Trump’s Twitter Trashtalk.

By Jerry Alatalo

re exclamation points (!) “presidential”? Do those exclamation points in shallow-minded, adolescent and immature Tweets substitute for serious, lengthy talks or debate necessary to adequately address the important issues facing humanity? The answer to both questions is “no”.

The unprecedented use of Twitter as a primary means for conveyance of messages to humanity by the president of the United States – generally perceived as the American elected because best suited to carry out the duties of the high office while adhering to the gold standards of statesmanship and diplomacy – is arguably, well … frankly pathetic.

Such a form of primitive communication practice, particularly when chosen by the elected leader of perhaps the most powerful nation on Earth, is regressive and debilitating from every conceivable perspective.

While giant global social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and others have taken steps designed to censor and/or silence voices critical of U.S. foreign policies, the “Tweeter-in-Chief” Donald Trump rolls on, unmolested and seemingly unstoppable as a loose cannon, with what those familiar with loud-mouthed rudeness, impoliteness and unsportsmanlike behavior on fields of athletics know as “trashtalk”.

We are unaware whether Donald Trump participated in organized team sports in his life or not, but if in his younger days he was a member of the baseball, football or basketball team(s) he forgot how “trash-talkers” are perceived by all other athletes as bad actors, those “hot dogs” whose actions contradict the reason people become involved in team sports to begin with. Players who talk trash are “buzzkills” who fail to understand, and rob others from achieving, the game’s best aspect – the simple enjoyment of friendly physical competition.


Unfortunately, Donald Trump isn’t the trash-talking basketball player ruining the fun for everyone at the weekly local YMCA pick-up games, but the man holding the most powerful executive political position on Earth. In the former situation talking trash isn’t that big a deal besides the unenlightened, offensive rudeness and spoiling of others’ sporting enjoyment, and involves just a handful of 10 or more guys looking for some fun style of exercise.

However … trashtalk on a world level where millions of people’s lives hang in the balance is a far different, much more important and serious story.

One becomes both puzzled and disappointed that Trump’s circle hasn’t convinced him to suspend his utterly negative “trashtalk diplomacy” via Twitter, while others have expressed their serious opinion that Twitter’s user policy requires some initiatory disciplinary action occur, or even the closing of Donald Trump’s account, over “failure to meet our standards of conduct” or similarly categorized violations.

Mr. Trump unilaterally announced four weeks ago that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel (notable for the missing “West” before Jerusalem), in a move that is near impossible to interpret as other than an intentional provocation to violence. In the weeks subsequent to the announcement, Trump has declined to publish any Twitter postings sympathetic to Palestinians “…fighting for freedom!” or such, but jumped immediately on Twitter when Iranians held protests recently, writing “Time for a change!”

Now U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley is reportedly ready to call for an emergency meeting of the Security Council over the protests in Iran, while choosing to ignore the legitimate protests of Palestinians. Mr. Trump and Ms. Haley’s feigned concern for the people of Iran suggests covert destabilization efforts (not conspiracy theory, but historically proven fact – see Iran 1953, etc.) may have become triggered to deflect attention away from the devastating-to-Trump United Nations General Assembly vote of 128-9 rejecting his Jerusalem decision, with the added envisaged “benefit” of manufacturing  a reason or pretext for scrapping the Iran-P5+1 nuclear agreement.

In the six days since protests began in Iran the number of those who’ve unfortunately perished is reportedly twenty-one. One wonders what Mr. Trump and Ms. Haley’s response would be if China, France, Russia or the United Kingdom (the other four permanent Security Council member states) were to call for an emergency meeting of the Council over the recent controversial events in Las Vegas, Nevada – where allegedly a mass-murdering lone gunman shot and killed more than fifty people and wounded over five hundred more.

The alleged gunman Stephen Paddock committed suicide, questions over the mass shooting about the possibility it was a false flag staged event remain unanswered, while mainstream media has abruptly stopped reporting altogether on the Las Vegas event. … But that’s another story for another day.


U.S. President Donald Trump’s Twitter trashtalk becomes especially dangerous when it comes to nuclear-armed North Korea (DPRK), highlighted by his playground bully, back-and-forth messaging with DPRK leader Kim Jong-un. The juvenile nature of the exchange between the leaders of the two nations has devolved and descended to the point of focusing on who has the bigger nuclear button, or over “bragging rights” to possession of the more destructive nuclear arsenal.

