USA Coups: Iran 1953, Guatemala 1954, Chile 1973.

English: Internal CIA memo, released under the...
English: Internal CIA memo, released under the Freedom of Information Act, describing the CIA’s role in the overthrow of Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz. (1 of 5) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Posted September 14, 2013

by Jerry Alatalo

“That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important lesson of all the lessons of history.”

– Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)

Democracy is defined by most people as a form of government where the vote of the people determines the leaders and directions of their respective cities, counties, states and countries.

The people of the country of Iran democratically elected Mohammed Mossadegh in 1953 as their leader. Due to the fact that Iran had large deposits of oil inside their national boundaries, and that the government unanimously decided to nationalize that oil, their only natural resource, the United States and Britain engineered a coup to overthrow Mossadegh and replace him with the Shah of Iran. The Shah de-nationalized Iran’s oil and he reigned over the country until the revolution of 1979 forced him to flee to America.

The people of the country of Guatemala democratically elected Jacobo Arbenz to be their leader in 1954. Due to the fact that Guatemala had excellent farmland for growing fruit inside their national boundaries, and that the government decided to begin land reform, where land holders of over 100,000 acres would turn over any land over that amount to the government for peasants to work and live on, the United States engineered a coup to overthrow Arbenz and install a leader more aligned with the interests of the United Fruit Company.

The people of the country of Chile democratically elected Salvador Allende as their leader in 1973. Due to the fact that Chile had a large quantity of copper inside their national boundaries, and decided to gain a greater percentage of the profits from extraction and sale of that copper, the United States engineered a coup to overthrow Allende and install Augusto Pinochet.

Of note is that Henry Kissinger was one of those who masterminded the 1973 coup, and he was recently sitting at the table with Barack Obama and members of his cabinet, evidently there for his “wisdom”.

This is the year 2013. Has not humanity seen enough?


13 thoughts on “USA Coups: Iran 1953, Guatemala 1954, Chile 1973.

  1. Not only did the U.S. engineer a coup in Guatemala, the U.S. also exposed the Guatemalans to deadly STDs. The extreme depravity displayed by U.S. officials is horrifying! ….and we consider ourselves to be ‘exceptional’? For the love of……!!!!!!! This mess called the U.S. government is just sick, disgustingly sick! We go all over the world destroying people in every way possible and we don’t stop, we keep at it and carry on as though what we do should be the norm. I am just too through!!!


    1. Shelby,
      It looks as if you are not alone in feeling that it is time for a big change. History is an interesting subject, where one sees the consistent actions from 1492 to present. Just came across a doc “Loss Of Liberty” about an American intelligence ship-the USS Liberty- which was attacked by Israeli jets in 1967 during the six day war with Egypt. It seems that the Lyndon Johnson administration and Israel agreed on sinking the USS Liberty, killing all navy personnel-everyone on the ship, and blame it on Egypt. Evidently there was a jet on the way to Cairo to drop a nuclear bomb, but because there were survivors on the Liberty, the jet was called back. Had never heard about the USS Liberty till reading comments on a YouTube video where Phil Tourney, one of the survivors was mentioned. LBJ, McNamara and Israel were willing to dust American soldiers, in a false flag blaming Egypt, to nuke Cairo. Unbelievable.
      Another doc on the USS Liberty, which I haven’t viewed yet is “Dead In The Water.”


      1. Jerry, unfortunately, I am not shocked and because you have read some of my material, you know that I have said many, many times that “we are ALL expendable!” Our government is capable of carrying out mass murder of its own citizens. We are still uncovering atrocities that occurred many decades ago. We may never know the extent to which our government has gone to futher the agenda of the ‘global depraved’ who pull the strings. Our government has been a willing pawn because those in our government crave power and wealth and position. I’ve never cared about material possessions. I’ve never cared about power and fame and position, I care about the hopeless, the suffering, the homeless and the sick. I will not stop fighting back and I see that neither will you!!!


        1. Shelby,
          Reminds me of seeing Noam Chomsky get asked his motivation to keep writing books, lecturing, etc. and he replied “a person has to look in the mirror.” As a matter of fact he was interviewed by Phil Tourney, if you go to YouTube type “Phil Tourney Noam Chomsky” it should come right up. Interesting to compare the USS Liberty incident and the September 11, 2001 destruction of the Twin Towers. Maybe a similar collaboration between US and Israel-false flag. Lots of suffering folks in Syria and Middle East now.


  2. This might sound strange, but what bothers me most is the disingenuous facade of virtue the U.S. puts on while it commits these atrocities in secret. A Black person told me once they’d rather see the honest in-your-face racism than the sneaky behind-your-back kind. The American corporatist establishment has such little regard for its own citizens that it blatantly lies to them as a matter of course. That makes me very angry.


    1. Robert,
      There are many people who understand your sense of anger and frustration. It is a challenge for those who have these feelings to identify the best way to deal with them; what actions to take which will result in the greatest good for the all. How to move forward in one’s personal life to contribute to a more peaceful world of family and friends, while also focusing on the family of man. Perhaps finding quiet time, meditation/introspection, and the inner connection to spirit is a means to come to know one’s best response to personal and world situations. Some say that anger is a useless emotion which only tears us up inside, while causing unnecessary pain and separation between people. I see a big difference between anger and righteous indignation. Righteous indignation is about eliminating pain and separation. Could have found a good post topic.
      Thank you,


      1. Thanks, Jerry. It’s true anger is destructive. But, it’s also motivational. I channel mine into exposing these dastardly deeds falsely committed in the name of the American people. Shine a light and the citizenry will see.


        1. Robert,
          I suppose the motivation, ideally, is one’s concern for their fellow men and women. Hopefully the events which are malevolent, the actions which humans take that result in unnecessary harming of others will be exposed to the point where they are non-existent. Challenging for sure in these amazing times.


    1. Henry,
      The year 1975 Angola events brings up memory of listening to a university lecture by John Stockwell in the mid-80’s. At the time he was the highest ranking CIA official to “blow the whistle” / he was CIA station chief in Angola. I was naïve about geopolitical issues to that point, but fortunately not for long, after reading all of the books he listed/compiled for the attendees. I have thought many times, after reading those books, that maybe it would have been more “fortunate” to never have read them, as they conveyed reality and were very disturbing.
      Thank you,


      1. Jerry,
        Imho bud, painful truth is better than blissful ignorance. We all seem to go through that uncomfortable period of truthful realization where we gain an awareness that Maverick and Goose were really the villains in the geopolitical theater. I remember how reluctant I was to accept the truth regarding the US in Latin America after spending much of my life enamored with the myth of Yankee benevolence and morality. The propaganda disseminated in the 3rd world usually came in the form of “John Rambo” and “Braddock.” Alas, the veil of deception can only be maintained for so long, eventually the veil is lifted and the beautiful radiance of truth shines through.


        1. Henry,
          At this point it is surprising there are not more whistleblowers. For example, the Syria chemical attacks. Nobody who has intimate knowledge, no person who was there, has come forward to blow the whistle. Then one wonders how telling the truth gets one labeled as a “whistleblower” with threats of imprisonment. Seems like the retired men and women speak out since they have no fear of getting fired. Makes you wonder about the whole of life, where people slowly become aware of grim realities, and wonder why the revelations came, what it all means. The Arjuna moment.


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