72 Minutes That Changed The World.

By Jerry Alatalo

“The chief duty of the historian is to judge the actions of men, so that the good may meet with the reward due to virtue, and pernicious citizens may be deterred by the condemnation that awaits evil deeds at the tribunal of posterity.”

– CORNELIUS TACITUS (55-117 A.D.) Roman historian

aaa-38Alphabet It felt like synchronicity after posting University of California – Santa Cruz Professor Danny Sheehan’s surprising and revealing lecture on the history of what many call the “deep state” in America that Gary Null had just interviewed him on his radio program, part of the popular Progressive Radio Network.

The interview took place as part of “Conversations with Remarkable Minds” series on Dr. Null’s show, and titled, “The Masters of Wealth and Their History of Domination Over America”. Some of the discussion overlaps with the previous post featuring Mr. Sheehan’s university lecture, beneficial for review and retention of important facts, but includes details providing more context and a broader understanding of suppressed, secret American history.

Any reasonable man or woman will find the information conveyed in the interview similar to Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning in that it’s “blowing the whistle” on illegality and corruption, and that Danny Sheehan is a different form of whistleblower – the qualitative difference being Mr. Sheehan’s revelations focus on the highest, broadest, systemic level and are all-encompassing. In a real sense, the history-corrective information presented sharply contrasts Mr. Sheehan in the morality, incorruptibility, and integrity arena to elected politicians and appointed officials. Too many Americans hold the mistaken belief that those who rise to positions of great power in private business and government are for the most part moral and honest, when in reality most are corrupt and too few have the best noble intentions.

Without their mentioning it, one could imagine the agreed intent of Gary Null and Danny Sheehan in publishing this explosive interview is strongly influencing the presidential election. Of note is the personal experience of Mr. Sheehan as a student in a government class at Harvard University – taught by none other than Henry Kissinger, in the minds of many one of the world’s foremost non-prosecuted war criminals.

Mr. Sheehan tells Mr. Null about the first day of that Kissinger-taught Harvard class in the 1960’s, where Kissinger told the all-male group of students: “Look, if you think that our government doesn’t have the right to lie, steal, cheat and to kill in order to forward the best interests of the country itself, in the world, then you shouldn’t be in this course”. This revelation has particular relevance to the 2016 presidential race because both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have sought the advice of Kissinger.

Another statement of Kissinger during the class shared by Mr. Sheehan involved the United Nations (UN), describing to students the “Uniting for Peace Resolution” provision of the UN Charter whereby “…any UN General Assembly nation, if they could get two-thirds of the other members to vote for them, they can take up an issue under this Uniting for Peace Resolution, they can override any veto on the part of the five major nations that are in charge of the Security Council. Kissinger said, ‘If the people of the world ever found out about this, we’re in trouble’ ”

Sheehan recalls after Kissinger’s “we’re in trouble” UN statement thinking to himself, “Who’s we?” He goes on to describe later personal events including starting a legal team while at Harvard that established the precedent of journalists’ right to protect confidential sources, working at Wall Street’s legal firm where he read all 47 volumes of the Pentagon Papers, and researching America’s power structure and discovering heroin smuggling, covert wars, and the network of wealthy private individuals essentially carrying out U.S. foreign policy, prominent among them attorney and first Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Allen Dulles.

These revelations illustrate how important is getting to the truth about Hillary Clinton’s relationship (or Donald Trump’s, if such is the case) with giant Wall Street firms, in particular the still secret status of her speech transcripts – the now well-known $225,000 per talk contracted events. The continuing stance of Ms. Clinton, her refusal to show the American people those transcripts, becomes much more troubling after learning the history of Allen Dulles, Brown Brothers Harriman, Sullivan and Cromwell, and their members’ connection to Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler, the Third Reich, near world war with the Soviet Union, major illegal drug operations, and the murder of President John F. Kennedy in 1963 .

Among the many shocking pieces of information Mr. Sheehan conveyed during this interview is one experience from 1986, the year when he and his associates brought legal action against Reagan administration government officials alleged to have planned and carried out what has become known as the “Iran-Contra Scandal”. Sheehan described meeting a man named Joseph B. Smith, who shared with Sheehan his experience while in the Central Intelligence Agency in 1973.

In 1973, a CIA whistleblower named Phil Agee was ready to publish his expose of the agency – “Inside the Company”. Top CIA official Theodore Shackley, because the book could jeopardize the cover and safety of any Station Chief named in it, decided on replacing all Station Chiefs in Mexico and Latin America. Joseph B. Smith was one of the possible replacements, but he first had to undergo “vetting”.

He came to fly down to Buenos Aires, Argentina, then to a rural town in the northern part of the country, for a meeting to decide if he was the right man for the post. He described to Sheehan thinking he “was in Bavaria” after seeing the architecture of the town, walking into a Bavarian-style inn, seeing men sitting at a large oak table in front of a large fireplace, and above the fireplace a large Nazi flag.

Smith became informed about a CIA covert cocaine smuggling operation where profits became used to finance illegal military actions, and that the men needed to know if he could be counted on to keep the operation secret. At the 1986 meeting with Danny Sheehan, John B. Smith told him: “I just wanted you to make sure that if you were going to start a case like this (Iran-Contra), you know who you are really dealing with”.