Such a bizarre international relations phenomenon resembling a poorly produced TV reality show would be side-splitting laughable were it not in reality associated with an existential risk for millions living on the Korean peninsula and beyond.

Mr. Trump’s most recent Twitter “tirade” included trashtalk directed toward Pakistan, his threatening the cut-off of aid money, and alienating a country, like North Korea, armed with nuclear weapons. Pakistan government leaders and citizens of the nation have responded with strong criticism of Trump accusations that Pakistan is aiding terrorists.

The more Trump tweets the clearer it becomes his “Twitter strategy” as a marketing tool for “making America great again” is a bust, and makes obvious that continuance of offensive Twitter activity will only further dig a deepening hole of diminishing reputation for the Trump administration and, by extension, America’s 330 million people collectively.

Mr. Trump: You might want to stop digging, close your Twitter account and try returning to old-fashioned statesmanship, honest diplomacy and wise discretion. Surely, we realize Donald Trump will never heed this advice, and will continue offending others across the Earth on Twitter. Nobody can accuse us of not trying.


In Chapter 16 of The Bhagavad Gita Sri Krishna tells Arjuna about “Divine and Demonic Tendencies”:

“A man who is born with tendencies toward the Divine is fearless and pure in heart. He perseveres in that path to union with Brahman which the scriptures and his teacher have taught him. He is charitable. He can control his passions. He studies the scriptures regularly, and obeys their directions. He practices spiritual disciplines. He is straightforward, truthful and of an even temper. He harms no one. He renounces the things of this world. He has a tranquil mind and an unmalicious tongue. He is compassionate toward all. He is not greedy. He is gentle and modest. He abstains from useless activity. He has faith in the strength of his higher nature. He can forgive and endure. He is clean is thought and act. He is free from hatred and pride. Such qualities are his birthright.”

“… In this world there are two kinds of beings: those whose nature tends toward the Divine, and those who have demonic tendencies. I have already described the divine nature to you in some detail. Now you shall learn more about the demonic nature.”

“Men of demonic nature know neither what they ought to do, nor what they should refrain from doing. There is no truth in them, or purity, or right conduct. They maintain that the scriptures are a lie, and that the universe is not based upon a moral law, but godless, conceived in lust and created by copulation, without any other cause. Because they believe this in the darkness of their little minds, these degraded creatures do horrible deeds, attempting to destroy the world. They are enemies of mankind.”

“Their lust can never be appeased. They are arrogant, and vain, and drunk with pride. They run blindly after what is evil. The ends they work for are unclean. They are sure that life has only one purpose: gratification of the senses. And so they are plagued by innumerable cares, from which death alone can release them. Anxiety binds them with a hundred chains, delivering them over to lust and wrath. They are ceaselessly busy, piling up dishonest gains to satisfy their cravings.”

“… They are addicts of sensual pleasure, made restless by their many desires, and caught in the net of delusion. They fall into the filthy hell of their own evil minds. Conceited, haughty, foolishly proud, and intoxicated by their wealth, they offer sacrifice to God in name only, for outward show, without following the sacred rituals. These malignant creatures are full of egoism, vanity, lust, wrath, and consciousness of power. They loathe me, and deny my presence both in themselves and in others. They are enemies of all men and of myself; cruel, despicable and vile. I cast them back, again and again, into the wombs of degraded parents, subjecting them to the wheel of birth and death. And so they are constantly reborn, in degradation and delusion. They do not reach me, but sink down to the lowest possible condition of the soul.”

“Hell has three doors; lust, rage and greed. These lead to man’s ruin. Therefore he must avoid them all. He who passes by these three dark doors has achieved his own salvation. He will reach the highest goal at last.”

“But he who flouts the commandments of the scriptures, and acts on the impulse of his desires, cannot reach perfection, or happiness, or the highest goal.”

“Let the scriptures be your guide, therefore, in deciding what you must do, and what you must abstain from. First learn the path of action, as the scriptures teach it. Then act accordingly.”


Persons interested in reading a full text, modern prose version of “The Bhagavad Gita” can do so free of charge, by clicking the following link:

19 thoughts on “Trump’s Twitter Trashtalk.

