent to me that it must first completely collapse, which seems inevitable. I’ll continue to hold on to hope for mankind, based solely on my inner light.


        1. David,
          The example of what is possible that comes to mind is India’s gaining of independence from Britain. Other countries have gained independence from colonialist powers. There are corporations which are clean, so to speak; that run their business ethically and honestly. Those are the business entities I have nothing against. Our obvious concern is with the owners of corporations who will take actions of a violent nature / wars as an acceptable tactic of competition. Come to think of it has the “royal family” weighed in on the situation in Syria? This is mankind’s disease which must be diagnosed (identified), treated and healed. I’ll continue to hold on as well, for the same reasons.
          Thank you,


          1. David Holmes

            I hope this didn’t sound confrontational Jerry, that was not my intention. I am feeling my own powerlessness and loss of what to do about the current situation that would make a change. PEACE


            1. David,
              Absolutely no problem brother. I know exactly how you feel. Take comfort in knowing that there are billions of men, women and children who are having the same feelings now, because nobody wants war any more. The feeling was expressed by the poet Shelley “A brighter morn awaits the human day, when poverty and wealth, the thirst of fame, the fear of infamy, disease and woe, war with its million horrors, and fierce hell, shall live but in the memory of time.” Hold the line, my friend.
              Pray for peace,


  2. Jeff Nguyen

    It looks like they’re trying to set up Syria to be Iraq 2.0 but it’s still just the opening act for the main event…war with Iran. The show must go on…


    1. Jeff,
      Pray that voices of wisdom are heard. Like Fawaz Gerges / Professor of International Relations and Middle East Studies at London School of Economics. I need some voices of wisdom on this issue, brother. Who on Earth is speaking the most sense now, whose voices need to be heard?
      Thank you,


  3. Jeff Nguyen

    Here’s one voice that needs to be heard, Cindy Sheehan:

    And another in-depth analysis of Syria:

    Thank you for putting your voice out there. While it’s doubtful the war mongers are listening, your words can sway those who want peace but don’t know truth from fiction anymore thanks to our corporate media.


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