Love Will Heal The Middle East.

Posted January 10, 2014

by Jerry Alatalo

P1000889-1“My idea of politics is an open conspiracy to hurry these tiresome, wasteful, evil things – nationality and war – out of existence; to end this empire and that empire, and set up one empire of man.”

– H. G. Wells (1866-1946)

When Jesus Christ walked the Earth in the region today widely known as the Middle East he left some messages of wisdom for humanity. One of those messages was “love one another as I have loved you”. In the over two thousand years since his birth, the message to love one another has not been fully acknowledged, as any person who pays attention to the news is well aware.

What is very puzzling is how absent is Christ’s message in the words of political leaders in the region and around the Earth. It seems so obvious that, if the men, women, and children of the nations in the Middle East began hearing their leaders speak of love’s potential to heal the region, the overall situation there would improve. After what seems like an eternity of warring, killing, and destruction – not only in the Middle East, but around the Earth – can it be said that the politicians’ ideas and words have not met the measure of success?

Some have said that the source of the frustration leading to violence and fighting through the decades has been economic inequality, poverty, and desperation of those who have been unfortunately left out of the economic equation, in living conditions which lead to joining groups in similar straits. These are the groups which, because of their desperate state, resort to measures including violence to bring about change in their status.

Related reasons are suggested by others, including anger of populations at the actions of nations from outside their country and region, such as wars of aggression to gain access and control of valuable natural resources – stating the wars are about “bringing democracy” or “weapons of mass destruction” or in retaliation for unprovoked attacks which never occurred – a so-called “false flag”. In the spirit of George Orwell’s “war is peace” nations conduct wars because, “we are going to kill you to save you”.

In the joint spirit of Orwell and Christ’s “love one another as I have loved you” nations tell the nation they are bombing, and the people they are killing, that “we love you, so we are going to kill you”. It is baffling that in many instances those who are on either “side” of wars feel that God is on their side. Now, there are atheists, agnostics, and those who believe in a supreme being. There is a very good chance that 99.9% of humanity do not go along with the idea that God is on the side of any person, group, institution, or nation that kills other human beings.

May as well say it frankly: whether you believe in God or not, it is impossible for he or she to condone taking/ending of the lives of men, women, and children that he or she created. Perhaps the time has come for political leaders around the world to halt speaking to the media – on issues of war and peace – and turn that over to their respective nation’s spiritual/religious leaders.

Situations which contain the elements of turning violent to a small or great level hold the risk that innocent people will become maimed or killed, or will become refugees after fleeing from the violence and killing. These are situations which need the voices of wisdom – voices speaking of the sacredness of all life. So, this is a suggestion to all world leaders to turn over any questions from the media having to do with war and peace to their nation’s wisest spiritual/religious men and women for responses.

In other words, because life – all life – is sacred, when people’s lives are at risk anywhere on Earth, those who have the most knowledge and experience on the sacredness of life have to become the voices most loudly and widely heard. For those who work in the media/communications please seek out the voices of those who are working for peaceful resolution of differences through dialogue and reason. The people of the world have seen and experienced far too much unnecessary suffering – from following those who call for war – instead of listening to, and seeking out, those who call for peace.

Plainly and simply, the time is always ripe for thoughts, words, and actions which lessen human suffering. If one can imagine the political leader of every nation standing next to his/her nation’s spiritual leader, then consider which person would bring to the forefront ideas that have the best chance of bringing about peaceful resolution of differences, perhaps the point of suggestions in this writing will become clear.

“There is no such thing as the state and no one exists alone; hunger allows no choice to the citizen or the police; we must love one another or die.”

– W. H. Auden (1907-1973)

So, what messages has humanity been hearing through history? Has the time arrived for messages of brotherly love, peaceful relations, equality and sharing of the Earth’s resources, and creating a better world for all people and living things? This blog has included reports with interviews of Mother Agnes Mariam about the terrible warring in Syria. She has been interviewed to share her peace message in the alternative media, but has not been interviewed on the so-called mainstream media. Other powerful voices for peace have been ignored by the mainstream media. Why?

Why has the mainstream media neglected to interview men and women spiritual leaders who are very concerned about the human catastrophes/wars occurring around the Earth? Is it because their ratings would suffer and the media corporations would see a profit loss on their bottom lines? Who decides on who to interview when the reports are about war and peace… and why? Do media corporation owners want to make an effort through their communications to the public for war… or peace?

Do corporate media owners want to see more wars? Imagine if you owned a major media corporation and were entirely able to shape either a message of war or peace. Would you make certain that the men and women who have the greatest knowledge and study of peace, spirituality, truth-telling, ethics, and morality be given the prime time interviews?

And to the world’s political leaders: what do you think of the idea of your bringing your nation’s wisest peace workers up to the press podium to answer questions of war and peace? Please meet with your nation’s spiritual/religious leaders and discuss this suggestion – of taking action to greatly increase the volume of the voices of the world’s peacemakers. Certainly you understand that such an action would be helpful, and lead to a much higher chance for peaceful outcomes.

Let love heal in Syria, Iraq, the Middle East, and in every nation and region on Earth.


(Thanks to The Real News @ YouTube)

8 thoughts on “Love Will Heal The Middle East.

  1. We can hope that some day, the people of earth will know peace. It’s very hard to say when or to even imagine how that will happen.

    I always appreciate reading how committed you are to keeping the message of peace present with your writings Jerry.

    Best wishes for the New Year!


    1. Debra,
      Using a simple analogy when family members get into arguments etc. it is love that heals the rift. There is no difference between members of the family of man and members of a family but scale. The war and peace debate/discussion needs to rise to a higher level.


  2. Great message, Jerry. When applying morality to political and business issues (which I do wholeheartedly agree with), we must be careful to avoid potential missteps which can trigger even worse problems.

    Teaching Christians about Jesus works well. Teaching other faiths and non-faiths about Jesus doesn’t work very well, and can lead to heated arguments. In mixed religious/spiritual company, the message is more important than the messenger. For example:

    John, a Christian, tells Sam, an atheist, that people need to love one another. Sam agrees, and it would be difficult imagining anyone who might disagree with John’s message.

    But, if John told Sam that people need to love one another because Jesus said so, Sam might react differently. He might respond by denying the existence of God or the divinity of Jesus. That would likely turn the interaction from a positive discussion into a negative one.

    Giving people moral lessons which they can assimilate into their own belief systems is the most constructive way to advance the sentiments you so eloquently presented in this essay.

    What do you think?


    1. Robert,
      Yes, maybe Jimmy Swaggert or Robert Tilton wouldn’t be the ideal choices standing aside Barack. Being non-denominational, it is understandable your view on “my way is correct”. Any person who calls him/herself spiritual and is judgmental or sees others as on the “wrong” path could be delusional. All sincere paths lead to enlightenment, nirvana, heaven, etc. It’s kind of funny odd to think that a spiritual discussion could get “ugly”. It reminds you of Strothers Martin in “Cool Hand Luke” – “what we ha-ve herea’, is a failyuh to cm’une-cate”. It is impossible for people on genuine spiritual paths to argue about it. Voltaire had a good way of looking at it: the things that all traditions disagree on is not the truth, the things they all agree on is truth.


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