  1. Very well written article: bravo! You remind us again that to elect someone with no/zilch/zero political experience to such as office as president of the US was to demonstrate an even lesser intellect than that of DDT… if that were possible. I read from someone today that they thought a dead cockroach possessed a higher intellect than Trump and I believe it.


    1. Sha’Tara,
      There’s no escaping the fact that Donald Trump is a sociopath or possibly even psychopathic liar of the highest order, and arguably the most dangerous human being this world has seen in a long time. There’s great difficulty in finding anything positive by way of description about Trump as president of the United States, except for the fact his narcissistic personality makes it impossible for him to keep his mouth shut, and finds him unwittingly self-destructing with each successive, offensive and embarrassing outburst. Sadly, the American people and all of humanity have to endure what seems clearly an extremely rough and bumpy ride forthcoming under Trump’s presidency. Thank you.


  2. Donald Trump was flirting with running for President in 2012, and watching from CanaDa, I was dumbfounded with the prospect.

    It moved me to post the article, ‘ELECTIONS, POLITICS, POWER, RELIGION, FREEDOM OF CHOICE’ on April 30, 2011. It turned into an April Fool joke if it wasn’t so serious. Here’s the opening paragraphs; It boggles my mind as a Canadian, Donald Trump is the front runner for the Republican Party south of our border. Is there anyone who can trump Trump?

    Watching from CanaDa, the vitriol and base language developing in America that leads to destruction saddens me. My impression is the Republicans are a front for the self-proclaimed, self-righteous, Christian Right wanting to see their Christian Vision take hold in America and are willing to impose it on the population as they work to make it happen behind the scenes, surreptitiously. We can see evidence of the trend with the new Republican Governors unilaterally, by Executive Authority, abrogating long held Democratic rights of workers and voters.

    This is a recipe for an eventual violent insurrection of the various and competing Patriot Groups of Minutemen and other Militias throughout the US standing on guard for the Republic who have been accumulating caches of weapons, training to fight in the Day when Government steps on the Rights of Free Americans. More and more Americans are seeing the Signs that Day is near. Will there be Canadians standing on Guard for CanaDa in that Day so we are not caught up in the violence?………………………………………………………..

    Here is video of Trump from way back then, embedded in the 2011 article. He was displaying then, character traits like the world has to deal with now prompting your well written, organized article.

    The election of Trump is definite proof, like no other before it, the old Truism, ‘the people get the government they deserve.’


    1. Rosaliene,

      Sad but true … And therein lies the problem. On the plus side Trump’s clear hostile, deceptive and irrational actions have served a good purpose, similar to walking outside and getting slapped in the face by a -35 F wind chill. People around the Earth have become fully shaken to their moral cores, awakened and aware to the point of standing up and speaking out against warmongers like Trump and others in the existing group of world war criminals. Explaining the current situation metaphysically or coming to understand why it developed in this manner might be impossible. Perhaps such a comprehensive understanding only comes upon one’s transition from this Earth and until then remains the Great Mystery.

      In Chapter 16 of the Bhagavad Gita Sri Krishna tells Arjuna about “Divine and Demonic Tendencies”:

      “A man who is born with tendencies toward the Divine is fearless and pure in heart. He perseveres in that path to union with Brahman which the scriptures and his teacher have taught him. He is charitable. He can control his passions. He studies the scriptures regularly, and obeys their directions. He practices spiritual disciplines. He is straightforward, truthful and of an even temper. He harms no one. He renounces the things of this world. He has a tranquil mind and an unmalicious tongue. He is compassionate toward all. He is not greedy. He is gentle and modest. He abstains from useless activity. He has faith in the strength of his higher nature. He can forgive and endure. He is clean is thought and act. He is free from hatred and pride. Such qualities are his birthright.”

      “… In this world there are two kinds of beings: those whose nature tends toward the Divine, and those who have demonic tendencies. I have already described the divine nature to you in some detail. Now you shall learn more about the demonic nature.”

      “Men of demonic nature know neither what they ought to do, nor what they should refrain from doing. There is no truth in them, or purity, or right conduct. They maintain that the scriptures are a lie, and that the universe is not based upon a moral law, but godless, conceived in lust and created by copulation, without any other cause. Because they believe this in the darkness of their little minds, these degraded creatures do horrible deeds, attempting to destroy the world. They are enemies of mankind.”