As the radio interview starts to wind down (apparently another interview in the near future is coming), Mr. Sheehan asserts a secret CIA-Mafia assassination team, with the knowledge and consent of America’s most powerful private and government officials, murdered President John F. Kennedy. The coverup included the man who assumed the presidency – Lyndon B. Johnson.

On the events of September 11, 2001, now commonly known as 9/11 – and all over international media in reports about the “28 Pages”, Sheehan sees a “classic (Theodore) Shackley operation”, and that the so-called “19 hijackers” like Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963 were victims of manipulation by promises of completely different operations and results, and in the end became nothing more than “Patsies”.

In a time when the world’s most serious situations, developments and facts suffer suppression, classified-status, and other immoral means of keeping them from the public’s knowledge, may it be stated the information presented in this interview rises to the high level where Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have no option but addressing the startlingly important details.

Certain issues are of such minor significance that a President of the United States, or a candidate for that highest of offices, is better off delegating them to those serving under him or her and focusing solely on solutions for the most pressing problems. However, when considering the deeply disturbing issues revealed in the discussion between Gary Null and Professor Danny Sheehan, remaining candidates Clinton, Sanders and Trump cannot through any means whatsoever escape the personal responsibility of addressing them directly and forthrightly.

Throughout history there have occurred moments of great truth revealed. Now is such a moment.

(Thank you to Gary Null at Progressive Radio Network)


12 thoughts on “72 Minutes That Changed The World.

  1. Fred Skolnik

    Dear Jerry

    I noticed your comment on the Falk website: “Kissinger is a full-on fascist Nazi, and it wouldn’t surprise if it became known a Nazi flag hangs in a prominent spot wherever he lives.” Let’s hear you call Saddam, Gaddafi, Assad, Numeiri, Jonas Savimbi, Jean Kambanda and all the other murderers “full-on fascist Nazis.” As I said, you’re a bit of a fake, Jerry. Not a word, right? Don’t really give a crap, do you?


    1. Fred,
      First, the topic was Kissinger, not the persons you listed. Any powerful and/or wealthy individual guilty of mass murder or war crimes should face punishment after standing trial at the International Criminal Court, and that’s the reason United Nations reform making it mandatory for every member state sign the Rome Statute thus coming under ICC jurisdiction or face expulsion from the UN is urgent – to end impunity for high level criminals, whether it’s Kissinger, Savimbi, Kagame, Erdogan, Netanyahu, Bush, Blair or any war criminal, without exception.


      1. Fred Skolnik

        Sorry, Jerry, the topic has very often been genocide and not once have you had a word to say about it unless you could somehow involve America and/or Israel. That’s why I think you are a fake.


        1. Sorry, Fred – hasbara prohibited here. Until your contributions to discussions here exhibit your intention to earnestly find solutions and cooperative efforts, as opposed to personal attacks certainly hasbara in essence, your final comment shall serve as an educational tool for those who pass this way, unfortunately not for any beneficial reasons but to show the workings of a real-life worker of darkness. Yet know, brother, when prayers are directed to our common Creator, pleas for your happiness along with all people are included – for real. Wishing you peace and love.


    1. Mr. Sheehan has an encyclopedic historical memory, unfortunately the true history that’s NOT found in high school texts. The parallels between Nazi collaboration with Wall Street/CIA during World War II using military means and today’s European Union of appointed bureaucrats working for elites in a dictatorship using financial instead of military means is worth noting, and suggesting Brexit is the right choice for Brits (and for humanity). Parallels are seen in South America as well, notably right-wing actions in Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, etc. Thanks.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Andreas,
      How are you. This was the first of a four-part interview by Gary Null of Danny Sheehan at Progressive Radio Network. Part four includes Sheehan’s mention that Bill Clinton while Governor of Arkansas became aware of CIA drug operations at an airport in Mena, Arkansas, yet Clinton failed to speak out or take legal action. In that 4th segment John Kerry is also mentioned for failing to speak out/inaction. Only time will tell if the damning revelations become a major problem for Hillary Clinton in her run for the presidency. Thanks for your noble efforts in sharing important historical truths. Peace.


  2. planetweaver

    Re Danny Sheehan, cause lawyer, ‘The People’s Advocate: The Life and Legal History of America’s Most Fearless Public Interest Lawyer”: I have never in my life crossed paths with a character like unto Danny Sheehan. Buy his book and walk a few mega-miles in his moccasins. My husband and I read the book out loud to each other. You will laugh out loud and you will be moved to tears. Perhaps because he never stops loving through some of the most intense fear and loathing scenarios of human quagmire and terror-trauma (and because the Irish in him can always tell a good story and find the humor), you find yourself able to really ‘hear’ what he is saying in terms of distortion and deceit in the highest offices in the Lands of our Fathers and Mothers. His stories thank goodness are woven through too, with outstanding largesse legacy of folk who met him out there with truth and humanity and grace. http://www.bookshopsantacruz.com/book/9781619021723


    1. Planetweaver,
      Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts and providing reasons for readers to learn more about and appreciate the work of Danny Sheehan. He is truly an impressive treasure of a human being. The stunning yet disturbing facts of history he lectures on to students as professor of world affairs at University of California – Santa Cruz, all available on YouTube at the “Romero Institute” channel, certainly makes those lectures reach the definition of “required viewing” for Americans and all people seeking the truth. They cannot be more highly recommended. Peace.

      Liked by 1 person

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