Heaven On Earth. Part 3.

August 1, 2013 by Jerry Alatalo

Love will flood the Earth and swords shall be turned into plowshares. The lion will lay down with the lamb. This is all happening now. The human race will understand what Mahatma Gandhi conveyed in his book “All Men Are Brothers.” Humanity will understand what all the spiritual masters who ever lived have tried to teach us. It does not matter from what particular spiritual tradition these masters were or are now connected with. Whether it be Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Native American or any other form of spirituality it does not matter. All will be one without any type of separation.

The power of love is the most powerful force in the universe. There is nothing that can stop the power of love because it is forever and infinite. The understanding of oneness with everything in the universe is the highest consciousness attainable in this life. This is the goal of every soul who now lives and whoever has lived in a physical body. When you are one with everything in the universe you will find it impossible to harm any person, or sentient being, or any thing. This is because you are aware that if you harm anyone or anything, you are only harming yourself.

Love is who you are. It is interesting how small an amount of time we devote to the most important force in the universe. There are times when you just want to have the newsperson say, after reporting all the bad news that: “the parties should come to the point where they understand that the only solution to these problems is love.” It seems that all the problems that humans face are cries for love. This includes the entire range of human problems from hurtful speech, to physical violence, to greed, to starvation, to disease, to war.

Think of all the conversations people have about the important issues of the moment. People have become divided into different camps and opinions. Family members become estranged over petty politics. Friendships are lost because one group becomes pitted against another group. Nations go to war over what, from an eternal viewpoint, are baubles when we look back. People face judgment according to what they believe, whether in the areas of religion, politics or where groups express certain beliefs. What are we going to believe in when we come to the end of our lives and transition into the world of spirit? Should humans wait until they cross to the “other side” to understand that in ultimate reality there is no separation?

Jesus said: “There was a rich man who had many possessions. He said: ‘I will use my many possessions that I may sow, reap and fill my barns with fruit, I may have need of nothing.’ These were his thoughts in his heart. And in that night he died. He that hath ears, let him hear.”

So human history has seen many amass fortunes and many possessions. All died without exception. It is sometimes overwhelming to witness the suffering and pain that human beings inflict on other human beings. The harm that we do to one another is such that much perplexity is experienced. It is not surprising to witness many people suffering from depression, and ending up on some type of prescription pills for that depression. It would seem safe to say that depression is another cry for love. Substance abuse is another addition to the list of actions taken by people which are cries for help. They are all cries for love.

Can we agree that all human problems are cries for love? There is little doubt that this is a true statement. So the challenge is to bring the awareness of unconditional love to everyone, everywhere on Earth. You will consider bringing love awareness to everyone, everywhere as an unrealistic task. What a “looking at the world through rose-colored glasses” idea, you may say to yourself. There is no way that the human race on this planet Earth will completely and consciously embrace the awareness of unconditional love.

But there will come a time in the near future where humanity will completely and consciously embrace the awareness of love. This will happen because the human race intended for it to happen. Every man, woman and child in the world will be in agreement that creating Heaven on Earth is a noble goal. Humanity will say with one voice that we have had enough of the historical suffering on this planet. Whatever spiritual beliefs are held by people all over Earth will become a symphony of spiritual power so strong that every last trace of negativity on the planet will end.

You are now seeing that the potential of this Earth being transformed to heaven is real.

We are delving into the entire set of reasons for our existence in the physical realm. Will our search result in the discovery of absolute truth? Every human being who has ever lived on planet Earth has thought about these things. There are a number of theories that attempt to discover absolute truth. You see them in the writings of every spiritual tradition. All men and women throughout history have exerted spiritual, mental and physical effort to grasp life’s meaning.

Perhaps we as humans over-estimate complexity with regard to efforts of a spiritual, philosophical or metaphysical nature. Perhaps we overshoot the mark at times when philosophical efforts become overly complex. Maybe the answer to life’s great questions is as simple as “We are love.” This statement of three words may sum up the millions upon millions of words written on these matters throughout human history. God bless all of those who researched, studied and wrote on spirituality. These men and women exhibited a genuine concern for helping their fellow brothers and sisters in the family of man.

God bless all those alive now who are studying, researching and writing on spiritual matters. More and more people on Earth are increasing their awareness of spiritual wisdom to help improve conditions for all people on the planet. We cannot thank all the people who are trying to improve the conditions on Earth enough. We say to all the men and women on Earth who are expending energy to make the world a better place that you are heroes. May love and peace be with you all.

There is a theory that we all as humans chose to come into the physical realm voluntarily. As souls we were well aware that what we were going to experience would be difficult, yet we volunteered to learn important lessons. For that reason one may conclude that every man, woman and child on Earth is a hero. Consider how immense is the mind of God if this theory is truth. Consider how we will interact with everyone we meet when we are aware that everyone is a hero.

Have you ever noticed the common traits we as human beings share? Consider how magnificent is the simple wish to be kind to others. Where does the wish common to every man, woman and child to show kindness to others originate? The desire is a literal, physical manifestation of unconditional love. This built-in capacity, present in every human being without exception, is overwhelmingly beautiful. Because this capacity is built-in we witness all the actions from the simplest act of kindness, such as greeting someone with a smile, to the years of selfless service one gives to humanity. These are actions that profoundly move us. It is extraordinary when one thinks about these things to realize the immense power for good that we as humans can generate.

Now the search for ways to use the power of love to create Heaven on Earth continues. Can we as humanity come to a point where we know that we absolutely can create Heaven on Earth? Reaching this goal will be the greatest achievement of human history. The goal is without a doubt the highest humanity has ever exerted effort to reach. What higher state could humanity strive for? When humanity reaches that state where unconditional love rules every decision, then we as humanity will have literally created Heaven on Earth.

What will future generations think when they read about, and learn of the great changes that took place in this generation? Those future generations will be amazed and eternally grateful to this generation for leaving them a world of unconditional love. The positive changes of this generation will reverberate through the future history of civilization into forever. This generation will be forever remembered as the generation where humanity came to understand fully the power of love.

Could one find any of our ancestors who would not agree that the goal of creating Heaven on Earth fueled by love is the highest goal ever attempted? Would this generation regret not trying to reach this goal? Are our ancestors looking at us from Heaven and cheering us on, as we make the concerted effort to reach this goal? Is the entire universe in a state of anticipation for this new world on Earth, created by this generation? Would not the entire universe be filled with joyous music of an angelic nature upon our arrival at the successful completion of our goal?

Humanity is doing this now. Right now we are witnessing the greatest spiritual evolution the Earth has ever seen. You know in the depths of your soul that what is occurring at this time on the planet is of the highest possible, positive nature. How fortunate we all are living in this time. We are able to witness with our very eyes the complete spiritual transformation of life on Earth. The power behind this transformation is beyond measure, ineffable and unstoppable.

This power is unconditional love.

Continued in Part 4…