      “Their lust can never be appeased. They are arrogant, and vain, and drunk with pride. They run blindly after what is evil. The ends they work for are unclean. They are sure that life has only one purpose: gratification of the senses. And so they are plagued by innumerable cares, from which death alone can release them. Anxiety binds them with a hundred chains, delivering them over to lust and wrath. They are ceaselessly busy, piling up dishonest gains to satisfy their cravings.”

      “… They are addicts of sensual pleasure, made restless by their many desires, and caught in the net of delusion. They fall into the filthy hell of their own evil minds. Conceited, haughty, foolishly proud, and intoxicated by their wealth, they offer sacrifice to God in name only, for outward show, without following the sacred rituals. These malignant creatures are full of egoism, vanity, lust, wrath, and consciousness of power. They loathe me, and deny my presence both in themselves and in others. They are enemies of all men and of myself; cruel, despicable and vile. I cast them back, again and again, into the wombs of degraded parents, subjecting them to the wheel of birth and death. And so they are constantly reborn, in degradation and delusion. They do not reach me, but sink down to the lowest possible condition of the soul.”

      “Hell has three doors; lust, rage and greed. These lead to man’s ruin. Therefore he must avoid them all. He who passes by these three dark doors has achieved his own salvation. He will reach the highest goal at last.”

      “But he who flouts the commandments of the scriptures, and acts on the impulse of his desires, cannot reach perfection, or happiness, or the highest goal.”

      “Let the scriptures be your guide, therefore, in deciding what you must do, and what you must abstain from. First learn the path of action, as the scriptures teach it. Then act accordingly.”

      Full text of The Bhagavad Gita, free of charge, in modern prose:

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I was fascinated by the quotes you sent in reply to Rosaliene. If one is able to overlook the terminology of “reading scriptures” and “men” – a lot of truth there. It is my awareness now that “the scriptures” mentioned therein are written in the heart; that anyone can look there and find them. For those who believe in judgement, none can ever say, “I didn’t know.”


        1. Sha’Tara,

          “It is my awareness now that “the scriptures” mentioned therein are written in the heart; that anyone can look there and find them.”

          It seems there is a “which came first, the chicken or the egg?” aspect to the scriptures mentioned by Sri Krishna in the Gita. Before those scriptures could become written the writers had to have the prerequisite personal experience to draw (or write) upon, so that confirms your assertion. Words written in the Gospel of Thomas describe how the worst form of hell or hellish felt consequences are experienced by those who “know” but act in ways directly contradictory to their knowledge.

          The wisdom or perhaps sacred nature of those writings seem to be confirmed by the common “life review” described by those who’ve had near death experiences, where the individual lives again every moment of their recently vacated lifetime and experiences it through the perspective of every person they had ever come into contact with. The person having the life review feels the joy, love, happiness, etc. they helped create in others, and the hellish feelings associated with any harmful actions (mental, physical, spiritual …) directed toward others.

          Even more astonishing is the life reviewer not only feels the joy facilitated or pain inflicted on others through the course of their just concluded (yet resumed upon return) lifetime – but, in addition, the consequences of that 1st person reacting toward others, those others reacting and treating others in a certain consequential manner, etc., all the way down the line until good or bad consequences of the NDERs original action lessen and lessen in intensity and end.


          1. Since you brought up the subject of NDE’s and I’m a “returnee” myself, I would put it simply thus: that an NDE frees up the hitherto blocked access to our sense of empathy. If one upon “returning” chooses to continue to work with what was given in that ‘mind blowing’ experience, then one would become compassionate, that being the only way to withstand the devastating effects of becoming an empath on such a violent and dysfunctional world as this one. Empathetic feelings can then be channelled into joy and sorrow, making sense of what would otherwise be an unbearable gradually debilitating mental condition. Joy and sorrow are the selfless transitioning in experiencing the happiness and suffering of others. That is of course strictly my own personal experience from the “near death” event.


            1. Sha’Tara,

              Your mention of the NDE you had being a mind-blowing experience reminded of a customer years ago at a store where we worked. The young fellow had been severely injured in an auto accident and came to purchase two pair of boots because after the injuries his feet were different sizes. Half-jokingly we asked him if he had an NDE and he said yes, that it was “a thousand times better than sex”. A few minutes later he corrected himself by saying “make that a billion times better than sex”. Would that young man’s account of his event align or draw parallels with yours, Sha’Tara, and was a “life review”, or as Dannion Brinkley calls it – “panoramic life review”, part of your experience? Thank you.


