Why Is Trans-Pacific Partnership So Secretive?

English: The BRICS - Brazil, Russia, India, Ch...
English: The BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Português: As Potências regionais. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Posted October 4, 2013

by Jerry Alatalo

For those men and women concerned about the health and well-being of the 99% there is certainly a lot for them to be concerned about. For this writer the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) has entered stage right, so we will delve into the TPP to some extent. We have all seen an increasing number of articles about TPP on the platforms that we follow, so from that we can believe it is a big deal.

To be honest I have not spent a great deal of time reading articles about TPP, so I can only give my yet fully informed views on the trade pact. Upon first glance the deal looks like that fine print we all see included in insurance and financial and major purchase documents. One could assume that the language contained in the 25 or so chapters of the document was drafted by only the finest corporate attorneys in the world.

These are the same type of corporate attorneys who have devised and administer tax avoidance schemes that allow major corporations to pay little or no income tax to their respective governments. So you can believe the TPP has legalese written into the deal where corporations gain at the expense of the 99%, the men and women in potential TPP nations who do not meet the definition of powerbroker.

There is probably a private central bank angle at the heart of this deal. What exists at this point, in the minds of those who are major stockholders of the Federal Reserve, European Central Bank etc., is a threat to their power coming from the so-called BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) financial alliance, where the nations who potentially will join the TPP may choose to enter the BRICS.

So this very well could be all about battling for control of nations’ monetary policies and banking profits. Those nations that join the TPP will have to adhere to the rules of agreement, which would probably contain financial legalese that guarantees the dollar as form of payment for imported goods. BRICS is definitely a threat to the monopoly power of the international private central bank money cartel.

The secretive nature of the TPP proceedings reminds one of the 1913 passage of the Federal Reserve Act, which handed over the immense control of monetary policy and money creation in America to powerful bankers on Wall Street. In the video Lori Wallach describes a statement from Congressman Alan Grayson, “I can tell you it (TPP) will be bad for America, but I can’t tell you why” as “obscene”.


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2 thoughts on “Why Is Trans-Pacific Partnership So Secretive?

    1. Jeff,
      How are you. Go figure the World Bank is involved. Thanks for the tip to the article. Looks like a battle between Federal Reserve, ECB, World Bank, IMF etc. against the BRICS alliance. The Super Bowl of money. Wow.
      Strange, yet hopeful days. One looks at all that is occurring on Earth and is simply astonished.


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