              1. Sorry Jerry, no short way to reply to such a question.

                Every “rule” has exceptions, I suppose. I read about NDE’s afterwards and found that mine was somewhat different. Yes, it was definitely mind blowing and life changing but I wouldn’t compare it to sex but then I’m not a highly sexed person so that could be it. My experience was of being in a certain place, among professional medical people intent on fixing me up, which they did, wonderfully so. The “life review” aspect came later, bit by bit, as I gained the confidence to walk in my “new shoes” so to speak, and looked at my life so I would have some reference points in it. What to change, what to improve. No “tunnel of light” and thankfully, no meeting with dead relatives (!) I was “sent back” against my own wishes, with the understanding that “you have much to do yet” and it would be several years before those who made the real difference in my life, those I call “the Teachers” came to be part of my life for the next 20 years.

                What happened and began on April 19th, 1979 at 4:30 in the afternoon became a life long redemption and change process. One could say that the person who entered the experience did not return, that the person who came back was someone else. Same body, different mind. I even had to change my name. My then partner, upon filing for divorce said to me, “I don’t know who you are but you are not the person I married.” Well, I had to agree. I’ll tell you this: if we want to change for the better, we can all do it. No amount of esoteric or exotic experiences can do it. I was given a boost probably because my entire life to that point had been a desperate quest for understanding and meaning and nothing of what I had read, studied and done had answered my questions. I needed more, I went for more, I got more.

                Why me? No idea. Incidentally my NDE was from attempted suicide. I was at the end of the line, for the second and what would have been the last time. Give me purpose or give me death. I found purpose. A good person would have accomplished on her own (his own) what I only managed with so much outlay of energy and effort on the part of complete strangers who gave so much of themselves to a “me” that was totally undeserving. It is, however, a sort of ‘pay it forward’ kind of process: some day, in another life, I will be doing for others what they did for me. It’s how it’s meant to work, a sort of on-going spiritual and mental evolution of humanity.

                The best thing in all of this? The discovery and certainty that we are neither alone, nor finite.


                1. Sha’Tara,

                  Near Death Experience Research Foundation (link below) is one of the world’s premier sites on the phenomena, where people can read hundreds of personal accounts from persons of all ages, nationalities and backgrounds.

                  “The best thing in all of this? The discovery and certainty that we are neither alone, nor finite.”

                  Your appraisal matches the near unanimous views of NDErs in terms of encouragement and reassurance for 1) those fearful of “death” (fake news!, as Trump would say 🙂 – sorry… ), along with 2) those who’ve been fearful of speaking about their NDE as they feel others will label them wacko. Many NDErs refused to say a word about it for fear of being labeled wacko, and found great relief upon learning about and associating with other NDErs. Medicine men and women, or shamans, use intentionally self-induced OBEs, or astral travel, to retrieve relevant physical and/or spiritual information about patients to help diagnose, treat and heal. Out-of-body experiences (OBE – what Ray seems to describe in the couch scenario) and NDEs are likely much more common, just a guess in the 80-90% range, than people might perceive.


                  Liked by 1 person

            2. Sha’Tara, this is the 1st Time I’ve come across you on line and checked out your Blog. I admire your agile mind and Freedom of Expression.

              On the matter of NDE, maybe I had 2 of them? One Saturday night a friend and I decided to check out the action in St. Sauveur, the skiing/party Town in the Laurentians north of Montreal

              We were in high spirits driving up the divided Laurentian Autoroute, listening to Hendrix in the State of the Art 8 Track tape.

              I was driving in the passing lane, overtaking the car on the inside lane. I was about 20 feet away, when out of nowhere, driving across the grass median, a car smashed into the car just in front om us and both when flying in the air. It was horrific seeing the mangled, bloodied groaning bodies, all you people. We were the 1st ones on the scene. We did not want to hang around to be questioned by Police, so we moved through the gathering crowd telling as many as possible, what is spelled out above.

              The Bible says, I returned and saw under the sun, that the race does not belong to the swift, nor the war to the mighty; neither do the wise have bread, nor do the understanding have riches, nor the knowledgeable, favour; for time and fate will overtake them all.

              It was a matter of less than a minute and my car might have been hit. Is that a NDE?

              Another Time, years later, I was exhausted and passed out on a sofa. I saw my consciousness leave my body as a luminous transparent form, above and separate from my body asleep on the sofa. I was afraid to leave and explore in case I got lost and people finding me would think I was dead and have the body removed. I touched my body and was immediately back in it. Was that a NDE?


              1. Ray,

                The 1st scenario we might suggest (non-scientifically!) as a “close call”, but then again who knows where divine intervention (guardian angels, etc.) occurs. The 2nd, sofa scenario seems an OBE or out-of-body experience, similar to an NDE with less intensity yet near-equally remarkable and memorable. We had what might be a hybrid OBE/NDE years ago when deep into the writings of Carlos Castaneda, which was one among a number of out-of-body, and around the neighborhood/town experiences while reading the author’s books. Nothing like some NDErs where they describe traveling the galaxy, however. Thanks.


              2. Hi Ray, from my “extensive” experience of many years with visions, lucid dreams, OBE’s (common for me) and NDE’s (one) I immediately thought: OBE in both cases. NDE for me describes a situation in which I am “clinically” dead, or in the process of rendering myself dead intent upon terminating my physical life and past the point of no return. But that’s just my interpretation. Your car incident parallels one of mine, driving on a very narrow road, passing another vehicle when a farm vehicle came out of a side road right into my path. Next thing I know, I’m in front of the vehicle I was passing, driving normally. The farm vehicle is heading away as seen in my rear view mirror. It was as if my vehicle passed unscathed right through the tractor and trailer that I was certainly going to smash into. I’ve had many too-close-calls with death coming out unscathed that I came to think of myself as invulnerable, but not in a daring or foolish sort of way. Except for attempted suicide I’ve never tempted “fate” that way. I’ve known many who did and died. I think there is a relationship between the OBE/NDE recipient and whomever is on the other end. At the end of life many people experience their final NDE just before they pass away. They seem to relax, they smile, they enter a state of peace and they’re gone. I think many of them are surprised by the smoothness of the transition and the “vision” that awaits them, or calls them. If only we were not so attached to our bodies we could avoid many of the foolish things we think and do. Happy travels, Ray!


  3. Jerry, I’m pretty sure Trump suffers from Asperger’s Disorder, a mild form of autism in which people have severe social skills deficits. His tweets and his unstructured interviews are remarkably consistent in the “primitive” concrete black and white thinking you describe, which is also classic for Asperger’s Disorder. He’s unable to entertain any concept of ambiguity or empathy (particularly when it comes to the impact his actions have on others). Unlike a personality disorder, this relates to the way the brain is organized rather than life experience. This means it can’t be unlearned. In other words, I don’t really think Trump has any choice – this is the only way he knows to operate.

    In my experience, it’s also fairly common for people with Asperger’s to be quite naive and gullible in dealing with “neurotypical” people – they are incapable of recognizing other people’s hidden agendas because it never occurs to them people would operate that way.

    I suspect Trump’s severe social deficits make him extremely dependent on his advisors, so dependent in fact that they are leading him by the nose.


    1. Hello Stuart,

      The diagnosis on your part of Trump’s having Asperger’s adds a new twist or level of complexity to figuring the man out. The sharp contrast between what Trump says extemporaneously and when he reads from carefully prepared speech scripts is indeed remarkable, supporting your diagnosis – re: “… classic for Asperger’s Disorder”.

      A recent article by Eric Zeusse included the transcript of Trump on “60 Minutes” where Trump admitted before God and everyone his plan for Syria, where he said (paraphrasing) “our strategy is allowing ISIS to wreak havoc against Syrian forces and Assad, then go in afterward to clean up the mess.” The article is posted at Strategic Culture, and further verifies Asperger’s; Trump would never be so astonishingly candid and transparent when reading his script, because, as you note, his advisors would never allow or approve any pre-written Trump speeches to contain such truth-revealing language.

      Ray’s shared video provides another example of Trump’s indiscreetly blurting out, while displaying the black-and-white thinking, what’s on his mind by saying we should just “take the oil”. Thank you for the fascinating, explanatory insights and adding a more revealing perspective to the discussion. Now we need your diagnoses on the advisors! 🙂


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